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This has been at the top of my list ever since Aberration’s poll. People call me crazy, but to me it’s always good to have more cool insects/arachnids in the game in my opinion. I love the horror aspects of this creature. Especially if it retains the eerie glow (I’d pray it’s a color region). Between the Chimerarachne Yingi and the Maevia Eureka us insect enjoyers are eating GOOD. All of their abilities look interesting and genuinely useful.

Edited by Zilzo
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I'm very much a fan of the creature, especially the hypnotic and lure/bait abilities. However, I do think some aspects of the creature are a bit overqualified. Personally, I don't see much reason for it to have extra features such as 50% extra corrupted damage, weight reduction, AND egg incubation. While I understand your logic for it in the documents, I think it's simply too much on one creature. I think it would be more interesting to invest the gameplay aspects more into the hypnotic/luring nature of the creature instead of these extra somewhat random utilities.

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