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Everything posted by yekrucifixion187

  1. Single Player - Island I wiped all my single player maps and started a fresh character because I have A.D...a bike. I don't know the plan but the beginning struggle is fun. So I started by getting some explorer notes. Raptors suck. Lol. Every time I'd get like 3 or 4 notes and 1500 seconds, they'd appear and waste that time. I handled them alright on the respawn but I just can't get the dodge down from their initial attack. Getting the notes up in West Zone 3, I spot an Alpha Raptor. So I farm up a simple 2 x 2 trap for it, give myself a spawn point near it, and set out to get that sweet, sweet xp. When I get to the area it was, I don't see the tell tale glow. I do run into a Carno so I run from it. I get it stuck on a few rocks when I hear a super speed raptor approaching from behind. "There's the Alpha" I say to myself as I never see it before I'm dead, just the glow of its fury. I spawn back in, grab my back up gear and head back. The Alpha bug continues as it attempts to harvest my corpse. It notices me, so I lead it from my first bag which has the trap mats in it. I respawn at my last sleeping bag near there. Grab my bag, set the trap, lay another sleeping bag and storage box of killing items and get the Alpha in the trap. I respawn and three crossbows later, finally get the kill. I really do like the early grind. After a few hours break, I pop on and decide to start taming. I have been saving a 125 Trike near my spot and get my supplies ready. I'm hunting the Trike when a 135 Ptera lands. Change of plans. I KO the Ptera and hunt for some prime. Not an easy task in the SW zone but I get lucky and find 2 Sarcos. I harvest their prime. Kill a few trilobites for Chitin, tame up the Ptera, and now I'm sky bound. Ptera tamed out with 507 (506?) stam and 201 wt. Perfect for my needs from it. I hit a few notes with it and get him up to 1025 stam and 250 wt. Back at base, I head back out and grab that 125 Trike too. Once the Trikes done, I get my narco harvest on. Farm up enough to make 200 narcotics. Turn half of those into tranq arrows. Time to get an Argy. I decide to hunt the Argy's on Rag so I farm out my trap and a small 1 x 1 for future Rag trips, load everything up, and head over. Rag is being finicky today. I see like 12 Argy's up in the jungle. 20, 55, 80, 90, 20, 15 but finally spot a 130. Not ideal but first bird, it'll do. Set my trap, get it caught, and KO it. 2.4k hp and 656 wt on knock down. Not too bad. Kill some of the low level Argy's for prime and tame it up. Ark boned that weight (thanks for the 3 levels in it putting it up to 680) but the hp rolled to 3.5k so I'll take it. I scan once more and hey, a 140 has appeared. I kite that to my trap but it's not cooperating. Losing aggro and flying back out before I can shut the door. I eventually get it trapped and KO it. Goes down with 270 melee. Very nice. I kill a few more Argy's for prime (I have 10x taming so prime still gives my 99% TE) and tame up this Argy. Sigh. 360 melee. It's not bad but I expect 400+ if it's got 270 on knock down. Bonus, these are a breeding pair so I'll have to get a couple imprinted to me once I got cryo's or kibble. I am happy with my progress today (level 72 at days end) and call it a night. I have put my unofficial Valguero map on the back burner because I was a bit tired of breeding, which is really all there is to do at this point, but I have some real nice lines going. I have the Deino's at 19 mutes and hatching 1740hp, 700+ stam, and 384 melee. I want to lock up a side there and then raise an Army for the fight. I got my Anky's at 484 melee. I started on Rhino's and got them currently at 6100 hp, 700+ stam, and 450+ melee. I also just started on Daeodon's after taming up 16.4k food. I needed a break though so we'll see when I go back. My friends are still enjoying it though and we paid through December in anticipation of Genesis. Until next time.
  2. In the game settings there is an option to allow feeding of raid dino's. That should let you keep the Titans. If that doesn't work, you can adjust how much your tames eat as well.
  3. It clearly said the next DLC is December and the follow up is winter of 2020. Your fault if you didn't read it first. You will get those 2 DLC's when they are available.
  4. I'm excited but check the room temperature Wildcard. People are losing everything due to fabby and longneck bugs and items locked and expiring in obs and just complete lost of data with not a word on progress since last night. Think this is the best time to push to sell more content? Like at least put out an updated statement with cliche's first. By the way, this is coming from someone who purchased that DLC mid stream and plays on an unaffected unofficial. Just a player who wants stuff done right for your official fanbase plus you guys not to get more backlash then you've gotten already. Communication goes such a long way even if the news is grim.
  5. Unofficial Valguero Started a small private server for a few friends from my official days on the Valguero map when it dropped on PS4. Set the map up running the island 5 days prior so we could test rates and different spawn ins. I think we found a nice QOL balance; 3x harvest and xp (probably could if stayed 1x xp tbh) 92.5x egg hatch because there is no skill needed to watch an egg incubate. 30x mature, .0001 mating cooldown 10x taming Get 50 wt per point for players Everybody seems to be having fun but at a relaxing pace. I did a bit of research and added some unique quirks to our map White drops and ringed white drops contain fishing rods (JM to Asc quality) plus bait (Sap, Leech blood, or Honey) (Fishing loot quality was turned up to 3) Green drops contain cryopods, cryofridges, and/or Extraordinary kibble. We also have added additional creatures. Gacha's in Ab zone, Griffins on Mountains, Snow Owls in snow and tundra, Gasbags in Chalk Hills, Featherlights and Shinehorns on beach, and Shinehorns in Scotland region. Most of the adds were spot on spawn rate wise from the beginning except Griffins. Even fractional would spawn a huge amount of the things. I don't remember exact rate we finally settled on but it seems a reasonable amount at the moment. We also decided to do away with certain annoyances. No leeds, troodons, ichtyornis', or pegomastax. One of our players loves to build ships so the leeds would just be a hindrance and none of us wanted the other 3. We all have our projects. A couple guys are restoring the ruins which is neat. Myself, I'm tackling the Deino's and I think we have a pretty good line going. Unmutated we have 1400 hp, 600 st, 221 wt, and 302 melee. Those Deino's are hatching at level 184 (345 ox and 4920 food). I'm currently sitting at hatch level 208. I'm only keeping hp, stam, and melee mutes and those are hatching with 1640 hp, 690 st, and 372 melee. Pretty good in a pack of 4. I level to 1200 st and dump everything else into hp. Anyway, I'm enjoying the unofficial life. My friends are too. Looking forward to everybody elses tales.
  6. Better people to ask than me. I just raised the couple I needed and was always wary of the rage mechanic myself. Wary enough that I stored my Giga on obsidian island on Rag since I lived in a Kentro spawn. @Chudz66 I'm not sure of specific with Giga rage so the rules I follow for Giga's (PvE mindset) is avoid Kentro's, try to kill enraged Trikes fast, avoid fall damage. Has always seemed to work for me. Only had one, unimprinted Giga, rage on me and that was my first encounter with an enraged Trike.
  7. Assuming console and unfortunately console hardware could not handle that. It could actually damage the hardware trying to process that much information. I believe PC does not have a tether or it can be extended or turned off. Your other options are to rent a server or join a server. Check some of the unofficials. You'll probably find some that fit your play style and time.
  8. Because of all the bugged items (berries used to make turrets and high end blueprints) and massive amount of duped items. Not saying official didn't have some/has some duping going on but it was on another level during EA. Too much cheating to integrate that into the official network. Right or wrong, that's your main reasoning.
  9. @Jen @complexminded Forgot the legacy servers list Edit: Nevermind. I missed the compiling of said list still. Should of just made it, it's own announcement tomorrow as many people gloss over the Community Crunch but it's a bit more important than mod contests and non-commital answers that are usually featured.
  10. Like the 30 other posts about this, console does not have the processing power to increase tether distance without chances to harm the hardware. It would be too much data and risk frying something.
  11. Single Player PS4 No Engram Playthrough I made it to the south zone Stonehenge. Wasn't as difficult to cross some of the open water as I thought it might be. I laid down my 1 x 1 thatch foundation I grabbed from a drop a long the way and took stock of my inventory. Thankfully with boosted weight I wasn't hampered too much by what I had but I really need some storage. I went to check the area. Grabbed the explorer notes and remembered the little pond area. I went to it and heard a thrashing. Oh man. A Sarco came shooting out of the water. I backpedaled and decided, lets try for some xp. I didn't want to waste my bow durability on it so I positioned myself by its tail and just started hitting it with my stone hatchet. If you have decent speed (I had 130 at the time) you can easily just stay in that position without getting hit. I killed the Sarco and got some arrows, spears, and some Rockwell notes for Energy Brew and Medical Brew. I returned to my shack as night fell and noticed 3 drops fairly close so I hit them up. Wood structures. An apprentice Parasaur saddle BP. Arrows. Fires. A few slingshots. Not a bad haul but I really need some storage. I extended to a 2 x 1 with the wood pieces and started to look for a Parasaur now that I have a saddle/bp. Along the way I tamed a dodo and 5 pegos to use as temporary storage. Each drop is gold at this point and I started to end up with some really helpful pieces. 54 armor hide boot bp. Refining Forge BP. Wood and Thatch structures. I probably spent about 6 hours (not straight, yay single player pause) trying to find a decent level Parasaur but eventually found a Cyan Tek Parasaur level 132. Funny thing is I wanted him mostly for storage but in that time I found 4 small and 2 large storage boxes but I tamed him anyway to keep Pego's from my base area. I'm currently living in a 90% wood 2 x 4 and started to extend up a bit, to accommodate the large storage boxes. Currently I'm hoping to get a smithy bp soon so I can craft some Chitin Boots I found a BP of and an Asc Pike and App crossbow BP I came across. Once I get those 2 weapons I think I may be able to venture over to Redwoods to try and get some of the better drops in hope I can find a Beaver or Argy saddle. I like this new method. It keeps me busy and definitely adds another challenge early game wise. Will have to see if that maintains once I have the smithy and can start hitting cave drops. I'm tempted to bypass all flyers. Will see on that. It's kind of fun running around in foot. Fighting off Raptors, mostly, and Carno's. I made a gamma adjustment to make me have to rely in torches a bit more. I like it so I'm gonna keep it. Newest Deaths; 1 Bary (thought I could take it but man is it a lot stronger than a Raptor even at level 45), 1 Raptor.
  12. PS4 Single Player Things were going a bit too easy on my no engram survival game so I wiped all single player data including the Ab play through and readjusted some settings and have started my journey on the island. Problems from last play through; Loot from drops was too good. I had a 320 dmg bow bp. With some crafting skill it was 400+ dmg. Only a Giga , Golem, and Wyv would give me issues. Playing on Rag gave me easy access to high level dino's. I tamed a 150 Trike with that bow, a bit too easy. Part of ease was I had levels gained on dino's jacked up. I have now adjusted that to match official. I also had to revamp my levels gained. It was a bit unbalanced. XP gain was too high. I have now made adjustments and this new play through is more difficult so it seems to be going well. It's tough to balance the fact that I am not allowed engrams only bp's and items from drops with the extensive knowledge I have from playing the game (That giant bird creature does eat berries but will murder you with glee) So far I think I have. We'll have to see once I get to some high level tames and breeding. As far as today. Started out in West 2. Been attacked by a few gators and Raptors. Hardest part has been no weapons from drops up until just recently. I found a green drop with a bow and my best find so far, a stone arrow bp. That's huge. I'm currently on the move to the South Zone. I plan on setting up in Stone Henge for awhile and gaining XP and gathering supplies. Then we'll see if I want to relocate again or call it home. Excited to see what's next. Death Count; 1 Raptor, 1 pushed off a cliff by a Raptor.
  13. If I can find a griffin I'll tame it. I've actually hit up a lot of the map on foot anyway. I've been to the desert (not deep desert), I started at blue, and my base is just below the beaver dams at green. I will say, I adjusted the settings to gain more points for ox, food, water, and weight. I put 1 point in each ox, food, and water so it doubled it. It helps me be able to not drain as fast since I'm mostly walking/running everywhere. Likewise, without the use of weight mounts and covering longer distances on foot, I ramped up weight pretty significantly. Think I get 200 weight per level. I'll go up to about 2100 weight. Hp, stam, melee, fortitude, and crafting skill go the same as official. Max level is 150, like official. I have eyed several ptera's but I won't tame anything until I get a saddle or bp for it. So far I can tame a trike as well as the pachy I tamed but I only have two tranq arrows left so I have to find more. I'm also considering puttong a 5 to 10 death limit on myself. If I hit it, I upload that character and start over woth a new one. However, I have pvp settings so my new character will be able to raid my old base once they are built to. I currently somehow have 0 deaths so by the time I'd hit 10, I'd probably be built pretty strong. It'll be interesting. It means I won't ever go to stone, I'll go from wood to metal. No grill, no cooking pot, no a lot of items since bp's don't exist for it. 5x harvest 2x xp 92.5x egg hatch (no skill watching an egg cook down) 10x maturation (I've done 1x maturation on official, I earned 10x damn't, lol) I'll adjust stuff if I find certain things are too easy/boring but I definitely want as much as a survival feel as I can. No engrams definitely makes you earn the little stuff more.
  14. Single Player PS4 I have 2 games(2 survivors) going but I'm excited about the one I just started. Basically I can only use items I get out of drops or dino carcasses and can only craft an item once I have a blueprint for it. I also am not repairing anything. Once it nreaks it gets tossed. I started on the Center. Was able to kill an Alpha Raptor for a JM pick. I then jumped to Rag. Those boxes at blue are just too easy. Lol. Crossbows, metal hatchets, swords, wood shields. I started killing Raptors, Carno's, and Scorps to get cloth armor. I finally made my way to the ice cave and was lucky enough to find some Asc cloth bp's for hat and glove. So far I have a 2 x 1 thatch base pulled from a white drop. I also pulled an Asc Pachy Saddle, made, so proceeded to tame a 135 Pachy I came across. I've also tamed a 140 and 150 vulture. So it's actually going pretty well but it means items/bp's I would have tossed before will be getting uses this time. I'm hoping to find a campfire in a white drop soon. Tired of spamming berries and watching my meat spoil. I'll play this mode until I get bored, then probably wipe single player and start a different challenge. The second game mode is an Ab playthrough. On official I went to Ab to just build up for the sole purpose of defeating Rockwell. Between breeding my lines of Quetz, Yuty, and Argy's and just the poor performance of the An server I was on, I never got a chance to fully appreciate the map. I'm currently in game searching for a high level crab to help with farming. I had left a 135 alive for the last 3 days but I am guessing he picked a fight with the 135 Paracer I see in the area he was and lost. So time to kill the river area until a 130+ spawns.
  15. We finally took on and beat the Alpha King Titan bringing to an end the story of Ark. It was a great fight and moment and tough too. I have a 50k hp Mek I used and it was down to 200 hp at the end of the fight. We brought a large squad. Ice and Forest Titan, 7 Meks, Mega Mek, 4 Giga's (650+ melee), 6 Mana's. A few Giga's and Mana's died. I think 2 Meks died but at the end the King was dead and the final Ascension took place. So now it's on to the final phase of official Ark for me. I want to finish out my Argy line, sell my base off for tek structures to help out my friends who will be staying, and then move on to a great unofficial I found. Good people and fun events and a more relaxed atmosphere. It's a server going on for a year and half and already paid for another year. It's got every map (2 of Extinction and Rag) and it's got a sister PvP cluster. Great admins/moderators and it's actually ignited my passion for Ark again. Current Argy line; 4453 hp, 1600 st, 960 wt, 455 melee. I haven't begun to combine all of those yet but the 960 wt line is hatching level 345 with 4161 hp, 1560 st, 1005 oxy, 13000 food, 960 wt, and 431 melee. Until next time.
  16. It's been awhile so I guess I'll just do a highlight list; Current Argy hatch stats; level 337: 4161 hp, 1560 stam, 1005 oxygen, 13000 food, 896 wt, 431 melee. Only the weight is mutated. I have level 325 clean argy hatches (800 wt). I did recently get a 443 melee mutation but want to get that to 500+% before I try to combine it in. Sold off Quetzal line to another Quetzal breeder. I kept some eggs if I ever want to get back into it but he's doing good work so made sense since I'm more focused on Argies. They were suffering and at 600+ hatches I was still stuck on 1744 wt. I got guarantees of an egg when he hits 1800+ weight and 400 tek walls for my 8 level 281 clean females, my 1 level 281 clean male, my level 287 main male, and my level 287 main female. That helps to convert the flyer barn to tek. Extinction highlights: Tamed Forest Titan, killed Forest, Ice, Desert Titan, got stomped by Gamma King Titan but it was an exploratory fight. I like Extinction but it's not optimized. It's super laggy, and so it zaps some of the enjoyment for me. 2 of my tribe mates (The Alliance I've been working with) have decided to use it as their main server and have a nice Snow Owl and Mana line going but I've been mostly back on Rag just working on my Argy line. I'll pop over to help them out occasionally and when we want to tame/kill Titans but I think it needs to be not as fresh so that ping isn't operating at a constant 150+ for me to spend any real time over there. Goals to complete yet; Mutate Argy hp above 5k, weight above 1000, melee above 500, decide on stamina mute. Kill all 3 levels of King Titan. after those I'll decide my ark future. it may be time for some PvP adventure, a private server, or an unofficial server, or it could be time to hang it up. that's still a few months away I am sure so we'll play it by ear. Not sure when I'll update again but still like to read your stories so keep them coming.
  17. 70% of you have been quitting for 3 years now. It's disappointing, sure. There will probably still be quite a few bugs but maybe they found a game breaking bug before release to fix. One that can be implemented on PC with no cert but requires cert on the consoles. Quit already, stop threatening and do it. Make the jump to unofficial if you want better run servers. Ark official is Ark official. Play with all the terrible support, bugs and glitches, numerous other flaws or finally deliver on your promise and quit. That's the options.
  18. You actually need to kill everything in the area but you can compartmentalize. Sorry for poor picture quality but here is an example. Each of the green squares is a potential spawn point for a Rex in the mountain section of Ragnarok. So each time that area is cleared there is, in this case, a 2.5% chance that a Rex will spawn there out of all the possible dino's that may spawn there. You'll see that percentage next to the red arrow. For comparison we'll look at a Sabertooth and see that there is a 12.5% chance that it will spawn in that area. The numbers below are the percentages of whether it will be multiple of that dino spawning and how many but are insignificant to this. Now out of that 2.5% chance that a Rex will spawn, there is a 5% chance that it will be a Tek Rex. Further degrading that number is if it will be a Tek Rex worth taming, based upon level spawn. So it is very fractional to get a Tek Rex. To farm this, this is how we compartmentalize. You see the green squares with the orange line underneath? We clear one of all dino's (megalania's, dimnorph's, kentro's, allo's, etc.) then we walk over to the other square underlined with orange and clear that area. That put's your first cleared area out of render range and when you come back, fresh new spawns. Now we were many and took shifts but it worked as we have tamed at least 20 156+ Tek Rex's to this point. Eventually though it may get boring just constant farming and you can just let the game naturally spawn one in. Setting up for a boss fight at green ob the other night, I found a 168 female. Nothing special but it adds to our clean breeding pull. To this point we have tamed 12.3k hp, 2500+ stam, 990 weight, and 425 melee (all different Rex's) and we have gotten a health mute to 12.7k. Just takes time and luck.
  19. So after a long break from the site, but not Ark, I have a lot I could discuss but I don't really have that type of time nor do you want to stare at this screen for that long so I will try to condense this to the most poignant stuff. I hatched a lot in my time off but kept very little. No Quetzal's made the cut. 1 Yuty made the cut. It was a female with the magenta crest and tail I had been hoping for. This gives me a mating pair of that but it also gives me a female to breed with the lavender coat male and try to pull that magenta onto that color scheme. I did raise several Argy's. I was able to hatch a male with everything (4088 hp, 1400 stam, 800 weight, 431 melee) so he is now my main breeder for my color line. I still have the non mutated 800 weight for my stat line. That hasn't rolled over yet. Once he was done raising I hatched my color eggs and while I still need a multi blue colored Argy I was happy with what else I hatched. Now comes the process of breeding in the stats to the color. So far none have taken fully. The last hatch was 2 days ago and while none took I did hatch a female with everything plus a stamina mutation (1440). I decided to make her my personal ride but with her heavy mutations not breed her into either of my actual lines. The game Arked me today though. I was on Aberration getting venom for the Drakes before work and when I went to go back to Rag to give he, her imprint (which was 1 hour and 15 minutes later than it should have been. What happened on that server after I got off last night?) my rag server was offline (despite it being on first thing this morning). There's no way for me to finish with 100% on her. I had resigned myself to only getting 83% due to missing an imprint during the day today but now it is looking more like 67%. I may just kill her if that's the case. I will keep her long enough to breed with the all stat male and give it another shot this weekend with hopes of getting the stam mutation and a female. As I mentioned I did finally get Aberration. It was a reward for several bouts of progress I had seen in the game by WC but it's like they knew as I have had several technical issues with both Ab and Rag since I purchased it. Well played WC. Gave me false hope. Despite that in general I really like Ab. I like the added danger (not from dying by bluescreens and disconnects though) and I since I had a tribe set up there it was a smooth transition early. I spawned in and we are located at the edge, overlooking the blue zone. I told them give me coordinates and I'd get there. They laughed and said I was going to die and I should let them pick me up but I went into my full character persona at that point. My characters name is Grog and I play him as a caveman type warrior. I spawned in with a pike and a gps and made my way to their door step. I told them Ab wasn't ready for Grog. I had uploaded a Drake I had already on Rag and begun my exploration. Some really awesome stuff but the maps load times are reminiscent of island beta and rag when they first came out. I'll be traversing an area that looks barren when bam! Plants and rocks just pop in. This often time causes me to blue screen and it really is the only time I die on Ab. It also doesn't help that people have built huge bases at all the most traveled areas through blue to red. This often times causes dc's as well. So on day 1 of Ab we have a friend on a different Ab server that wanted to run gamma Rockwell. We told him we didn't have anything imprinted but he said no problem and so we went to his server. He gave us a drake and haz suits and we brought flak and shotty's. What an awesome fight but the guy was woefully unprepared. Alright drakes (I had 14k hp, 2100 stam) but primitive saddles. No mega's which I thought were standard fare for that fight. We made our way down to the arena in red and went into the fight. My one tribe mate (we are all one tribe in Ab like the Island) blue screened as soon as he got in. He died shortly after. The host died not to long after that. I hid at one point to heal up my drake and we were doing fairly well but eventually I got stuck by several reapers and nameless and the drake went down on the last tentacle of the last round. I fell, shotgunned a nameless in the face, and began to run around the back of Rockwell. My last two tribe mates were making their way to the last tentacle. I ran out of stamina so turned around to fight what was coming. Hoping against all hope that they could get Rockwell and the tentacle down. I wish I would have screen shotted what was coming at me. lol. 5 reapers and 10 nameless. I started shooting but with broken flak it didn't take long for me to go down. My tribe mates though were successful. They have now gotten the next part of ascension down. It means we know we can do when we run it ourselves with much better drake saddles (90+ armor bp and a crafter) mega's (Ours hatch 9.8k hp with 387 melee, they easily reach 25k hp and 600+ melee plus we have a 118 armor bp for them) and we are going to use Stego's as tanks. To that end I started the hunt for stego's and have came away with a decent start. 5.7k hp (will keep looking for higher but with 100% imprint these guys will get to 27k in 50 levels), 1400 stam, and 390 melee. Some other alright stats (850 weight, 23k food) but I'd only consider those if bringing them into the Rag fight as tanks and needed higher torpor to combat Manticore. Ark trolled me on one tame. We found a 4030 pre-tame stego which gave us our 5.7k hp so when I found one that had 4550 pre-tame hp I was very happy. That is 30 points but RNG rules the day and it only rolled to 5.4k hp. The biggest problem now is finding more sarco kibble to tame more. Most people on PvE don't use sarco's so it's scarce to trade for. I did get myself 2 females and a male but they take up so much space and i haven't been on rag as much that it has been slow on the eggs. I plan on being on Rag raising more this coming weekend so I think I'll get more eggs. On Ab we have each kind of found our niche. Two of my friends love to run the surface for drops and have already come out of there with great stuff. MC haz chest, mc haz boots, mc haz helmet, jm boots as well. Now we just need a higher durability glove set. They also pulled some other high ened stuff but for me the better haz suit helps as I have found myself running the drake pit for eggs. I love it and while my first drake finishes I am using a Drake I traded for awhile ago. 12k hp, I use a 67 armor saddle, and it has 2300 stamina. The better haz lets me farm the pits for several hours at a time and it has paid off as I have pulled multiple 190 eggs as well as probably 30 other eggs that are 150+. I wanted to stick with 170+ but the stats are so random that we decided to hatch and grab anything 150+ in the hopes of finding what we need/want for the Rockwell fight. I would have loved to run the scar on rag the same but it is so laggy there due to builds that I always feared glitching into the lava. There are no builds in radiation so the drake pit runs go very smooth despite the occasional overall server spike or if the drake (we renamed him stupy mcdumdum) decides to do his own thing. Finally, I didn't get near the farming done I wanted to get done due to playing as much as I did on Ab and it also limited my project tames. No Yuty hunts but I did get myself a 150 event Quetzal. Gorgeous and heartbreaking at the same time. I tracked him across the canyon and finally put him down in a safe cliff area. I put a forcefield over him and then was ecstatic when I checked his stats. 2120 stamina. 36 points! I did calculations and found that an average roll (was 2x taming) would give me 2600 stamina. I've been looking for higher stamina (at 2400) and if I got a great roll, who knows how high it could go. I starved him down. Sat on him despite him being protected by a forcefield and when the time came placed in the kibble. He tamed up and...RNG. 2480 stamina. 9 levels added to stamina which is coincidentally what was added to that Stego's hp earlier. Thanks Ark. So that, despite it's length, is a short snippet of my time in ark over the last 10 days. Upcoming: Will hunt for better stego hp, will run the drake pit more, hatch eggs I have been storing up looking for next stat upgrade, will continue prepping for beta tek cave and gamma Rockwell, and I may even go ahead and get pregnant with my own Reaper. Until next week.
  20. You didn't understand. I am not in a tribe with them on one server but am in a tribe with them on another server. So how does that situation affect us? We tribed to simplify the process of ascension. I am in another tribe with some buddies from legacy. My only task in that tribe is to feed and refresh timers when they go on vacation. I also trade them/give them dino's. Dino's I raise on my server and then stay with me when I download to their server but with a separate character even though they are now theirs. How does your fix affect that? Does my Ragnarok cap add to their cap and vice versa? That means I can't have multiple characters or multiple tribes even if they are rarely used and for ease of transfer purposes/to care for dino's? There's to many situations your proposed fix ignores so it won't work without limiting the very nature of this game. Better and more servers and higher server cap is the only fix.
  21. This rule would have too much of a drawback. I am solo on my main server (Ragnarok) but have an extensive alliance. This same alliance have banded together as one tribe on an island server to ascend and will as well on an Aberration server to ascend there. Being that this is a sandbox game with an enormous amount of different ways to play from both a PvE and PvP perspective, your rule would make it so that the only focus could be beating the game in a very linear way, really going against the very nature of Ark. While one of my primary focus' along the way is beating the bosses and ascending I also enjoy pushing the stats on Quetzal's and Yuty's. These dino's get me stuff I'd have a harder time getting on just my own. Now I keep a reasonable number of tames (never go over 250 and mostly keep it between 225 and 235) but with your rule I'd never be able to tribe up on the island to ascend and would have to create my own base (more lag) and increase my overall tame number (affecting server cap and more lag) to be able to keep my dino's fed, farm certain materials I need, etc. on that ascension server instead of sharing resources/tames as we currently do. The only true fix is better servers with a higher cap limit or a personal account tame limit across all official servers based on a unique game I.D. making it so you would need to buy multiple accounts and copies of the game to supersede that number and if you're willing to do that then you have earned those extra dino's.
  22. A good weekend in Ark. We were graced with a 3x breeding event in Ark this weekend. due to my work schedule I can only take part in about half of the event but that isn't of much concern. I was pleasantly surprised that the server did not get capped and I limited myself to raising a few tames only. During this event i focused more on getting xp for myself and some tames as well as harvesting to restock plus for a few specific blueprints. I also focused on hunting for additional stats for my lines. Friday and Saturday after work was mostly focused on harvesting. I mentioned I repaired our redwood base and turned it into a farming area so I went about gathering wood with the mammoth (about 100k of wood), gathering CP (only about half a vault that was almost immediately used), and fiber. With 3x i also did my first hatching of Argy's and got a female with the combined stats of 4088 hp, 1400 stam, 800 weight. this would allow me to raise it and then breed it with the male that has 431 un-mutated melee and try to get all the stats together. I woke up Sunday and hatched 38 Quetzal, 16 Yuty, 2 Megalosaurus', and bred 6 female deer. I kept 2 Quetzal's, 1 Yuty, 2 Megalosaurus', and 3 Deer. I got twin male and female Quetzal's and was fortunate to receive my next weight mute; I checked back on when I got the 1680 and it looks like just shy of 3 months. If that rate stays consistent it'll take me a little over 2 years to reach 2k hatch weight. I hope it bumps up. Lol. I kept a Yuty that finally pulled the blue limbs on the blue body, yellow crested breed with the stats. I love the look. It is female so now I just need to get a breeding pair. The Megalosaurus' hatch with 9.8k hp and 378 melee. They will be for the Rockwell fight so it seemed like the perfect time to raise them. They are so powerful at night. i was running around the preserve to start getting some levels on them (looks like they should go to 25k hp rest melee) and they were decimating everything I came across. We have a 108 armored saddle bp for them too so these things should wreck shop. The deer kept were all females so they will be added to the breeding pool. 2 were born with the 2640 hp and the third was born with 2640 hp and 378 melee. I did get a male as well and it had an awesome red mute (only food) Antler but it didn't get the good stats so it had to go. I need a male with the hp and melee so I can guarantee that at least. I'll breed the melee male with all the hp females and keep breeding the hp male with the tamed females. I passed on hatching Theri's and Rex's and Tek Rex's but did take the opportunity of the reduced cool down to build up an egg cache. This weekend coming up is my 4 day plus the company is shutting down operations from July 2nd to July 8th so I have an extended break so I'll focus on Theri's, Quetzal's, Yuty's, and Argy's as well as the Deer again. If we can get some more Megalosaurus' eggs I'll do 2 more of them as well. I considered doing a Giga since I have 10 days off but nah. lol. I also got out and took advantage of the 3x taming to try and add to my stats lines though I failed to go after a Quetzal. I always seem to forget on that and I want higher stamina for my line. I'll remember one of these taming events. 2x taming this weekend so maybe i'll set aside some time to farm Quetz for a bit. i did knock out and tame several Yuty's and argy's though. I built a 3rd Yuty trap but after the event. it is in this cave area by a Yuty spawn in murder snow. 3 points of entrance so I placed dino gates on 2 of them as well as door frames to shoot through and just completely blocked the other entrance. I should have done it during the event but kept forgetting to make the pieces and take them with me when hunting. None of the Yuty's tamed had any stats to add to my lines but I did keep one that was a 150 Arkeology event color scheme. it had decent pre-tame stamina but without kibble and since i found it after the event it tamed out with horrific stats. I'll go outside my norm and breed my stats into it. i really want to pull the white crest and tail and combine it with my blue body there more then anything. I also knocked out a gang of Argy's but only kept 2. One was a 140 that had 36 points pre-tame in weight. It ended with 784 but is a female so I'll add her to the breeding pool. The other was a 150 last night. She had 28 points in hp and 31 in melee but again it did not add anything. I will add her to the breeding pool as well. We also took advantage of the 3x for leveling. We took over 16 Theri's to the island server and grinded and slaughtered low level Wyvern's to get them all to 21k hp, 700+ melee. We are currently building up our veggie cake supply and finishing up a few more Theri's and then we will give beta Dragon another go. In that end most of the harvesting I did went to making Theri saddles. I made something like 38 of them using my buddies crafting character and we got some nice rolls. It's a 90 armor MC BP and we got several that are 110 armor plus. I also ran the Carno I finished last week through the swamp cave to get him leveled and what a beast. I already had him at 8k hp with a 112 armor saddle so I dumped everything else into melee (he hatches with 1620 stamina which makes a huge difference) and he is just shy of 800 melee now. I am 3 shotting the level 250 spiders with him. With the 700+ melee Vulture on my shoulder to help combat as well, the swamp cave is getting a lot easier with that set up. With all of this that I did I also ended up getting to level 106. Now I need that beta tek cave to get the next levels. It seems like my last tribe mate has officially quit as he hasn't been on for over a week and I see he is playing other games. I think the crazy hatching weekend on Ab where he ended up being mostly by himself was too much for him. As with my first tribe mate, he is in the tribe and welcomed back whenever he wants if he wants. I will be culling some of his excess dino's though. Luckily I have teleporter's and spawn points at the bases so keeping the areas I actually use will be easy. I do see pillars despawn in the tribe log that he must of placed but no worries to me because it means I have no use for that area. Each of the area's I need I visit almost daily so refresh timers are never a problem. He normally runs the Yuty but I have no problem doing that and controlling my dino's in the fight so that looks to be the new way going forward. It does give me confidence that I may be able to run a solo fight since i don't seem to have too many issues with whistle commands and arena movement. As an alliance we often finish with plenty of time so while it may be cut close in time I think my dino's can get the job done. Happy arking. Thanks for reading. Until next week (10 days off probably 2 weeks).
  23. Another productive and fun weekend in ark. Was off this particular Saturday so got to hatching right off the bat. I popped several but not all Quetz and Yuty eggs but nothing with what I was seeking. The main crux was replacing parts of the Theri Army and I had tons of good luck. 10 babies with the full 9.2k hp, 419.8 melee we are working with and an 11th baby that missed on the melee but gave us a new hp at 9.5k. They were at 99% this morning before work so will finish up while I am here. I also hatched 2 Rex's to replace the 14k 461's loss a few fights ago. These are only 13.6k hp but do have 472 melee. I also bred them with my clean females and pulled the 2226 stamina (main male only has 1800) and the 940 weight. I did some small side hatches as well during the weekend. I finally hatched a male Carno with the 4200 hp, 1620 stamina, and 384 melee. I raised him with 100% imprint and then bred him with the 3 females I had. Out of those eggs one popped with triplets. 2 males and a female, all stats. I will give the extra male to my one ally so he can breed with his females for his own mating pair as well as give him and the rest of my allies 100% eggs. I'll hold the other pair as back ups to a potential disaster cave run. I also was able to combine my 800 weight female Argy with the 1400 stamina male Argy. Once that was finished I bred that male with my top hp of 4088 which is on a female and that Argy is a male and raising right now. The next part will be a bit trickier since the high melee is also on a male so I need to transfer one of these stats over to a female. Once that is done and combined I will hatch the variety of mutes I have been accruing and breed the stats in, get mating pairs, and put them on the market all the while I still got my completely clean sets including the clean 800 weight male to mutate and add in the weight to the mutant line. To make stat transfer easier I may breed a clean male with all the stats. My flier barn is going to get filled up fast with that route and so I took the next step towards turning that barn tek and added two tek generators, 4 tek troughs and 4 tek lights. I also replaced several of the behemoth's with tek behemoth's. I will tear down the other normal behemoth's and just make them solid walls as I discovered I don't use them and putting tek behemoth's there would be a waste of resources. We also had the start of the Arkeology event and my alliance all agreed that for tek rex's we will be acting as one tribe. Sharing stats, helping tame, breeding amongst each other, and finally raising as a group. We want to get the top tek rex's if we can and while fortune has been favorable in some aspects it hasn't blown us away yet. We have farmed rex spawns quite well and produced a lot of tek rex's including several high level. We are taming them all, retamed scorpions to be sure we will have kibble, if they are 150 or higher. However even with good pre-tame stats and extra levels we aren't seeing anything that has blown us away. As a group I believe our top stats currently sit at 9680 hp, 2268 stamina, 990 weight, and 384 melee. We've seen 11k on a tek rex and a 387 melee. We've heard of 13.6k but no pictures and another guy tried to fake everybody with a 525 melee tame but it was on an unleveled 270 tek rex (max level of a 180 would be 268) so that must of been an unofficial server. Still we have tamed many and some people have seen none. I believe our current count is 8 156+ tek rex's tamed. No 180's yet but several 174's. I also broke off to keep from farming the area's too hum drum and tamed up a few Yuty's. Nothing new to add in though so they got the lightning. My tribe mate has either lost interest or has some personal stuff going on so he's been off for a bit. So we ran a double fight and I introduced the new Yuty and rode it and whistle commanded my Theri's and Rex's. Both fights went actually real smooth too. The new meta is to leave one tank Rex at our spawn in point on passive and we all just drag the Golem's back to it. Think it lost 18k hp at most. I drug around 3 Theri's and a Rex (to keep dimorph's off of me) and we had much success. We also ran back to back monkey fights on the island. I noticed that our tek gen's were quite low so checked artifacts and trophies. We farmed up a few spino sails and those fights went well too. I brought over the old Yuty from rag to replace the one loss in dragon. 220 element should keep our gens fed for a bit now. I expect with most of us finishing up the Theri raises we will be attempting beta dragon again soon. The Theri's will have a great deal more veggie cakes in them this time as I think that was the biggest difference. That and the Yuty. I plan on riding the Yuty in this next fight. There will also be a more even split of Theri's as I am leaving at least 3 additional on Rag instead of supplying 11 like last time. I do believe we will have success this next time with ground shooters, one Rex protector, one Theri rider controlling all, and the Yuty buff. Also on the taming front I spied a 135 event wolf while in the desert. My one alliance member has a nice wolf line going so I knocked out the wolf and showed him the colors and stats and asked if he wanted it tamed. He said yea. The color is gorgeous in my opinion and it actually tamed out well in the hp department with 3102 (he has slightly higher though). I asked him to get me a wolf with that color and his stats and I can use it in a few cave runs on the island. Finally yesterday my last day in between clearing the Rex spawns I started to rebuild the redwood base.I placed a teleporter pad over there as flying the laggy distance is the biggest reason it gets neglected and I have turned it into my farming base. This base was my tribe mates when he merged and it's a very nice build. With the update to greenhouse, a big part of the design, going to a 15 day timer I recrafted and placed the window's. This base is also very close to the beaver dams in redwoods so I took over the utility dino's I will need there, mostly. I placed an elevated portion inside to open up the ground floor from dino's clogging it up. I took a bear, my go to animal to raid beaver dams as you stand on his back when dismounted and can take all then just ride a bit and drop the wood, a mammoth, a weight Argy, a tape, a delicate and power Theri, a vulture for microraptor's and Purlovia dismounts and over there already is a doedic, a mantis, a beaver, an anky, a couple Thyla's for quick meat gathering and taming. I will need to build a small add on to the roof to get up there easier or build a different area to house a weight Wyvern for easy charcoal gathering that close to the trees. I did keep a few farmers at the main base and the desert base as well but the redwoods has a lot of resources so it makes sense to use it as such. This upcoming week I believe we will push hard to do beta dragon and tek cave. I hope to see a few more improvements so I can finally feel secure to buy Aberration and continue the story line there. The rest of my allies have it so they have been building up our mega army and trying to get some good level drakes for the Rockwell fight. I'd love to join them in the quest but I'm a stubborn cuss when it comes to my word. We'll also keep farming for tek rex's to try and start an amazing line of those. We figure with the amount of people we have we can easily hatch 300 eggs a week amongst all of us to try and get the stat mutes we will be looking for but we want a higher base hp at the least and preferably melee before we start that endeavor. Until next week. .
  24. I get same thing. Figured that was just the way it happens.
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