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Everything posted by GoushtSlash

  1. My presentation for the vote of the next creature on the map of the center is the haast eagle, also known as harpagornis. Facts about harpagornis: It was the largest eagle that ever existed with tiger-sized claws, and is credited with being the inspiration behind the legends of giant, man-eating birds in New Zealand. It was the apex predator of its environment and was capable of killing creatures several times its size. Given this, I believe it could function well as a powerful predator of the apex of the ark's heavens. Feature for the game: Having the haast eagle comfortably and quickly criss-cross the skies over mountains, jungles and a rough ocean where to dive to fish inside the ark would provide a powerful new flyer that would not only give a fun way to travel the map, but would also be a useful tool full of utility depending on what you need and how you use it. Skills: - dive attack: can perform a dive attack to stun and immobilize the flyers in the air for about ten seconds (works on creatures the size of a quetzal or wyvern). Rafaga electric feathers: this attack consists of throwing several of its electric feathers, poisonous or both at its enemies, (this can be done on the ground and in the air, depending on where the rider is pointing). After performing this attack, your enemy will be marked with an orange or reddish aura, depending on your life, in addition to being able to carry a quick attack. - fast forward attack: this attack can be made after you hit a maximum of 5 or 6 feathers to your target, giving harpagornis the opportunity to make this attack charged forward, giving him a big hit. - improved agility: harpagornis has developed the ability to spin in the air just like a pteranodon to cause even more damage to its enemies at high speeds, in turn gaining 40 seconds of affinity in its speed and energy. First class meat and fish catcher: can collect first class fish and meat from the small creatures of the ark with their claws or beak (these can be dodos, kairukus, pegomastax, piranhas, coelacanths, jerboa, etc.). -speed and damage: it is extremely faster and stronger than an argentavis but not as fast as a pteranodon, against its life/energy. - electromagnetic wave attack: generally consists of around it an electrical wave, which near electrical devices deactivates them for a period of 120 seconds causing this attack to weaken enemy traps, this can also alter the structures composed of tek element (armor, turrets and frames composed of this element). Cosmetic shriek: produces a shriek similar to that of eagles or hawks, opening their large wings to appear larger. -eagle's eye: when activated mounted on harpagornis, this will give the possibility of seeing the other creatures, serving as a mixture between an advanced telescope and a magnifying glass for its rider giving information about life, unconsciousness and level without the need to approach its prey or future taming. Method of domestication: For its domestication must be use of domesticated creatures, because harpagornis loves to be offered live sacrifices to be tamed by a survivor, the bigger and ferocious the sacrifice the better the effectiveness and domestication of these powerful birds and through this act harpagornis will bring you down by small sandwiches or treasures hidden under their wings. Appearance: Its appearance is loosely based on the largest living forest eagles along with a mixture of fishing eagles such as the harpy, crowned and Philippine eagles, but with obvious differences to give it a distinctive look. Taking as a sample its feather crown like some other large raptors. It would have a high, upright posture when grounded. A small detail worth mentioning is that in real life it had a rather long beak, which I base for its design and art. Additional data: It can be seen hunting and observing all the wild creatures in the ecosystem, as well as hunting and destroying them with its powerful claws. It is larger than an argentavis and more voluminous. In addition to having a rare taste of stalking all the corrupted creatures being even able to grab them and destroy them in a single moment by stunning them and taking them away to be devoured like the current eagles. It appears near cliffs and in the coldest or hottest areas of the map at higher altitudes. Release feathers that serve as a skin substitute or being able to be a new agile armor for the player.
  2. Of course, I love ideas for this gorgeous bird, so there would be no problem having more to give this bad guy
  3. Of course! And it's a pleasure to see this great bird portrayed based on some personal ideas along with a little researched of previous ideas.
  4. My presentation for the vote of the next creature on the map of the center is the haast eagle, also known as harpagornis. Facts about harpagornis: It was the largest eagle that ever existed with tiger-sized claws, and is credited with being the inspiration behind the legends of giant, man-eating birds in New Zealand. It was the apex predator of its environment and was capable of killing creatures several times its size. Given this, I believe it could function well as a powerful predator of the apex of the ark's heavens. Feature for the game: Having the haast eagle comfortably and quickly criss-cross the skies over mountains, jungles and a rough ocean where to dive to fish inside the ark would provide a powerful new flyer that would not only give a fun way to travel the map, but would also be a useful tool full of utility depending on what you need and how you use it. Skills: - dive attack: can perform a dive attack to stun and immobilize the flyers in the air for about ten seconds (works on creatures the size of a quetzal or wyvern). Rafaga electric feathers: this attack consists of throwing several of its electric feathers, poisonous or both at its enemies, (this can be done on the ground and in the air, depending on where the rider is pointing). After performing this attack, your enemy will be marked with an orange or reddish aura, depending on your life, in addition to being able to carry a quick attack. - fast forward attack: this attack can be made after you hit a maximum of 5 or 6 feathers to your target, giving harpagornis the opportunity to make this attack charged forward, giving him a big hit. - improved agility: harpagornis has developed the ability to spin in the air just like a pteranodon to cause even more damage to its enemies at high speeds, in turn gaining 40 seconds of affinity in its speed and energy. First class meat and fish catcher: can collect first class fish and meat from the small creatures of the ark with their claws or beak (these can be dodos, kairukus, pegomastax, piranhas, coelacanths, jerboa, etc.). -speed and damage: it is extremely faster and stronger than an argentavis but not as fast as a pteranodon, against its life/energy. - electromagnetic wave attack: generally consists of around it an electrical wave, which near electrical devices deactivates them for a period of 120 seconds causing this attack to weaken enemy traps, this can also alter the structures composed of tek element (armor, turrets and frames composed of this element). Cosmetic shriek: produces a shriek similar to that of eagles or hawks, opening their large wings to appear larger. -eagle's eye: when activated mounted on harpagornis, this will give the possibility of seeing the other creatures, serving as a mixture between an advanced telescope and a magnifying glass for its rider giving information about life, unconsciousness and level without the need to approach its prey or future taming. Method of domestication: Either as a tranquilizer and food or as a standard, it can also be done by collecting eggs from nests in large trees and cliffs. Appearance: Its appearance is loosely based on the largest living forest eagles along with a mixture of fishing eagles such as the harpy, crowned and Philippine eagles, but with obvious differences to give it a distinctive look. Taking as a sample its feather crown like some other large raptors. It would have a high, upright posture when grounded. A small detail worth mentioning is that in real life it had a rather long beak, which I base for its design and art. Additional data: He can be seen hunting and watching all the wild creatures in the ark, as well as hunting and grabbing them with his powerful claws. It is larger than an argentavis and more voluminous. In addition to having a taste for the ark turtles being able to grab the carbonemys by stunning them and taking them away to be devoured like the current eagles. It appears with nests in redwoods, near cliffs and in colder areas of the map at higher altitudes. Release feathers that serve as a skin substitute or being able to be a new agile armor for the player. Most large eagle nests today are filled with skins and bones from previous meals, so even if eggs are the main focus, one might collect some fur or additional resources from empty nests/nests.
  5. I love the idea of having a relative of the current red panda and I am fascinated by the abilities that this animal could have, an idea to make it more fun is that it can intimidate nameless or smaller creatures, rising with its two hind legs in addition to providing light and protection against gases or poisons from fungi or thrown by a Reaper or Basiliscus. Concept art designed for the pristinailurus bristoli.
  6. I love this creature and the design, it is very original and amazing!
  7. Diseño/ubicación Amphicyon es un poco más alto que un Ravager ora thyla y tiene garras y colmillos en comparación con los de un oso que son demasiado espantosos y resistentes para romper los huesos de sus enemigos, Amphicyon ahora tiene algo de pelo en la parte delantera de la cabeza para darle un toque. de originalidad al modelo. Además de brindar protección en la zona más débil y al lado tiene manchas en casi algunas partes de su cuerpo las cuales brindan iluminación natural y confianza a las pequeñas criaturas aberrantes. Se encuentran principalmente en el bioma o zona azul del mapa como un depredador muy peligroso en concreto, pero también puedes encontrarlos en las zonas rojas o en la zona radiactiva del ecosistema. Dimorfismo sexual incluido: los machos tienen una paleta de colores inspirada en el boyero de Berna junto con una mezcla de tigrón (una mezcla entre tigre y león) y rasgos de un oso negro, a diferencia de las hembras que tienen colores similares a los de un husky siberiano pero diferente el macho ahora se convierte en la mezcla de un leopon (una mezcla de un león y un leopardo) y rasgos de un oso panda. ecología/comportamiento: Amphicyon se reproduce en pequeños grupos de 3, generalmente un macho alfa y 2 hembras, pero es posible que puedas encontrar un bebé de amphicyon en medio del grupo o un nido con cosas valiosas para recolectar. neutral Principalmente cazan presas grandes, pero si surge la oportunidad, comerán animales más pequeños o criaturas con poca vida. pasivo Pueden interactuar muy bien con criaturas luminosas o pequeñas, pero son muy agresivos con criaturas que son más grandes o más grandes que anphicyon. . Método de dominio: Amphicyon se puede domesticar de dos maneras: El primero es jugar con él, este se basa en su forma de cazar la cual te dirá rodando o saltando junto a un aullido a la presa que quiere que le ganes a cambio amphicyon te dar pequeñas cosas como recursos o pequeñas piezas de armas encontradas por su gran nariz. Su segunda forma de domesticación se basa en cuidar la cría de estas grandes y poderosas bestias atrayéndolas con miel o pequeños bocados que llamen la atención de la cría y así evitar molestar a los padres, en el proceso la cría emitirá sonidos los cuales pueden o no llamar a sus padres como método de defensa o quizás simplemente para pedir más comida. domesticación: Es necesario acechar y perseguir al animal que anfición desea, para comérselo y hacer alianza con esta bestia. Ataques y habilidades: Mordisco: un poderoso mordisco que usará como método de ataque. Desnudar: UTILIZA sus fuertes garras para abalanzarse sobre una criatura de gran tamaño dando un golpe que drena la energía y la velocidad del animal y en casos de llevar armadura metálica o tek esta habilidad hará que tu personaje sufra parálisis por la embestida. Caída oportunista: Amphicyon logrará escalar grandes paredes ya sean verticales u horizontales, para abalanzarse sobre cualquier presa distraída saltando sobre ella y aplastándola contra el suelo en el proceso, dejándola sin posibilidad de escapar de sus poderosas garras y patas. Explosión sónica: puedes atacar a tus objetivos con un poderoso ataque el cual consiste en tu rugido o aullido, esto te servirá para marcar ya su vez detectar minerales, criaturas, trampas y jugadores ocultos desconcertándolos o mostrando todo lo que te rodea, esta habilidad desconcierta todo ya sean grandes o pequeños, incluidos dragones de roca, basiliscos y segadores. Mutualidad luminosa: esta es más una habilidad pasiva y se puede activar si estás al lado o tienes encima de una criatura del hombro, ya sea domesticada o no, lo que hace que recibas más tranquilidad y se sienta aliviado cerca de una anfición, viendo así una mayor rango y velocidad de recuperación de la carga. Armadura peluda: esta habilidad pasiva hace que el amphicyon sea inmune a los gases radiactivos, venenosos y alucinantes del ambiente debido a su gran pelaje que protege a su dueño, además de protegerlo de proyectiles como dardos, flechas de fuego y piedra. y balas de pistola, solo las balas de escopeta, las flechas de metal y los rifles pueden hacerlo vulnerable. Nariz aguda: con esta pasiva podrás buscar con tu versátil nariz y excavar materiales que se encuentren bajo tierra o tierra igual a la rata rodante, además de señalar cuevas, artefactos y cajas de botín en el mapa. Cosmético: acechan a sus presas malheridas, olfatean los recursos enterrados y juegan entre ellos con pequeños abrazos o lametones. Dosier: Nombre común: amphicyon Especie: amphicyon ingens Rango de tiempo: mioceno inferior Dieta: omnivoro - carnivoro Comportamiento: agresivo (oportunista) Salvaje: En este ecosistema lleno de desafíos y peligros solo las criaturas más fuertes han logrado sobrevivir a sus adversidades e innumerables atrocidades, pero hay una entre todas que destaca sobre las demás por sus métodos poco éticos de caza y acecho, que ese mismo ser es muy parecido a amphicyon ingens, que buscará, cazará y matará con sus poderosos dientes y garras en comparación con un oso con su gran olfato y velocidad tan útil como un perro... Este gran mamífero carnívoro habita en casi toda la zona azul del ecosistema y solo los más hábiles han conseguido ver vivo alguna anfición en zonas rojas debido a su gran ferocidad a la hora de atacar. domesticado: Tener una mascota de una de estas poderosas criaturas le facilitará la vida al sobreviviente, pues esta bestia tiene garras capaces de trepar por grandes paredes ya sea vertical u horizontal, pero no es tarea fácil jugar con esta criatura para rastrear y matar al animal que anfición quiere, esto se debe a su raro método de caza, el cual aúlla o hace un pequeño aullido el cual le servirá para marcar al animal que quiere azotar. Esta criatura, como casi todas las demás, solo se basa en aprovechar al resto de criaturas del arca, ya sean carnívoros, herbívoros o incluso humanos, para recolectar de estos y sobrevivir... Pocas veces se le ha visto cazando animales pequeños porque no le satisfacen mucho y es una pérdida de tiempo para la anfición, pero ha sido severamente agresivo contra criaturas grandes causando un mordisco especial que daña y destruye lentamente su armadura, su gran pelaje hace estas bestias capaz de soportar los químicos radiactivos del ambiente mejorandos una protección asombrosa, no se sabe como pero se podría atribuir a la radiación que habita en estos densos lugares, teniendo como alado tu amphicyon notarás que estos son de gran utilidad por brindar confianza y alivio en las criaturas luminosas brindándoles así mayor tranquilidad al momento de recargar y ampliar el alcance de su luz.
  8. It would be a very incredible creature to control! An idea that would be good for the majungasaur is that by eating different types of corpses in specific next to the one of its species gain a benefit of strength, speed, endurance and recovery of life depending on the cadaver from which it feeds.
  9. I love the design and concept of the Tylo, in addition to that I would love Tylo to have as an extra in his primitive mount one or two included spear harpoons, as a defensive method for the PVP in the game.
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