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NeddyTheNoodle last won the day on November 16 2021

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  1. Hi! Thanks for putting our screenshot in the crunch. Please credit Golden Drop with that though, because he's the member of my team who made it. I only shared it for the public, with his permission Thanks!
  2. This is the best community crunch I've seen in a really long time. Lots of content, good communication. I appreciate it Ced, please keep it up and DEFINITELY have Wildcard hire more people to help make it even better.
  3. Wheres the community crunch? I mean come on they take about four seconds to put together based on how little content is ever actually in them
  4. This community crunch only went over things that happened LAST WEEK, and doesn't address the switch version whatsoever and how it's been handling in such a slimy, disgusting, horrible way. Jen, why do you have to be so dishonest with the community?
  5. That setting should be on console, look for DisableStructurePlacementCollision, and set it to true. Might only be in the server settings which would require owning a server from a provider.
  6. No, it doesn't exactly work that way. They like their own kibble, not their own kibble and up.
  7. DisableStructureColission and also yes, tons of dinos are a bit unnecessary now since you only need one type for each type of kibble respectively.
  8. I've tested all of the recipes and I can tell you they are correct, unless they were changed last minute. Just because I'm not part of wildcard doesn't mean I didn't input the right values.
  9. Again, check the kibble wiki for the new recipes. They aren't really massive changes.
  10. That sounds really frustrating, and I haven't heard any information about RTX. All I can say is don't use an RTX card to play ARK. That's the main reason I still haven't upgraded from my GTX 1080 Ti.
  11. You're asking a bit much, as they've just spent lots of work adding in what they have. I'd recommend playing around with all the new mechanics and seeing what you can build. You'd be surprised. As far as I know, they won't be adding snappable crop plots, but there are already very flexible pipes in the game now.
  12. Whole lot of things there, I'll answer them one by one. No, old kibble recipes do not work. Already made kibbles still work, and they still tame the respective dino they used to. They do not however work for imprints, you will need the new kibbles, any veggies, any berries, or any meats. Character respec every 24 hours means that once the change goes live, you have unlimited respec ability, every 24 hours. Your character that respec'd recently will be able to respec as soon as the update goes live because it's a retroactive change. The game didn't have this mechanic before the update, so it won't know. Beer is still useless as far as taming goes, besides Chalicotherium.
  13. I see a lot of people asking how kibble and imprinting works. I've spent extensive 100+ hours with the kibble and structures system, here's to hoping I can clear up any worries for you. Imprinting works the same way, it's just that your babies will randomly prefer any of the six kibbles, as well as any random vegetable, berry, or type of meat (including jerky). All the recipes for kibble can be found here - https://ark.gamepedia.com/Kibble#Kibble_Rework Now, because I updated the kibble wiki during the beta, I can't say that all of the dinos producing/preferring are 100% accurate, so I still recommend using the information provided on this post by Jen to figure out what types of kibble things prefer. Up until the point that the dododex has updated all the values, all you wanna do is figure out what kind of kibble the dino you're taming prefers, then go to the dododex and figure out how much of that kibble it will need based on it's level, etc, you know the drill. The taming times are generally still the same, it's just that now they use one of six categories. Hope that clears this up for those confused, I know change can be overwhelming. Good luck survivors
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