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  • The Great Migration & Xbox UWP


    As we have previously mentioned in July, today marks the beginning of the process of removing our lower population ARK servers on PC, Xbox, and PS4. Here is a quick breakdown on how this process will work.

    Taking Down Low Pop Servers
    These lower population servers make up about 33% of the existing online servers, with calculations based on sustained player-count as well as popularity of game mode. These servers will be taken offline and be re-purposed for new, fresh servers that will be put up on launch day. Any existing server that is not considered a low pop server and is not taken down will become a Legacy server. 

    Legacy servers will remain on a separate cluster from the new cluster, which means you will not be able to transfer anything between Legacy servers and the new servers.

    Servers Up for Deletion
    Below is a complete list of the servers that will be deleted come August 29th. You have from now until 12:00am EST on the 29th to move your belongings onto a server not present on this list. Please click one of the links below. They are separated by platform (PC, Xbox, and PS4).

    How To Move Servers
    If you are unfamiliar with the process, you are able to upload your items, creatures, and player through the Obelisk terminal, supply drops, as well as the Tek Transmitter. Survivors are advised to use Cross-ARK immediately to relocate their belongings onto a server that is not included in our take-down list above.

    Server-wide Blackout
    Our Official Server Network will be taken down at 12:00AM ET on August 29th and will remain down for approximately 8 hours, with our official servers coming back online at 8am ET. During this time we will be going through the process of removing all servers outlined in this post and re-purposing them into a new cluster, completely separate from all Legacy servers. The Legacy servers and all the new servers will come back online after that time.

    Important Customer Support Legacy Information
    When the current servers become Legacy servers on the 29th, we will no longer offer Customer Support to these Legacy servers. All outstanding tickets to our Customer Support team will be wiped clean on launch day, and no future tickets submitted by those playing on Legacy servers will be accepted. Going forward our Customer Support team will be focused on assisting those present on the new cluster, which will not be plagued by many of the issues that occurred during the Early Access process. Unfortunately it is beyond the scope of our operation to continue to offer support on Legacy servers at this time.

    Do note that this is for Customer Support only, which is the process of submitting a ticket through our support system. Legacy clusters for PS4 and for Xbox will still be receiving Ragnarok servers. Legacy servers will also receive all of the same fixes and content that the new cluster will.

    Allocation of New Servers
    We know you are all very curious about this, but we don’t have this information ready to share quite yet. What I can tell you is that we plan to continue to support all current existing game modes in some capacity, so you won’t lose access to your favourite way to play the game. In the beginning we will be mainly focusing our efforts on strictly PVP and PVE servers on all maps, but will allocate servers to the other game modes based on their popularity.

    Server Saves of Deleted Servers
    We will make the save files available as soon as we can, which will likely be sometime before Saturday. We will host these files which anyone can download and then you are welcome to re-host the save file for your own use. We'll include a link to where you can download server saves in this post when they are available. 

    To those affected by the move, we apologize greatly. This moving process will not be easy, but it is a necessary step towards our official launch. We have learned a lot throughout our Early Access adventures. Throughout our ups and downs, you’ve stood by our side and continued to support us during our growing pains and mess ups which is why we wanted our players to have the ability to keep as much progress as they can while still moving forward with a plan that will improve the game overall. We are committed to monitoring the health of this new cluster with our new ddos mitigation and changes to the transfer system (both of which will also be present on the Legacy servers), which will no doubt improve the official online playing environment.

    We look forward to fostering a fair and fun community with the beginning of our brand new ARK cluster on launch day. We very much appreciate your support of ARK through its Early Access process. 

    Xbox UWP, Rentable Servers, Crossbuy, & Crossplay!


    While I have you here, I have some Xbox news to share as well!

    Originally our plan was to go out with Play Anywhere on our launch day but unfortunately that has now been pushed back until mid-September. However I do have some exciting news to share: with the use of Xbox and Windows 10 PC Crossplay (UWP) you can host your own server without needing an extra copy of the game or a second console to do it! (Though it is important to note that you will still be able to host a Player Dedicated server this way.) If you own ARK digitally on Xbox, you get the Windows 10 PC version as well as the Xbox One X version for free and you can play with all your Xbox friends from your PC or either console. 

    In addition, we'll be introducing rentable servers for our Xbox Survivors at that time! We'll be sure to let you all know when these additions are ready to go out to Xbox users.

    Our release date is rapidly approaching and we're very excited for what is about to come. We hope you are too!

    All the best,

    Studio Wildcard


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    Hey Jen!  Have you been reading.  These are the people that are on social media now telling MILLIONS of people not to buy your game.  MAYBE you might want to get off your behind and actually DO something worth while....

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    I've seen people unhappy with Wildcards decisions with the making of ARK since day one. There will always be salty players complaining about how something didn't go their way and I'm sure most will continue to play no matter what happens. I say wipe all servers. 

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    I'm excited to see our Rag server stayed off the list. Although that doesn't shock me with Rag still be new. I truely wish the best of luck to everyone that does have to move. I'm excited to see what else you bring us WC!

    As far as no more support, I hope you guys can eventually return that to us. I understand your understaffed but leaving behind 77% of your current servers with no support isn't the best business plan, even if you are just trying to force us onto new servers, at least give us some decent incentive to do so when release comes. Otherwise, I know my Rag server will be holding strong and patiently awaiting any new players that wish to join us. Happy Arking all!! (Isolated-Ragnarok-51 btw)

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    Wow. Really? We helped into game development, report bugs, support the game buy EA and now we get no support? Its like you save someones life and get backstabbed. Thats why i dont trust ppl. Shame on you Wildcard.

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    2 hours ago, Nokosa said:

    So we supported you for years but now you won't support us? The people who helped you better the game? 

    Tell me why I should continue playing.

    I agree with you, this is soo not fair at all

    This is basically their way of telling, we dont care about you, if you want a better game experience and support come to our new servers and leave everything you worked so hard for all these past years

    The only question i have left is will the legacy servers get the new DLC servers if they do launch more DLCs

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    So, what exactly does The old clusters lack, that the new clusters will have? and what stops them from simply adding these features to the old cluster?

    I have been playing this game since its release on steam, I love it, I have been playing on the same server all this time aswell... Now me and my beloved community are being thrown in the trash for the "new" cluster, because the wildcard team is too lazy to fix the problems with our servers. I suspect the issues with our "legacy" servers are an easy fix, but they just want to get a fresh start and an excuse to throw away all the pending support tickets.

    Why not just move our game files to these new servers ? you will release these game files to the public now right ? why not just stick them in to the new servers and get rid of the problems, so we can continue to play and continue to enjoy all the progress we have made over the past years of playing on our servers...

    Most of the veteran community are on the verge of quitting anyways, most people I know have already thrown in the towel, this is just the push everyone has needed to finally quit this game.

    I cannot believe they cut customer support from our servers aswell, this is unheard of...

    This is just a slap in the face to us all.


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    2 hours ago, Freya said:

    Not like they do right now anyway. I have not seen such a slow ass support staff in my life, 11 days and still no reply. 


    Took literally took them a month to acknowledge my ticket. by that time i had moved on.


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    My husband and I supported you guys since day 1. We almost bought the game for our son. But this bull of not supporting legacy servers and wiping so many of them at one time is stupid. Its absolutely crooked to do this. All the hard work everybody put into this game will go to waste. Ill be looking at how much it'll cost to host my own private server with the save file if it comes down to it. You guys have ruined ark completely and totally for your legacy players. Most game developers are kind and thoughtful of their legacy crowd. You guys just crapped all over us. Every.Single.One.Of.Us.


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    I feel like most people would need more than 5 days to break down and move everything over... not a great way to treat those who have been around since the start. Glad I went to unofficial 9_9

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    50 minutes ago, Wolfdoc321 said:

    What large transfer? New server won't support transfer from legacy servers lol

    They are making legacy ragnarok servers which is where in going.

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    "Thank you" Wildcard for appreciating our support by giving us no Customer Support on legacy servers. We paid for your game. It IS your responsibility to give us Customer Support regardless if we play on new or legacy servers. You want to treat players on legacy servers like players of worse type. @Jen

    You shoot yourself in your foot and showed us middle finger.

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    I think you just killed prim and maybe a lot of people that have played ARK since day one mad. 

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    I play on PrimitivePlus Server 3 and if you are aware of how transfer works on P+ you know that nothing can be transferred. Period. I lose everything as well as the 20+ people I know on the server. So dissatisfied and disappointed in how this is going for us. At least enable us to transfer on P+ before the release. 

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    3 hours ago, KishK0 said:

    Why would you release the game at such an unfriendly time for Europeans? 2-3 a.m. for most of Europe, on a tuesday :(

    Also, regarding the game modes, I bet no flyers, tribe limited servers or even Island only servers would be 10x more popular that hardcore or primitive, please consider adding those :Jerblove:


    why 2-3 a.m? for Europeans it would be more like 2 p.m. Or am i getting something wrong. when the Servers come back online at 8 a.m ET which woulbe be 2 p.m CEST

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    LoL every one is so blind , ARK got wiped. all server that will not get del , ARE NOT official any more.  When the game gets released there will be new official server so we all have to start again if u want to play on official servers. ARK U SUCK  

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    I'm just worried that eventually the legacy servers are going to be forgotten about in the long run. I payed just as much as the rest or even more then some. I payed 72$ for the game 7 months ago, now  feel that if I don't join new servers and lose my 7 months of grinding my ass off for hrs on in I'm just gonna get screwed. I just hope they keep up with new content and patches for legacy servers.

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    5 minutes ago, DEATHMARTHOL said:

    I'm just worried that eventually the legacy servers are going to be forgotten about in the long run. I payed just as much as the rest or even more then some. I payed 72$ for the game 7 months ago, now  feel that if I don't join new servers and lose my 7 months of grinding my ass off for hrs on in I'm just gonna get screwed. I just hope they keep up with new content and patches for legacy servers.

    They said that they will continue to add and update the legacy servers earlier on in the thread

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    30 minutes ago, Squirrelsrock85 said:

    My husband and I supported you guys since day 1. We almost bought the game for our son. But this bull of not supporting legacy servers and wiping so many of them at one time is stupid. Its absolutely crooked to do this. All the hard work everybody put into this game will go to waste. Ill be looking at how much it'll cost to host my own private server with the save file if it comes down to it. You guys have ruined ark completely and totally for your legacy players. Most game developers are kind and thoughtful of their legacy crowd. You guys just crapped all over us. Every.Single.One.Of.Us.


    "Hard work" Get over yourself

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    36 minutes ago, SilverScythe said:

    So, what exactly does The old clusters lack, that the new clusters will have? and what stops them from simply adding these features to the old cluster?

    I have been playing this game since its release on steam, I love it, I have been playing on the same server all this time aswell... Now me and my beloved community are being thrown in the trash for the "new" cluster, because the wildcard team is too lazy to fix the problems with our servers. I suspect the issues with our "legacy" servers are an easy fix, but they just want to get a fresh start and an excuse to throw away all the pending support tickets.

    Why not just move our game files to these new servers ? you will release these game files to the public now right ? why not just stick them in to the new servers and get rid of the problems, so we can continue to play and continue to enjoy all the progress we have made over the past years of playing on our servers...

    Most of the veteran community are on the verge of quitting anyways, most people I know have already thrown in the towel, this is just the push everyone has needed to finally quit this game.

    I cannot believe they cut customer support from our servers aswell, this is unheard of...

    This is just a slap in the face to us all.


    Get over yourself man

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    Are you people out of your bloody minds?

    You're wiping servers with 10+ population aswell?????



    I STRONGLY recommend reconsidering this, wiping server with 0 is not the same as wiping servers with 10+ popu.

    Edited by TracerBee

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    Thank you guys for giving us a copy for PC and Xbox one x too for free you are legends

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    2 minutes ago, ILuvTheAwesomeDevs said:

    They said that they will continue to add and update the legacy servers earlier on in the thread

    I know I read that. I. Talking about later in life months down the line. Are legacy servers gonna be able to get new dlc? What about mods later down the road. I have bad feeling for Legacy servers.


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    I have played on my server since release and now I have to pack up and move? I guess that will be it for me, RIP ARK.

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    The server wipes aren't showing up for me will Xbox official over 249 be wiped

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