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How would the respawn of the survivors in ark 2 be explained?


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On 7/29/2023 at 9:43 AM, stullyyy said:

Já que a nave gênese caiu no planeta, não estamos em uma arca que nos faz reaparecer, seria esse um jogo onde se morrermos temos que criar outro sobrevivente? 

Even if the survivors are not inside of an ARK, the technology that allows survivors to respawn could survive the crash and still be working. This is just one idea, and probably not the idea that the writers of the ARK lore will use, but it should help show the idea that it would not be difficult for them to create a reason inside of the story.


Mesmo que os sobreviventes não estejam dentro de um ARK, a tecnologia que permite que os sobreviventes reapareçam pode sobreviver ao acidente e ainda estar funcionando. Esta é apenas uma ideia, e provavelmente não a ideia que os escritores da tradição ARK usarão, mas deve ajudar a mostrar a ideia de que não seria difícil para eles criar uma razão dentro da história.


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In the “one who waits” explorer notes on extinction, Homo deus Helena states “You see those islands in the sky are seeds, and when they fall, they'll need what's left of the System's energy to bloom. So when the barren garden is fully revived, you'll lose the ability to revive yourself.

In earlier notes she also talks at length about how she’s the one who revived survivors, using the resources from the arks

Death, that inescapable hunter, closed in on its lonely prey and I couldn't bear the sight. I tried to pry its jaws open, but I had no hands. So blindly, I thrashed and cried for help until I stumbled upon her, one who could be those hands. One who could give that person more than I ever could.

Clearly referring to when she first succeeded at reviving Diana while Mei Yin was fighting the ?Forest Titan? If I remember correctly 

the line that seems most relevant is the end of the first quote I made: “So when the barren garden is fully revived, you'll lose the ability to revive yourself.” Suggesting that respawning is mo longer canon after extinction. In Gen 1 it’s allowed because it’s a simulation so video game rules apply, but I always gathered that by Gen 2 starts, you’re canonically now in hardcore mode


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