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  1. Also this. ^^^ Like congrats, bud, you bought a game that was for sale.
  2. Wow, you made such an informative and comprehensive post. I'm sure someone can diagnose what's wrong!
  3. LOL that's why my server only JUST stopped being at tame cap, right? And why most servers are at tame cap most of the time? That's why there's never less then 20 people on the LEAST populated servers at any given time, and quite a few are full up? (These are Ragnarok servers, tbf, but still holds true.) That's why the xbox trading places on FB and other online places are always bumping and crazy, right? XDDDD YOUR way is not 'the right way'. And if you didn't want a game with sci-fi elements, maybe you shouldn't have picked up a game with that as part of it's genre marketing, hmmm?
  4. Got completely wiped the other day by a therin spawning IN my base. Tried to rebuild. Was a moron and left my gates open and a carno ate everything. So I decided to just start over Spent all day yesterday trying to find a new spot for a base and probably will today, too.
  5. Have YOU talked to them to confirm they are? I'm going off of forums posts for my response to that other conversation, which you were not a part of. Most of the posters are happy. A small minority are whining, and all of them call anyone who doesn't agree with them trolls.
  6. Yeah, no. To all of this. (Also lol 'factual' that's funny. That's hilarious.)
  7. No, I'm not. 'I don't agree with you and won't back down, plus I have an argument you can't deny' does not make me a troll. I love how you can't win the flat-out debate, so you default to name calling and throwing your toys. Pssttt, btw: you're on the same forum as I am, doing the same thing as I am. Maybe be careful mud-slinging- it tends to splash on your own face.
  8. ...point? Dude, there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS MORE PEOPLE who don't CARE about the nerf who DON'T BOTHER POSTING ABOUT IT. Because they're not upset. Jesus, you're not bright, are you?
  9. LOL oh, you poor silly baby. Your five friends and the few on this forum are a tiny, tiny portion of the player base.
  10. I saw that and corrected. ALSO lol omg okay, chicken little. Okay. /Pats your head.
  11. You accused me of 'doing nothing but ark'. (And then proceeded to act like I was a casual player who didn't play Ark enough, so I don't think even you knew what the dilo you were trying to say.) I informed you why you were wrong. Also, there's an entire thread full of people who agree with me. The game's far from screwed because a handful of whiny divas are throwing tantrums. All your arguments end up sounding like Veruca Salt.
  12. Actually, I play Overwatch, Mass Effect, Ark, I'm working on the Witcher 3 (Still, HUGE game), and various others- not counting old favorites I replay. I have a novel published, another on the way, I work, as I said, very long hours 5 1/2 days a week, and still play d&d with friends, go on outings with the fiancee, see movies, etc. Ark is far from my life; no kids, but I take care of 40 + horses worth more money then you will ever see in your life, plus my own two dogs and six cats. I get half of Sat off and all of Sunday, and that's if we're lucky. If we're not, we get ONE day a week off. And yet, yes, no, I plan on breeding for color mutations in this game, and I have sunk hours into it; building up, losing dinos, learning, practicing, and I plan on finding time to set aside for when I need to start hatching and raising babies; with my life and schedule, it'll be hard, but I know how to manage my time so I can do things like that. One f'ing flyer nerf does NOT THROW EVERYTHING INTO THE GARBAGE. Grow UP, ffs. Besides the fact that it has been STATED that the nerfs will be WORKED WITH until the devs find something that works well, it's just a gameplay change that any half intelligent person can adapt to. And I still say if you think this makes the game 'unplayable', then you need to evaluate. Seriously and strongly. Assuming makes a what out of you, again?...
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