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SapphireSam7 last won the day on May 11 2020

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  1. Happy to hear about Nekatus' new map. Loved Valguero and Fjordur on ASE and enjoyed Svart on ASA (little small for my taste but still beautiful), so seeing him create a new map is pretty exciting. Still curious as to why nothing has really been said about Ragnarok. They did the announcement about Extinction a while back, but for one of the more popular early maps for ASE - it is surprising that nothing has really been said.
  2. Love the Art. Beautiful Images. Wish we had more to the crunch though. Not necessarily dates or even sneak peaks but perhaps a look into discussions and suggestions? Pick one or two that have risen in popularity and talk about them? It doesn't have to be definite work towards any issues - but a discussion piece based on the player comments on the posts. There were for a few weeks and it was fun reading about them. Sort of like a "Spotlight on this Suggestion" or something.
  3. Thank you very much for this Event. As an Unofficial Cluster Owner/Admin whose rates are a bit raised over standard, the last event, while great for some didn't really give us a lot to work with. We had fun with the cakes, but that was pretty much it. This event however, has the whole group excited. Even more so with the Sunglasses. Just one more part of the character outfit we can skin to cover the rest of the body so we don't have to wear the swimsuits mixed with everyday outfits. Now we are just missing something for the hands and feet... For the feet...sandals maybe? Flip-flops? For the hands... A wristband? Just something to put over your normal clothes to make it look like you are truly and fully dressed for the beach. If not this time around perhaps next time? And the colors, Awesome! Can't wait to go out and catch them.
  4. So.... to summarize.... 1. PC gets Crystal Isles today - No estimation for Console release 2. The "Anniversary Event" gives us a new dino, dodos with hats, a cake item (that may vanish when the event is over like other event items), slightly adjusted rates, and 5 new chibis. 3. The ability to smelt chibis in a forge into a new chibis (is it just me or does that sound a little disturbing?) 4. New "Time Capsule" like servers - which are just really old versions of the game. Pretty much primitive plus without primitive plus items. 5. A new method of purchasing the game It is a lot, but still I have to say I am somewhat disappointed in the event. All those previous to this were far superior. We recieved new skins, color, and seasonal items. Whereas with this event.... one seasonal item. I thought this was supposed to be a party to celebrate the last five years? At the very least I had imagine some party decorative like presents, balloons, or perhaps a weapon skin that shoots streamers. Not to mention some fun colors in the wild. And don't take this the wrong way, I am happy for you, glad you made it this far, I just had been imagining items that would put it in line with previous events. So Congratulations on making it this far. I will look forward to the next event to actually go out and tame some colors.
  5. Those are again though, just a few items for building tiers that already existed. And like you said, we only got some of the S+ items, a watered down version of the mod essentially. What I am referring too are not individual items or a few additional pieces for existing building tiers, but entire tiers. Such as the lumber, cement, or brick from Primitive plus. A set of structures crafted by using new materials to give us a new look.
  6. I love the idea of the Crystal Isle map. I do not watch a lot of map videos, but I have watched some for this one and it looks pretty amazing. Plus, I wasn't a fan of the Genesis map with the separated biomes, the unbuildable zones, and the harshness of the biomes. The biomes are fun, but I kinda miss transition zones between them. And I like the idea of some new creatures (even if this is for only one). My interests in breeding has died down since the creatures I normally breed weren't included in the X-creature list. Which would have given me an incentive to re-breed my lines. Some of the new ones are cool, but they don't excite me as much as I had hoped. And while it is fun to look through the mods, as a console player I know the chances of being able to use them is minimal. Everytime a modder posts a mod with new items to build with, as a builder it is both exciting and saddening. I love the idea of using them, but know we probably won't be able to. I mean really, we have gotten some random building items with Aberration (cliff platforms), Extinction (tek bridge), and Genesis (water platforms) - but we haven't received a true building tier of items since Scorched Earth (adobe). So I am going to try and keep the exciting for Crystal Isle alive until it arrives - but for the rest.... Not as exciting for how I play - though I know that may be just for me. I am sure there are others out there that are ecstatic for the other items posted.
  7. Once upon a time, waiting for the Community Crunch was exciting. So much going on. Fixes, changes, things being added and discussed. But now, it is rather sad. For a few weeks items with the most votes in the suggestion section were discussed... then that stopped. For a few weeks we received mod competition news and snippets... then the competition came to a close. For a few weeks we were given sneak peeks into the next DLC... then that too faded away. For a few weeks we were given random notes about QOL changes and updates.... that too is now silent. For a time there were things to read about and see, now all we are getting is a slightly revamped holiday update, which based on how well the last few worked, does not inspire much confidence. In fact, there is a chance the cluster I manage will be voting to turn the event off after the trouble with the last few. The communication is nice, far more so than Atlas where there is nothing, however it is not what it used to be. I understand that it may be busy and that hard defined dates and defined changes are difficult to release - but at this point a possibility or discussion is better than what we are given. That said, thank you for what we have been given, and please, rethink the Community Crunch's of the future and give us a bit more.
  8. Taming and Breeding rates aside, as those seem to be the main point on conversation in the 3 pages of comments I just read through.... I must say I am ready to start hunting out these new chibis. They are new and there is so much to learn about them since not much was said. Are they pets that follow you around? Something you keep in your inventory? Shoulder pets? Something you can place? Are they breedable? Which creatures will we find? Are they too going to be seasonally colored? So much to learn and figure out with these new pets. I can't wait to hunt a few of them down! And I must say It is nice to see the ugly sweater additions. They still aren't the full santa, elf, snowman, or pluffy snowsuit skins I have been hoping to see, but they are something more than the hat skins we have been given year after year. It just one more clothing item, but it something different and we will not at least be able to wear two holiday themed suit pieces. Thanks WC!
  9. Wow, there are some really angry people on here... Perhaps it is because I play on an unofficial server cluster - but the issues that seem to be bothering everyone else, haven't really affected our gameplay at all. We have received no additional lag or trama with the event, and everything seems to be working same as always, with minimal issue. That said, there are many people on the cluster I play on who are very excited to see the event extended to hunt some more colors and kill a few more turkeys to craft a few more skins from the event. We would like to see more new content for genesis. If not "brand new" creatures - if there are no more to show, then perhaps an image of the reskinning that another creature may receive that has thus far not been released. We did get an image with a few of the re-skinned creatures during the stream, but there are hopefully more out there and I would love to get a sneak peek as to which they are.
  10. @GambyGamby I agree with part of this statement. The unicorns need something more. While it is fun to think you have tamed a Unicorn - unless they are boosted unofficially- they are difficult to find and to tame at a decent level. Even harder to get a breeding pair at decent level. And then once you do, you have to wonder why (at least I do, not all may feel the same)... They are essentially an off-white equus with a horn on their head. They don't seem to provide anything over a normal equus, and honestly with the lack of colors and color mutations - they are pretty dull. Personally I tend to go more for the aberrant equus' with the patterns and colors. For that reason I think they should have some sort of boost, much like aberrant creatures did over the standards and how Genesis is said to do so over the aberrant creatures. They should also have color regions - possibly unique to them. They should still spawn in as white (unless an event is on), but should at least have a chance for a color mutation while raising them. The note I can't agree with is the addition of the wings for the reason @Joebl0w13 mentioned. A Unicorn and a Pegasus are quite different as the article lists. And combining them could remove the chance of having a Pegasus added to the game in the future. It may be a long shot that it ever will, but if so, it could be a difficult tame. Such as having to tame them the same way you do an equus or a unicorn. Meaning that you would have to sneak up on them after they land to apply the initial feeding. They could then fly into the sky and possibly toss your character to the ground if you do not feed them when prompted. It could make it very different to tame them. And if limited to an event tame, a weather induced spawning (like a phoenix), or as something that appears only during certain hours of the day and limited to one wild on the map at a time. It would increase the difficulty to find and tame them - and worth it too as one of the only tames you could fly on and also use as a taming device (through the kick effect when landed). That all however, may be suited for further discussion elsewhere. On the note of the topic of the Community Crunch however, I was happy to see the image of another item added and example patch notes that we may see. When comparing it to the google sheet however, I noticed that a lot of items are still listed as New and Archived over anything else. It would be nice to get some additional discussion on these items as well as recently discussed, added or commented posts from the suggestion section of the forum, or even some news on the weigh in documents that seem to have fallen to the weigh-side - such as the events discussion or that of the future of primitive plus. I have been following the later since the start and there hasn't been much commented or said on it for some time by developers.
  11. I would have to agree. I would rather get the creature or the saddle - not necessarily both. Which seems to be the case with this one - the creature having been released earlier. At this point, I would even be happy to get a sneak peak to which creatures would be getting a "Genesis Makeover" since it seems like there may be many that will that haven't been announced beyond the image provided during the live stream. I love to breed and would like to get an idea as to which creatures I may be able to work with in comparison to what I work with now. As far as the Turkey Event - Love the colors. They seem to be coming through well. Though I was a little disappointed that all we received were again hat skins, and not the other armor skins to go with them; pants, leggings, gloves, and shirts. They are cute, and fun - but they don't really go with the clothing options we have. And the Turkey's themselves are cute - cute destructive little birds. Just wish we got a little more from them such as Turkey Legs you could cook, feathers to craft a cap, or a few non-"super" turkey's we could tame that could drop dodo-sized eggs. Perhaps one day. ? As is, still enjoying the event - and hope it expands year by year from where we are now.
  12. As a console player, I haven't had much of a chance to play with mods beyond those pieces and parts we have been provided as they are added into the main game. That said however, I have to say I still enjoy reading these spotlights and interviews. Even if I can't use them, I like to imagine the possibilities - and should I ever switch to PC - these interviews are a great way to see what out there is being worked on and is considering going forward over those that may not be updating as regularly. So thanks for adding them! ? On the mod itself, I can see the pros and cons to having NPC's in the wild running about, some related to storyline, gameplay, PvE vs PvP, etc... If the opportunity was given to consoles however, I would be using them. And if we had them, a mod like this would be a great way to use them and make it feel village-like. So I think it is an awesome idea that I hope to someday play around with. If not with my current method of play - than with another.
  13. Can't wait for this event! It is going to be fun! I share these Community Crunches and those on my cluster are excited! And while happy for the candies, and the speed boosts they normally come with, it would be nice to have some Halloween themed colors mixed in - and possibly some "costume" skins sets that are more than just a hat/helmet skin. We do appreciate and enjoy the skins provided, but it would be nice to get a couple full set costumes to mix things up. Kings, Queens, Knights, Pirates, Explorer's, Scientists, etc... If not this year then perhaps some other time around. A few days away and counting!
  14. It has been a while since I have commented on one of the Community Crunch threads, but after reading the comments I feel as though I should. If for nothing else then to say Thanks to the Wildcard team. ? I know the game has issues, I know that new content tends to to come with some fun and some terror, and I know that official networks most certainly have issues that those of us on unofficially simply deal with differently - and as such, some of us may not be as bothered by some by them. But in the end of the day, issues or not, I still play it. I still pay a monthly sum so that a group of people can play it together. And I will still do my own version of fixes every time the game updates and something is broken, to keep the core of it alive and the players as happy as I can. And I will continue to do so and will enjoy the new content as it arrives - problems or not- until the day that ARK 2 arrives or content finally stops presenting itself to us. So thank you Wildcard for a game I spend more time than I should playing. I fully enjoy it, as do others in my cluster, and we cannot wait to hear what else may be coming our way. ?
  15. Congratulations to the winners! It was nice to take part of the voting process and fun to watch the add videos. And although it may be unlikely, I will go ahead and cross by fingers that we get a part of some of the mods or one of the maps in the future for console game play. ?? Can't wait to see what the next contest will bring. ?
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