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Miracinonyx (American Cheetah), The Hazard-Deploying Speed Demon

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3 hours ago, Lucifer15 said:

not bad but you do realise it needs to be a real word creacher and theres no evidence that maks me think its real

The artwork doesn't look like it, but it's a North American Cheetah which was, by scientific study, a relative of the cougar that, the plains subspecies variant evolved to run fast like the modern cheetah to hunt down prey. Though it was slower and only slightly larger than the modern cheetah. There was a North American Cheetah variant as well that lived in Cliffside terrain that acted very cougar-like. The Giant Cheetah, which was a separate entry further down the list, was a more "true cheetah" still from the Acinonyx genus and more closely related to modern cheetahs and basically, from what I've seen in research, was "the size (height) of a lion" but otherwise very cheetah-looking.  

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If this creature is more mointain lion than cheetah, I'd love to see it accurately reflect just how powerfully modern cougars jump. Combining the jump ability of the shadowmane and the climbing ability of the thyla would sell me this dino 10/10. It's probably already going at the top of my votes in round two. Felines for the win!

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I love this design.

It fits exactly perfect into the ARK, a great mix between realism and cool factor with Wildcard take on historical dinos.


1 Suggestion though, give him abillity to lay down and sleep. ( like megalosaurus ).


To replenish health quicker perhaps or just for visuals.

Edited by Kazaanh
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On 6/5/2023 at 12:42 AM, droidcommander said:

Some small suggestions, specifically some pros and cons it should have.
So what pros and cons does a regular cheetah have?
-SPEED (Obviously)
-It chirps (look it up, it's adorable.)

-Sucks at combat (They're literally only built for speed.)
-anxiety after getting a kill (because they suck at combat.)
-Anxiety when baby. (Because they're babies, and suck at combat, like all babies.)

How could we incorparate these thing into the cheetah?

First off ,it should chirp, so that's one down.

Other than that, it should have relatively low health, so it isn't a killing machine, but rather a glass... bullettrain?
We're gonna skip that second con because getting a debuff when killing something would be annoying.
So how could we include the third con? Well in real life cheetah cubs often need a comfort dog to be raised properly, how could we introduce this into ark?
Simple, If you have a baby direwolf and a baby cheetah, the cheetah will receive a buff where the timer for imprinting will be cut down a bit, how much depends on server settings, the level of cheetah and the level of the direwolf, the buff will also cause imprinting to be more effective on the cheetah and the direwolf. (the direwolf will not have a shortened timer)
I think this should balance things out as well as make the animal feel just a little more like it's modern day counterpart.


19 hours ago, Abaddon23 said:

maybe you could also add a cuddle buff so that the printet person gets a little buff from him?!


On 6/4/2023 at 11:26 AM, AmanaTishala said:

We had a lot of very good/refined ideas for the Acinonyx/Giant Cheetah last round. I think with Ragnarok, going with the North American cheetah (so it's a cougar variant and can potentially climb/jump) makes sense for sure, but if you'd like some of the ideas we had for the Giant Cheetah, I'd be happy to submit them! 


Namely, my idea for the Cheetah in Ark has always been that it is a "living bolas" meaning that, just like real-life Acinonyx jubatus, it trips its prey to go in for the suffocating bite so an Ark Cheetah should be able to trip things and momentarily knock them down and stun them, like a Bola immobilizes creatures temporarily. And then giving it a Tek saddle that would then allow it to act as a chain Bola. 


On 6/5/2023 at 11:32 PM, LittleSpicyOreos said:

I would just like to offer a tip from what I had seen before when we were trying to refine our Giant Cheetah submission, and all the previous cheetahs I've seen submitted: that people kept stating they liked it but felt it was boring if it was JUST about speed. You have maneuverability in here which is good, and being a cougar that decided to go fast, the North American Cheetah having an ability to run towards a wall, lock on and hop and scramble up, then hop down the other side makes sense. I feel, maybe, to add something else, since it was a cougar and they were highly adaptable type critters, to perhaps give it a minor insulation bonus against both heat/cold while riding it. Because right now it just seems a very fast, frail travel mount. Which does fit a cheetah but personally, on the ground I just use my thyla to run everywhere because they can climb, run fast, are tough enough to take on almost everything, and can swim well and fight ok in the water all things considered too. They can't shoot fire out behind them, which is a fun idea here, and I'm assuming the cheetah would be base speed way faster of course, but so far I think it needs more flavor and abilities to set it apart. I'd always figured the cheetah should have a trip at least.

I've implemented aspects of all your suggestions! I say "aspects" since I gave my own spin on them. But do check out the new artwork - I mention all your names as a special thanks at the bottom of the post too :)

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