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2OLEgend last won the day on February 23 2021

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  1. Gen 2 xbox official After the 2 hour mini game of watching TV and waiting. Finally got back to my stone base and feed my two female trikes. Narco is my priority atm so berries are vital. Eventually tamed a doedi. Only 85 lvl, but had to roll it 2k back to my base. Hopefully back on tomorrow.
  2. Xbox Island official PvE Had a couple of hours to kill before going to work, but not enough time to get into anything major. So I decided to alter my main base, nothing fancy just a couple of ramps for my gachas to drop their loot crystals. So I demo'd a few ceilings, a few walls and started adding a few ramps/ stairs. Only then I realised I had a gapping hole in the roof of about 7 or 8 random ceilings missing. So no biggy, I went to plug the ceilings. Was hit with the build limit 5678 of 5500. 😳 eh I had been taking stuff away not adding. So I resolved to replace a few of my single walls with large 4x1 type, no snap point. So I had to demo 4 single walls to replace with the larger walls. Now I have a hole in the side of my base with about 3 gasbags, rock elementals and my skiff blocking the hole until I can finish work. Arked
  3. Xbox Ragnarok official PvE Started on ragnarok with new character on my main account, mainly because I don't fully trust the transfer system. My main character and my alt account character staying on the island for now. I am well established on the island so I made all my base building materials there and transferred to my other self on rag. I wanted to build a flat base mainly because everything I have built previously has ended up as multi level pillar experience which I have found lags the server. So I joined a server friends server mainly for the low traffic in comparison to the island. They have a base in the Highlands, they helped me get to the obelisk to recover my set up materials and tames. After a quick tour of the local area I started to search for a base site. The server has a maximum of 11 survivors at one time so there is no lags or host time out issues on login 😊. My base was constructed it comprised of eight by eight metal foundation exclusively flat box with large metal walls and metal ceilings. No pillars and no triangles to be seen, with a behemoth stone gate ring fence. The behemoth fence is required for the giga spawn nearby. The giga are really helpful in levelling my new character, Red Rage my trusty giga has 34k hp and levelled to over 1200% melee, so makes short work of anything that gets too close. I had been active for a few days exploring the area, particularly enjoying the flora and fauna. This island boy was in awe of wild Wyverns and mantis; enjoyed the surprise of rock golums Jack in the boxing out whenever I approached. Every thing was good. Or so I thought 🤔. I was looking for oil, as up to now everything was coming from the island, the lag seems so much worse as I had been living in the lag free world of ragnarok. So my rag base would have to be self sufficient. Oil vein coords were very easy to find on the internet but extremely difficult to find one that wasn't boxed in within a megabase. I flew from the Highlands hitting all the coords in a systematic way, I was in the desert when I was contacted in game chat. Here is where it started. Someone wanted to access my compound, for vegetables. So being new to the server I hot footed home to allow access. No sooner I arrived the survivors started to berate me for building on a veg patch. I mean crops grow everywhere in the Highlands. I put this down to a couple of Bob's spouting off. This really soured my first day's on a new server. But because of my recent arrival to this map I left a gate unlocked to allow both characters access when I wasn't there. This was on the agreement they would always close the gate behind them. But this arrangement was removed by the following incident. I was crafting element in my inventory and because its a tedious task I was away from keyboard for about 5 minutes. I came back to find the two survivors checking the locks on all my stuff. They left only when I give them food. The next day I left a roof door open, when I came back my forge, cooker, fabricator and grill were all blazing away. This was the last straw, I decided to expand my base and total coverage of all the veg plots would remove the need for people sniffing around. The whole compound was built on so 21 by 16 foundation 12 walls high only one tek behemoth gate entrance to my base. With a 12 by 16 greenhouse on top. The idea was to grow crops and leave my surplus in a unlocked fridge outside. Obviously with my base expansion the curtain wall needed to extend. This is where things became strange. A well established survivor nearby with a base much larger than my island base, began to complain in chat about how my base was causing lag. Lag on a server where only 11 max online. At first I thought it was the proximity of my wall to theirs and I offered to demo. But it soon became apparent that they wanted me to demo the whole base. Tl;dr I spent a year on a packed island server and never upset anyone. In the space of a week I have became public enemy number one on an underpopulated ragnarok server. ark logic at its best.
  4. Xbox Island official PvE Started to gather building materials, the goal was to have most things ready so I can travel to Ragnarok. Lately the island server I'm on has been averaging 30-35 survivors, so lag has been a major issue. This has driven away most of the players who were well established when I started. I started with a small base in mind a approximate 8x8 metal box with most crafting items fabricator, Smithy and a few fridges. I left my main character on the island and using my alt character as the one I hope to travel onwards to other servers. On ragnarok I have a newly created main character which does more and more when levelling allows, my alt was useful in building as I had levelled weight and fortitude mainly for my planned SE move. I have gotten my new main character to about level 65 quite quickly. I haven't done anything worthwhile yet but just exploring a new map on a server which has low traffic has been a revelation. To such an extent every time I return to my main base the lag and login problems seem so much worse. Most of my time is spent bringing things i never though of in my pre-planning stage. Stuff you cannot live without like dedicated storage boxes. I think it is a shame you can't unlock Engrams which you own the dlc maps, without physically unlocking them when you are there. Mainly the element creating one on Extinction. Looking forward to starting my next post with 'Xbox Ragnarok official PvE'.
  5. I have had the same experience, only with extraordinary kibble. Totally by accident I found the culprit, strangely he appeared in the tames progressing menu, the one which allowed you to track all your tames until it was patched.
  6. I did get loads of dino candies but very few chocolates, but the few I did collect spoiled before I realised they could spoil 😆
  7. This event more than i have experienced before was a waste of lags and disconnections. I lost so many eggs and babies to disconnection and log in issues. I haven't got any advice to offer but it would be a great shame if you were to quit, your stories have helped me through my own dark times. Good luck @Penguin73
  8. Xbox Island official PvE This event was a mixed bag, tried fishing, taming, breeding, farming and lots of raising. Fishing. Sorry not for me found it a boring waste of time. Good if you wanted low level saddles and chibis. Taming. Losts of otters albeit only one event; really low level, but a nice edition to my growing collection. Tamed a really low level giga, just to get a tick in my dossier. I had read before hand that their tamed stats had been nerffed previously a 80k health 100% melee behemoth turned into a 30k hp with 35% melee 😂. Late last night flying back to home to log off spotted a Alpha Carno in one of my ramp traps. Easy kill, weakened with my rex and finished with my crossbow. But my luck didn't end there a event pig was stuck in the same place. Now I nearly always carry a featherlight set for max creatures. I didn't this time due to the annoying tek helmet setting/ unsetting and shoulder pet throwing into oblivion mini-game. But I digress, the daedon was unusually event and level 150. Not a perfect tame due to the extra shocking tranq dart as it was felled. Coupled with the fact that my rex had inadvertently chewed it in the Alpha Carno battle and my new method of exclusively using exceptional kibble it was instantly tamed. I use only exceptional kibble as my deino and yuty egg farm has been running in over time due to event rates. Breeding. Mostly failed at everything, missing hatching timers and the strange egg disappearances. Firstly I'm going to explain my hatching room layout, just to rule out any blame on my part. I have 16 air conditioning units on a dedicated generator in a 4x4 block underneath a one high ceiling. The above ceiling is the floor of my hatching area, I have a high level perfect tamed dime (dino ac unit) with all levels into melee. It has been ages since I have lost any eggs since I set this up. Theft is a no go as well as the room is accessible by a tek door air lock and the eggs weren't any where near an exterior wall. The losses were eye watering to say the least, 18 giga eggs in total were lost, but not hatched, at various ways through their 16hrs hatching time. As I hatched in batches a few disappeared when I was offline but most when I was away from base. The only saving grace was my otter yield of 12 souls all around the 90-180 level. Some of them inherited their fathers high food stat which made them so easy to raise. An otter with a 1600 food stat is awesome 👌. Farming. I maxed out a lot of my dedicated storage boxes wall with the usual fiber, hide, thatch, etc. I also utilised the three forges I had build previously on metal mountain to good effect. Raising. The usual suspects otters, owls, gachas, gas bags and yutys mainly for trade. I managed to get some nice water tames going as well but as my ocean pen is very full most were podded at the 10% mark. All in all a highly enjoyable event; Coupled with the fact I was off work for most of it and no major server distributions. Tl;dr love evolved event winner.
  9. Xbox Island official PvE I haven't posted for a while, still play on Island mainly but hopefully I'll will be trying more maps. I added my second account to my tribe with the view to leave my alt account as a back up on the island when my main survivor goes travelling. So currently trying to level 2nd to at least 100 to hopefully do alpha dragon soon.This, in the main is to allow both characters to use all the tek items in the main base. The alpha monkey and spider were done really quickly by lucky coincidence. A recent new neighbour appeared; they seem to be in another time zone but they look to have most tek items, skiff, cloners and teleporter. They were looking for minor items and with their close proximity I offered my help. After I had assisted they were planning to do some boss runs. I cheekily asked for an invitation. They were happy for me and a couple of server randoms to join. Pretty soon both monkey and spider were dispatched. They then started planning to do alpha dragon and for an extra tribe mate to achieve level 100 to allow him to join. So back to levelling 2nd. As a foot note, I tried a visit to SE just by creating a new survivor, didn't last long. Spawned in front of level 130 raptor, died. Respawned right next to a rex, ran away eventually to be eaten by a level 20 wolf. More preparation required i think 😆
  10. Xbox Island official PvE Blitzed though caves. Iast night I hit a wall of losses. All my barys gone. Lava cave be came a tough one. No one wants to do. But because I needed explorer notes it became an obsession. I watched endless YouTube clips of the people who exist on YouTube doing YouTube stuff. But I realised they are living in a world sanitised free from lag when a jump is a jump. I needed to feel annoyed. Needed the clarity of the injustice of being arked; to realise something. YouTubers can play as intended, can edit the truth. I have absolute god like Thylos, I rarely use, because I have other dinos to do stuff. I have found that forget nuance just hit the lemon with a sledhamer is the answer. I took my Thylo's into the lava, they destroyed everything walked on lava. I achieved my goal. But feel more than a little disappointed that there's probably only three or four dinos that are important to achieve everything in the game.
  11. Xbox Island official PvE Still chipping away at the caves on the island. Whittling at the final few explorer notes. Reached the 90% mark. A long time player on the server took me through the hard water cave but one note still eludes me. Also I did the strong artifact cave, I know there is no notes but i wasn't going to miss the opportunity to run a cave with someone who has done it many times. Even with their support I managed to get ganked by purlovias at the very first drop. Quite embarrassing, not for the first time in ark. The most embarrassing moment came about a fortnight ago when about 6 or 7 survivors were running the tek cave. We were lining our rexes up at the console in the volcano and I somehow meshed through the door before it was opened. Instantly killed and losing all my gear. Luckily they waited until I crafted all my stuff again. But I digress, I completed the cave, the only casualty other than my pride was my otter. Lily P Otter was an almost constant companion until her life was snuffed out, by a level 260 Yeti. Her fate was already sealed, the day she was tamed by an absolute great cotton headed ninny muggins. The rest of my time was spent raising replacement otters and building a cloner in my water pen.
  12. Xbox Island official PvE I know this topic is 'what you did in ark today ' but here is my highlights of the past few days. Got back into running caves mainly to get explorer notes. Just gradually building my confidence up, as previously ran swamp cave and took quite a battering. So I have done lots of research on the web, bred or traded the appropriate tames for most caves (the major plus point of PvE server). This isn't an exhaust list by any means, as over the the last few months I have done bits and pieces lost to the mists of time. Swamp cave second run, ran with two other survivors. They were focused on the artifact and drops mainly, so ran through with high level Thylo's, me bringing up the rear on my Megatherium mopping up the swarms of insects. I was coming to the end of my play time, never the less I managed to grab two artifacts (otter shoulder pet). But the Terror bird dossier eluded me. Next day i, possibly emboldened by the help yesterday, I ran the same cave solo. I took the precaution of leaving everything that I valued back at base. This run i took my best Megatherium, a frog cryopodded, some brews and a shotgun. The armour used which I forgot to mention earlier was scuba goggles, tank and the rest ghillie. I slowly walked through the whole cave methodically killing everything thing in sight, only hairy moments coming when dismounting to cryo pod mega through narrow tunnels. The shotgun became essential. I gathered the final note and left the cave. I am lucky enough to have a tek skiff (the whole story of that I have posted previously in this thread). I was lucky enough to be involved in a alpha monkey boss fight. This by virtue of having some tribute items that the other survivors required and thus gaining an invitation. Ther reason i mention this is, one of the other survivors involved also had a skiff. Where as mine had a bunk bed and a few seats, theirs was a mini base. After the boss fight I asked for a tour, they had a metal structure with a cryo fridge, generator, bed and storage boxes. So the next day by this time, I proceeded to start my skiff base build. Skiff base build 1.0 I started with a metal structure 1 wall high with a facsimile of the other survivors set up. It looked awful, it reassembled a skiff that had meshed into a metal box lol. Skiff base build 2.0 I added a normal refrigerator for kibble, brews and food. Used a few greenhouse panels instead of the majority metal. I hated the look, now it looked like a half finished greenhouse. Skiff base build 3.0 My base is fully metal with tek doors, I have seen fully tek bases but have been wary of the cost of turning even a part of my base tek. But the skiff is basically 4x3 single wall high box. So tek is the direction I eventually took. Fully tek with two tek double doors at the back near the steering column. Few storage boxes, cryo, normal refrigerator and bunk bed. The front looked very boxy (as it was just a box lol) I fitted a triangle prow to it enclosed with tek railings and behind it I place a tek door frame. I intend to use as a taming area. On the roof I was able to place a few seats. It may look like a 1980's Volvo estate (Station wagon) flying backwards but I'm quite proud of it. Tl;dr Did some cave stuff, built skiff base which took three days 😊
  13. This method would require the SE survivor inviting the island survivor into the tribe on SE. Obviously with both characters being from the same account one would over write the other when on e the same server. You would need a third party or an alternative account to act as a buffer, to invite both characters to the same tribe. I suppose you could use pin codes but that would be an absolute nightmare imo. If this was the case the island survivor would be locked out of the SE tribe and vise versa.
  14. Xbox Island official PvE I started the weekend and for the first time in ages I had no idea what to do next. I did the tek cave last week, was planning on moving to SE to continue with the 'story'. But I started to look for excuses not to leave the island. I found one; i still haven't collected all the explorer notes, probably got all the easier ones, but underwater and cave ones have yet to be done. I have some top water tames, which I have accumulated with trading and swapping. I have a metal ocean pen full of Basilo, x Basilo, a Mosa and a pair of Tusos. But I have rarely entered the ocean only done easy water cave twice. I have avoided the depths to such an extent I had never been in a resource cave until now. I took my skiff, I have traversed the island picking up the notes I have been missing. Just before I was wrapping up for the night I decided to do one more. Strangely it was very close to my base. I guess over confidence got the best of me, because I didn't leave the other tames in the skiff. I travelled to the coords and suddenly I was ganked by several megs and a tuso. I was fighting for a few seconds then I realised no-one was dying or responding. I wish I was joking, a cold dread came over me, I have been here before. I was greeted with the main menu. Yet again it wasn't gameplay that got me, it was game design. I honestly hoped my dinos would protect me. But due to game design, my basilo set to neutral killed the wild tuso but just sat there while jellyfish killed my unresponsive survivor. Luckily there was no indication where I was killed on the death screen, due to the disconnection. I found my corpse but searching tamed menu, I quickly found my body but was dispatched yet again by the same jellyfish. This time my Tuso and Basilo sat watching the carnage. I steadily prepared to try again, armed with my remaining Tuso and successful dispatched the level 40 jellyfish, yeah level 40, my dinosaurs sat and watching. I eventually recovered all my stuff and got back home. I have rarely had a more stressful time in gaming, where I could have lost so many things. But this time I wasn't bested by a foe, rather than by the classic arkism Host timeout. But it revealed something greater, I am only constricted by the fear of losing everything I have built. For example transferring servers as there is a real chance of losing everything I have. Remember this is only a game, I only play for recreation. Sometimes it is more trouble than it is worth. Stay safe survivors.
  15. I haven't really bothered with gacha-claus but based on what I have read and experienced myself with my own gachas; they drop at the most apprentice level crystals (a result of a previous nerf), but in my experience you still get your share of master craft and even ascendant loot (albeit rarerly) If you increase their crafting skill above 150% you gain maximum resources from each crystal, but any higher then that the amount of loot crystals frequency increases. Which is a negative thing with say element dust gachas as you want to maximise the amount of resources rather than master craft stone picks. I personally feed my resource gacha seeds to maximise element dust production. I still get about 10% loot drops. But I have read if you feed them structures the loot is much better, but I haven't tried that my self.
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