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Everything posted by loudplatipus

  1. my question is why don't you just play the game constantly and get all the updates
  2. I think the Carchar would be slightly smaller than a giga and would rip flesh out of their prey. They could probably pick stuff up with their mouths as well as do a tailwhip or ground stomp.
  3. when can we get news on the Carchar its bean a month or two since it was anounsed
  4. how do so many people think this game is dead it has near 70,000 people on the game and plus if you play on console or pc the number of people on servers is different because the game is not cross console so there could be more people on console i play PC and Xbox and whenever i look for a server i cant get into one because they are full.
  5. Also there are thousands of servers across the 11 different maps that ark has not to mention the fact that there are people that play host/local because they don't like playing multiplayer.
  6. I'm glad to see another person who thinks that the game is still alive and well cause i think we can all agree it is a grate game that only gets better as time goes on.
  7. a dead game is a game that has very few if any players ark has thousands of players and with every new update more and more people join the ark community. Ark is a pretty popular game and ark 2 might build upon the sucsess of ark 1 bringing many more players and being an overall more popular game than ark 1.
  8. Ark is far from a dead game just because you dont like something doesnt make it dead
  9. You have to pay for the story Dlc'S Scorched earth, Aberation, Exticntion and gen 1 and 2. The Dlc's like Rag, val, and Lost islands are free and so will Fjiorder
  10. This is my last sugestion but i think the dino that needs a tlc the most is the dilo. I would love to see a dilo that is the size of a carno and can be ridden. Honestly i think the dilo needs some love so wildcard please give it to them. Mabey a slightly changed model and a size up is all they need.
  11. Well i get that but we havent even gotten a dosseir for them and Im exited for that.
  12. could we get any news on the carcharodontosaurus you guys have told us its coming. plz
  13. could we get any news on the carcharodontosaurus you guys have told us its coming. sorry im just excited for the new dinos so thanks WC.😁🦕🦖
  14. This is my last sugestion but i think the dino that needs a tlc the most is the dilo. I would love to see a dilo that is the size of a carno and can be ridden. Honestly i think the dilo needs some love so wildcard please give it to them. Mabey a slightly changed model and a size up is all they need.
  15. i don't want to dis on wildcard so i have an idea to make Ark 1 go out with a bang. The community submits fictional creatures with their own unique abilities the only rules are they cant be boss level cant be bigger than a titanosaur and sexual diversity is encouraged. and possibly a fan voted mod map.Its just my idea because i love the game and ive been playing since release and i would not like to see it go up in smoke i want to see it to go out with an explosion that people wont forget. WC or Ced if you see this at least take it into consideration🧐😒. 🐲
  16. 0 ark content for youtubers and even something to look forward to
  17. I was hoping to get the new dosseirs for mabey THE NEW DINOS. Or TLC 4 anounsment/revel.
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