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  1. Works fine for me on xbox. Never had a single issue. Install Genesis, it's on every respawn.
  2. I'm aware. I was responding to someone who said to remove the entire ally system. I was explaining why the ally system serves a purpose other than war. I was saying war was like the only thing it WASN'T used for outside of abuse
  3. I think you responded to wrong person? Not sure why you said that to me lol.
  4. Mind explaining? From what I see, the SP released exactly what it said it would? So morons save money?
  5. Who in the world uses the ally system for wars? Never heard of it.. The point of the ally system is to 1) Private Chat 2) Allowing building near. 3) Blue name so can see friends/don't trigger parasaurs 4) Allow riding passenger on Rock Drakes still many benefits for PVE
  6. speaking as a developer, that is harder to implement. Instead, you could make structures have a cooldown, that once hit by projectile, they are immune to further projectiles for X seconds, rate limiting the DPS a structure can take.
  7. also the primitive plus comment is laughable. how about wording it more appropriate "The nuclear bomb that was dropped on P+ will be rolled back" Ced confirmed there will be a roll back (otherwise, who the hell is going to continue playing P+ anyways). P+ was absolutely nuked.
  8. The 10s cooldown on snow owl is only thing i see that touches PvE but its a non issue for me, as your owl needs time to regain stam anyways.... Only way I can see that being an 'impact' (i don't even want to say issue) is if you had 2 owls alternating healing. but big woop, a few 10s breaks in between healing cycles.
  9. speaking as a senior developer with some game development experience, these kind of changes aren't necessary to help improve lag. The issue is how the game processes the data, doing it all at once causes noticeable lag spikes. The proper solution is to break server processing up to be more incremental. You have 1000 dinos. currently: its do all 1k at same time, pausing everything until its done. ideal: process 10, do other things, process 10, do other things, repeat. If WC updated saving even initially to start, that would reduce lag immensely. I fixed so much of Minecrafts performance problems and incremental saving was a huge improvement. I made many other things in Minecraft also incremental. Things CAN be fixed on an aged game, you just have to commit to doing it.
  10. So as usual primitive plus gets boned on the event. why is colors so hard to enable?
  11. Why would they have a different stance on drakes for console? WC isn't adding drakes to the map, they rejected the idea. The tweet about Drakes is about unofficially adding it. They won't be on official servers.
  12. I find it humorous yall keep using the Drake Trench image to promote this map, yet there are no Drakes.
  13. @lilpandaWhat about Primitive Plus? (specifically PVE Xbox)? We have Ragnarok and The Center, so hoping we will get it.... but Xbox NA-PVE-PrimitivePlus Cross Ark 4 is also missing Scorched Earth. Kinda sucks I paid for an expansion I can't even play in my cluster, so it gives me mixed feelings on if we will get the map. Would be nice to get SE added to the cluster though with Valg
  14. I doubt anyone has a clue on what you are talking about, so I doubt many people are going to leave over it.... 9999 what? Beers? Dinos farting? Stone Walls?
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