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  1. Posted 7 hours ago The Submarin Saddle!! It is supposed to be a walk in saddle, a indoor submarine saddle as a little base an armory. the biggest saddle ever in the ARK history!! And he have also a periscope in it!! the ideas from ThatWAFFLEGuy49 My suggestion for the saddle is, as explained above, a metal saddle that encloses the riders (which can hold a similar number of players to a diplo) and provides them with oxygen, allows for missiles to be fired out of the top and into the air to hit targets on land that are targeted via an aiming system that uses the RTS system to click where the missile (which would Rocket Propelled Grenades for normal ammo or Rocket Homing Missiles if the rider just wants to set the target and forget it for continuous firing on that one particular spot). It could also have a second saddle which would be cheaper to create, but wouldn't provide oxygen to riders and would resemble a simple wooden ship on the back of the Livyatan with cannons along the sides for whale defense (just as Davy Jones intended). It would also gain a defensive buff if it is fed a Megacheleon shell fragment, an speed buff if fed a megalodon tooth, or can be enraged into an attack buff if fed a tuso tentacle. My personal suggestion for taming a Livyatan is to use harpoon guns and tranq spear bolts to lower the "rage" meter while it's trying to run away, then feeding by hand once it's been soothed (via similar minigame to the Equus, where the survivor holds onto one of its fins while it's thrashing about until it can be fed to increase the taming percentage), then working together with it to either kill whatever prey it is currently hunting (like an Amargasaurus, but easier, as there will be a prompt revealing what the Livyatan is craving at that moment) or, if you're lucky enough to have the organs it wants specifically (Megacheleon shell fragments, megalodon teeth, or Tuso tentacles) on hand, you can feed it the organs by hand for a little bit of an increased taming speed instead of hunting down the prey and killing it. Knocking it out results in the Livyatan drowning, as it still has to breach the surface at some point to refill its lungs, although it can hold its breath for an incredibly long amount of time. or a other saddle idea: Rainboy from the Fjördur Submission!! so it will be similar to the astrocetus but underwater, and its saddle will be basicly the top of a submarine. and instead of manned turret it has homing or normal torpedo(kinda like the rocker launcher ammo where it has homing and non homing.) and instead of the bombing ability it will have cruise missile. by using this ability to either will use it like the cruise missile we have in the game rn( you have to control it yourself) or it you can set a location for it to hit. and player will not drain oxygen when riding it. to balance it out. to use the cruise missiles. every shot will cost tuso tenticle(s). (similar to how magamasaur need metal ingot and astrocetus needs ambergris. ) and it is weak to mosasaurus and is very slow. and then saddle will have a enclosed prebuild room that is water free. kinda like a mixture between a platform saddle and a underwater vacuum compartment. where it will just be a empty room and you can build in it. The Submarin Saddle!! It is supposed to be a walk in saddle, a indoor submarine saddle as a little base an armory. the biggest saddle ever in the ARK history!! And he have also a periscope in it!! KapitanKibiro02 ideas from the Fjördur Submission!! Wild: This Beast is quite slow and lumbering at first, simply swimming about rather absentmindedly all throughout the sea. Seemingly aware of it's status as "The Biggest and Baddest thing in any body of water", until either a starving Mosa or Gutsy Tuso provokes it. Then it quickly goes on the offensive. Also like it's more modern relative the "Sperm Whale" it has incredibly versatile and effective Sonar Capabilities, however due to Livyatan's massive size and almost frighteningly somehow higher intelligence, it appears to have been able to weaponize it's Sonar Capabilities, giving it a highly stunning projectile, to smaller creatures (like say, a survivor looking to tame it) this may deal severe, lethal damage. But to something as big as a Mosasaur it's much more effective as a stun option, allowing Livyatan all the time in the world to swim up to it's newfound prey and bite a massive chunk out of it.Tamed: Despite it reacting to most land creatures with more curiosity than aggression, Livyatan's ability to kill a Survivor without even needing to touch it means it's safe to say that taming a creature this absolutely massive and powerful is no easy task. However once tamed this becomes an incredibly reliable companion and mobile fortress. It's Saddle being able to be built upon whilst also allowing submersive capabilities. I've seen warring tribes pit Livyatan against each other in an "epic sea battle" for rich underwater resources. Also as a way to easily destroy enemy ocean platforms, Livyatan is able to use a very very short quick burst of speed and use it's massive head as a battering ram. needless to say, if I were a pirate or someone who lived for the open seas, you could do absolutely no better than this Lethal Leviathan.In all seriousness having a creature that's meant to be like an actual massive slow ship that kinda goes at it's own momentum. Instead of just "an underwater rex" like the majority of what's in the ocean feels like. there's no variety in the oceans except for the Tuso because it has unique attacks and abilities and the Megachelon because you can permanently breath and build a base on it's back, but there's not enough space or build limit to make it into a proper "Armored Sub" and not to mention it's attacks are pathetic. having the Livyatan fill the role of a fusion of a Nuclear Sub and a Gangplank Galleon or something, as well as just naturally having good stats would completely revitalize Ocean Combat and make it much more diverse and fun for a lot of players, and would also double as a way to actively (and fairly) attack players on Ocean Platforms as well. IskOsc ideas from the Fjördur Submission!! "Wild: Livyatan Oceanusrex is the largest and most powerful aquatic animal I've ever seen on the ARK, even slightly beating the leedsichthys in sheer size and power! Because of this, they're the absolute top predator in the ocean, hunting everything from plesiosaurs to mosasaurs to even tusotuthis, which happens to be their favorite food! There's a reason they're called the King of The Ocean! Like any whale, these creatures have echolocation abilities, however livyatans use their extremely loud sounds not only as a way to navigate and communicate, but also as a stunning and deafening area attack, which it primarily uses to stop incomming attacks and creatures attempting to flee, so escaping it won't work either! Domesticated: Although tough to do, it is indeed possible to gain the trust of a livyatan. If you do manage to, then you have one of the strongest mounts possible! Not only is it strong, but it can use its echolocation as both a way to scan the area for nearby hostiles and as a supersonic attack, stunning and weakening creatures nearby. Being the natural predator of the tusotuthis, it's evolved to do especially well against them, killing them easier than almost any other creature." General description: As mentioned in the dossier, the livyatan is the new strongest water creature in ark, being strong enough to take down anything in its path in a fair 1v1. It's basically the giga of the ocean, having the same spawn rate and stuff, perhaps having a bit lower stats but making up for it with more stamina and its echolocation, which it uses both like a parasaur does and as a sonic blast that stuns, deals damage to and weakens nearby creatures. Being the king of the ocean, it will attack absolutely anything that's not either smaller than a basilosaurus or an alpha named alpha tusotuthis. Yes, they will fight and stand their ground, even sometimes killing wild alpha tusotuthis. Abilities: lmb: Bite - A basic bite, its main way to kill. rmb: Sonic Blast - The livyatan lets out a huge sound blast, stunning any enemy creatures as well as dealing damage and increasing the amount of damage they take for a short while. c; Sonar - Like the parasaurs. Turret Mode: The same as the parasaur. You can change it to other tribes/attacking creatures only, and in doing so will also change the manual sonar to do the same. Passive: Squid hunter - Livyatan deals more damage to tusotuthis and their alpha variant, as well as taking reduced damage from them and being unable to be blinded by their ink. (Credits to the image from a Steam community post https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570562747, this dossier was made by the_british_kiwi)
  2. Posted 7 hours ago The Submarin Saddle!! It is supposed to be a walk in saddle, a indoor submarine saddle as a little base an armory. the biggest saddle ever in the ARK history!! And he have also a periscope in it!! the ideas from ThatWAFFLEGuy49 My suggestion for the saddle is, as explained above, a metal saddle that encloses the riders (which can hold a similar number of players to a diplo) and provides them with oxygen, allows for missiles to be fired out of the top and into the air to hit targets on land that are targeted via an aiming system that uses the RTS system to click where the missile (which would Rocket Propelled Grenades for normal ammo or Rocket Homing Missiles if the rider just wants to set the target and forget it for continuous firing on that one particular spot). It could also have a second saddle which would be cheaper to create, but wouldn't provide oxygen to riders and would resemble a simple wooden ship on the back of the Livyatan with cannons along the sides for whale defense (just as Davy Jones intended). It would also gain a defensive buff if it is fed a Megacheleon shell fragment, an speed buff if fed a megalodon tooth, or can be enraged into an attack buff if fed a tuso tentacle. My personal suggestion for taming a Livyatan is to use harpoon guns and tranq spear bolts to lower the "rage" meter while it's trying to run away, then feeding by hand once it's been soothed (via similar minigame to the Equus, where the survivor holds onto one of its fins while it's thrashing about until it can be fed to increase the taming percentage), then working together with it to either kill whatever prey it is currently hunting (like an Amargasaurus, but easier, as there will be a prompt revealing what the Livyatan is craving at that moment) or, if you're lucky enough to have the organs it wants specifically (Megacheleon shell fragments, megalodon teeth, or Tuso tentacles) on hand, you can feed it the organs by hand for a little bit of an increased taming speed instead of hunting down the prey and killing it. Knocking it out results in the Livyatan drowning, as it still has to breach the surface at some point to refill its lungs, although it can hold its breath for an incredibly long amount of time. or a other saddle idea: Rainboy from the Fjördur Submission!! so it will be similar to the astrocetus but underwater, and its saddle will be basicly the top of a submarine. and instead of manned turret it has homing or normal torpedo(kinda like the rocker launcher ammo where it has homing and non homing.) and instead of the bombing ability it will have cruise missile. by using this ability to either will use it like the cruise missile we have in the game rn( you have to control it yourself) or it you can set a location for it to hit. and player will not drain oxygen when riding it. to balance it out. to use the cruise missiles. every shot will cost tuso tenticle(s). (similar to how magamasaur need metal ingot and astrocetus needs ambergris. ) and it is weak to mosasaurus and is very slow. and then saddle will have a enclosed prebuild room that is water free. kinda like a mixture between a platform saddle and a underwater vacuum compartment. where it will just be a empty room and you can build in it. The Submarin Saddle!! It is supposed to be a walk in saddle, a indoor submarine saddle as a little base an armory. the biggest saddle ever in the ARK history!! And he have also a periscope in it!! KapitanKibiro02 ideas from the Fjördur Submission!! Wild: This Beast is quite slow and lumbering at first, simply swimming about rather absentmindedly all throughout the sea. Seemingly aware of it's status as "The Biggest and Baddest thing in any body of water", until either a starving Mosa or Gutsy Tuso provokes it. Then it quickly goes on the offensive. Also like it's more modern relative the "Sperm Whale" it has incredibly versatile and effective Sonar Capabilities, however due to Livyatan's massive size and almost frighteningly somehow higher intelligence, it appears to have been able to weaponize it's Sonar Capabilities, giving it a highly stunning projectile, to smaller creatures (like say, a survivor looking to tame it) this may deal severe, lethal damage. But to something as big as a Mosasaur it's much more effective as a stun option, allowing Livyatan all the time in the world to swim up to it's newfound prey and bite a massive chunk out of it.Tamed: Despite it reacting to most land creatures with more curiosity than aggression, Livyatan's ability to kill a Survivor without even needing to touch it means it's safe to say that taming a creature this absolutely massive and powerful is no easy task. However once tamed this becomes an incredibly reliable companion and mobile fortress. It's Saddle being able to be built upon whilst also allowing submersive capabilities. I've seen warring tribes pit Livyatan against each other in an "epic sea battle" for rich underwater resources. Also as a way to easily destroy enemy ocean platforms, Livyatan is able to use a very very short quick burst of speed and use it's massive head as a battering ram. needless to say, if I were a pirate or someone who lived for the open seas, you could do absolutely no better than this Lethal Leviathan.In all seriousness having a creature that's meant to be like an actual massive slow ship that kinda goes at it's own momentum. Instead of just "an underwater rex" like the majority of what's in the ocean feels like. there's no variety in the oceans except for the Tuso because it has unique attacks and abilities and the Megachelon because you can permanently breath and build a base on it's back, but there's not enough space or build limit to make it into a proper "Armored Sub" and not to mention it's attacks are pathetic. having the Livyatan fill the role of a fusion of a Nuclear Sub and a Gangplank Galleon or something, as well as just naturally having good stats would completely revitalize Ocean Combat and make it much more diverse and fun for a lot of players, and would also double as a way to actively (and fairly) attack players on Ocean Platforms as well. IskOsc ideas from the Fjördur Submission!! "Wild: Livyatan Oceanusrex is the largest and most powerful aquatic animal I've ever seen on the ARK, even slightly beating the leedsichthys in sheer size and power! Because of this, they're the absolute top predator in the ocean, hunting everything from plesiosaurs to mosasaurs to even tusotuthis, which happens to be their favorite food! There's a reason they're called the King of The Ocean! Like any whale, these creatures have echolocation abilities, however livyatans use their extremely loud sounds not only as a way to navigate and communicate, but also as a stunning and deafening area attack, which it primarily uses to stop incomming attacks and creatures attempting to flee, so escaping it won't work either! Domesticated: Although tough to do, it is indeed possible to gain the trust of a livyatan. If you do manage to, then you have one of the strongest mounts possible! Not only is it strong, but it can use its echolocation as both a way to scan the area for nearby hostiles and as a supersonic attack, stunning and weakening creatures nearby. Being the natural predator of the tusotuthis, it's evolved to do especially well against them, killing them easier than almost any other creature." General description: As mentioned in the dossier, the livyatan is the new strongest water creature in ark, being strong enough to take down anything in its path in a fair 1v1. It's basically the giga of the ocean, having the same spawn rate and stuff, perhaps having a bit lower stats but making up for it with more stamina and its echolocation, which it uses both like a parasaur does and as a sonic blast that stuns, deals damage to and weakens nearby creatures. Being the king of the ocean, it will attack absolutely anything that's not either smaller than a basilosaurus or an alpha named alpha tusotuthis. Yes, they will fight and stand their ground, even sometimes killing wild alpha tusotuthis. Abilities: lmb: Bite - A basic bite, its main way to kill. rmb: Sonic Blast - The livyatan lets out a huge sound blast, stunning any enemy creatures as well as dealing damage and increasing the amount of damage they take for a short while. c; Sonar - Like the parasaurs. Turret Mode: The same as the parasaur. You can change it to other tribes/attacking creatures only, and in doing so will also change the manual sonar to do the same. Passive: Squid hunter - Livyatan deals more damage to tusotuthis and their alpha variant, as well as taking reduced damage from them and being unable to be blinded by their ink. (Credits to the image from a Steam community post https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570562747, this dossier was made by the_british_kiwi)
  3. New bonus infos from me for this creature: It can be used as an exoskeleton in the water as well as on land, you can use several weapons or farming tools with it (like in the follow video at the end from the post). But not only that, you can also use it to climbe 90-degree walls or swing through gorges. But always check if it's wet!!! Back to farming with him, since you can farm and more ever before. Of course you can also carry more, because an exoskeleton helps you a lot to carry things!!! In the water as well as on land he can shoot ink. In the water he blinds all pursuers and they cannot see anything. On land. the opponents he sprays are glued to the ground for some time. I finde a old post from the Fjördur creature submission from MoGuZ and would post it here Wild: This creature comes from an Ark that at some point for unknown reasons exploded launching fragments in the form of comets into the different biomes in a kind of panspermia (the theory that very small organisms or chemicals that begin life can be found everywhere in the universe and that they made life on earth begin) from these remains evolved the Nectocaris Pteryx an extremely intelligent cephalopod that uses other less developed organisms to survive and be able to get out of the water using its most special ability "Elemental Symbiosis" normally lives in the deepest darkness of the ocean, it is lonely, extremely cunning and almost invisible thanks to its optical camouflage. How to tame? He is passive, if you can see him first, if he sees you he will use his camouflage and walk away leaving a small luminous trail that soon disappears, the problem is that he loves to call (pheromones) his older relatives (Tusoteuthis) to help him, eat Black pearl soup in large quantity so go well prepared. Tamed: As it completely needs its wearer to survive it will do whatever it takes to protect it, it will become an extension of its user and will grant it the same abilities that it took so long to evolve. It's a friendship for (Symbiosis) everyone wins. Abilities: Body Grip: They take their user by the back, arms and legs, turning their tentacles into an extension with up to 8 times more force than a human. Elemental Symbiosis: It feeds on the health, oxygen and water of the user to the point of leaving him unconscious. This is how Nectocaris survives. Elemental Camouflage: It uses the user's fluids and its own to generate a biscous substance that covers them completely, makes them invisible for short periods of time at a high cost of health and vital fluids, also considerably lowers the aggressiveness of nearby animals. Turbine Propulsion: It uses its 4 turbines to move underwater at high speeds, if it does not have more oxygen it consumes the diving tank or the air from the user's lungs. Bioluminescence: In the dark it glows with soft light in color of its pigmentation (it is only light, it does not work to remove nameless) Extra Lung: Oxygen can be stored inside the Nectocaris, but with the turbines off. Tools use : There is not much to say, he is very skilled, he can use almost anything to troubleshoot, scale, cut, launch, whip and much more. Reproduction: The NECTOCARIS are all hemaphrodites, so you only need water, love and care. Their young are first gelatinous eggs and then small cephalopods that are very fragile indeed.
  4. I found a interestin old Fjördur Creature submission from JazHRate and would post it here Sculda Syriaca Common name: Sculda Time: Cretaceous Diet: Carnivore Temperament: Territorial Skills: 1.-Punch: Sculda Sculda releases a powerful punch capable of breaking structures , reaching to damage metal structures, also his powerful punch breaks any natural armor of creatures, such as the projectile strength of the stegosaurus, or any other type of defense, this effect of breaking armor will last 120 seconds, additionally his club-shaped arms are capable of causing much unconsciousness and less damage, special to knock out creatures. 2 .-Anti-Regenerant: Sculda produces a saliva that can launch as the dilophosaurus but at higher speed, which is able to prevent the regeneration of health, even if it tries to regenerate with some consumable or ability, this substance also affects the regeneration of energy, another quality is to achieve maintain the maintain unconsciousness, this helps the taming of wild creatures, but once asleep the effect will be canceled and the creature will lower unconsciousness normally, the duration of this effect is 165 seconds. 3.-Electroreseptor: Sculda is capable of producing a discharge, although somewhat mild powerful, this serves him to detect power generators, but this discharge although not capable of damage, is capable of affecting nerves, this mild discharge makes any creature of grip, desaferre his victim, from the legs of a argentavis, to the tentacles of a tuso, megalosaurus jaw and beam of a tek ship, this even activates automatically when it detects that its rider is dismounted, or that Sculda is trapped, this ability can be used to save allies as well as to save itself, the generators when using the ability are visible for a few moments. Mobility: Sculda naturally is a sea creature, it can come to the surface at times, its legs help it to walk on the sea floor as on land, but the time it is out of water is determined by its oxygen, this time can vary a strong wild Sculda is able to be out of water for more than 3 hours at a time out of water, its legs are fast in the water, it can swim freely throughout the sea, but can walk on sea floors, when walking it can climb underwater on sloping surfaces, but it can also do it on land, despite not having the best of speeds, it is able to match the Equus, and just like in the sea, it is able to climb on different surfaces. In-game role: After a difficult taming process Sculda will be of great help to us, it allows us to save allies and ourselves with an electric pulse, which is even able to detect generators makes survivors use it for attacks against other bases, even essential against metal bases, although its knockout fists are used for taming, even for the levels of unconsciousness it is able to induce, it is able to knock out enemy siege creatures, but for defenses also shines, it can break the natural defense of animals momentarily, moment where the impacts of bullets and bites will affect as any creature without defenseless, also its saliva is able to hinder the attack by preventing regeneration, but despite its virtues is important not to forget that it is a sea creature, so we will not have to forget to take it for a dip from time to time. Domestication: Sculda is found in funds glowing a bioluminescence when in the dark, while this in the background we will have to find a group of them, which must consist with minimum, a male and 3 females, although their groups are usually more numerous, when we locate a group we will have to incite their mating this is achieved by consuming rare flowers, when we consume a flower the battle will begin, because while these creatures are mating they are more vulnerable, besides attracting predators with the hormones they expel, at that moment we will have to defend the Rapax in waves of marine carnivores, the waves depend on the members of the group of Sculdas, once finished the females will lay eggs that may not be fertilized, but in the best case they will be, but all attempts will be rewarded with a strong and fast creature, and once we have a couple of domesticated Sculdas, we will have to take them to deep sea where they can mate, the waves will have a random difficulty but tame eggs will always be fertile, Sculda offspring must be raised to full adulthood in the water, they will eat fish meat, as it is softer, but once adulthood can eat any meat. Domestication Tips: In order to get a Sculda without danger it is essential to bring a wetsuit, as well as a strong creature, it is recommended to go with several survivors, for the Sculda hatchlings to be strong only one high level male is needed, since the level of the hatchlings depends only on the male, in case there is more than one male in the group, In case there are more than one male in the group, we must eliminate the other male of lower level, the creatures of waves will not be tameable, the waves can have alpha creatures, and at the moment of taming it is important not to kill any of the Sculda by accident, for a better chance of having fertile Sculda eggs you can use the Liopleurodon's fortune effect. Information: Sculda is a creature which inhabits the seabed where if the light allows it makes it shine bioluminescent colors along its body, where large marine predators are also found, but occasionally they can be found on the shores alone, it is territorial in temperament, and like its living relative the mantis shrimp, any creature that approaches it, The development of the ability to perceive electric motors, derived from encounters with human settlements, which became one of its biggest rivals, developing detection to avoid confrontations, in addition to the defense against the grip of thusotheutis, its liquid shot is a fluid full of bacteria and viruses, which deteriorate the health and energy of the affected, as well as its ability to annul numbing toxins, this added to its ability to sleep, makes even domesticated creatures fall asleep, causing much unconsciousness and preventing them from being able to annul the dream, added to not being able to flee by the wear of energy, These abilities make Sculda an unusual and cruel hunter, since he eliminates his creatures while they are asleep, although the fossil record shows a creature not so different from the current one, we can see a great difference from the one existing in the ark, this shows us how hard the environment in the ark can be.
  5. The Submarin Saddle!! It is supposed to be a walk in saddle, a indoor submarine saddle as a little base an armory. the biggest saddle ever in the ARK history!! And he have also a periscope in it!! the ideas from ThatWAFFLEGuy49 My suggestion for the saddle is, as explained above, a metal saddle that encloses the riders (which can hold a similar number of players to a diplo) and provides them with oxygen, allows for missiles to be fired out of the top and into the air to hit targets on land that are targeted via an aiming system that uses the RTS system to click where the missile (which would Rocket Propelled Grenades for normal ammo or Rocket Homing Missiles if the rider just wants to set the target and forget it for continuous firing on that one particular spot). It could also have a second saddle which would be cheaper to create, but wouldn't provide oxygen to riders and would resemble a simple wooden ship on the back of the Livyatan with cannons along the sides for whale defense (just as Davy Jones intended). It would also gain a defensive buff if it is fed a Megacheleon shell fragment, an speed buff if fed a megalodon tooth, or can be enraged into an attack buff if fed a tuso tentacle. My personal suggestion for taming a Livyatan is to use harpoon guns and tranq spear bolts to lower the "rage" meter while it's trying to run away, then feeding by hand once it's been soothed (via similar minigame to the Equus, where the survivor holds onto one of its fins while it's thrashing about until it can be fed to increase the taming percentage), then working together with it to either kill whatever prey it is currently hunting (like an Amargasaurus, but easier, as there will be a prompt revealing what the Livyatan is craving at that moment) or, if you're lucky enough to have the organs it wants specifically (Megacheleon shell fragments, megalodon teeth, or Tuso tentacles) on hand, you can feed it the organs by hand for a little bit of an increased taming speed instead of hunting down the prey and killing it. Knocking it out results in the Livyatan drowning, as it still has to breach the surface at some point to refill its lungs, although it can hold its breath for an incredibly long amount of time. or a other saddle idea: Rainboy from the Fjördur Submission!! so it will be similar to the astrocetus but underwater, and its saddle will be basicly the top of a submarine. and instead of manned turret it has homing or normal torpedo(kinda like the rocker launcher ammo where it has homing and non homing.) and instead of the bombing ability it will have cruise missile. by using this ability to either will use it like the cruise missile we have in the game rn( you have to control it yourself) or it you can set a location for it to hit. and player will not drain oxygen when riding it. to balance it out. to use the cruise missiles. every shot will cost tuso tenticle(s). (similar to how magamasaur need metal ingot and astrocetus needs ambergris. ) and it is weak to mosasaurus and is very slow. and then saddle will have a enclosed prebuild room that is water free. kinda like a mixture between a platform saddle and a underwater vacuum compartment. where it will just be a empty room and you can build in it. The Submarin Saddle!! It is supposed to be a walk in saddle, a indoor submarine saddle as a little base an armory. the biggest saddle ever in the ARK history!! And he have also a periscope in it!! KapitanKibiro02 ideas from the Fjördur Submission!! Wild: This Beast is quite slow and lumbering at first, simply swimming about rather absentmindedly all throughout the sea. Seemingly aware of it's status as "The Biggest and Baddest thing in any body of water", until either a starving Mosa or Gutsy Tuso provokes it. Then it quickly goes on the offensive. Also like it's more modern relative the "Sperm Whale" it has incredibly versatile and effective Sonar Capabilities, however due to Livyatan's massive size and almost frighteningly somehow higher intelligence, it appears to have been able to weaponize it's Sonar Capabilities, giving it a highly stunning projectile, to smaller creatures (like say, a survivor looking to tame it) this may deal severe, lethal damage. But to something as big as a Mosasaur it's much more effective as a stun option, allowing Livyatan all the time in the world to swim up to it's newfound prey and bite a massive chunk out of it.Tamed: Despite it reacting to most land creatures with more curiosity than aggression, Livyatan's ability to kill a Survivor without even needing to touch it means it's safe to say that taming a creature this absolutely massive and powerful is no easy task. However once tamed this becomes an incredibly reliable companion and mobile fortress. It's Saddle being able to be built upon whilst also allowing submersive capabilities. I've seen warring tribes pit Livyatan against each other in an "epic sea battle" for rich underwater resources. Also as a way to easily destroy enemy ocean platforms, Livyatan is able to use a very very short quick burst of speed and use it's massive head as a battering ram. needless to say, if I were a pirate or someone who lived for the open seas, you could do absolutely no better than this Lethal Leviathan.In all seriousness having a creature that's meant to be like an actual massive slow ship that kinda goes at it's own momentum. Instead of just "an underwater rex" like the majority of what's in the ocean feels like. there's no variety in the oceans except for the Tuso because it has unique attacks and abilities and the Megachelon because you can permanently breath and build a base on it's back, but there's not enough space or build limit to make it into a proper "Armored Sub" and not to mention it's attacks are pathetic. having the Livyatan fill the role of a fusion of a Nuclear Sub and a Gangplank Galleon or something, as well as just naturally having good stats would completely revitalize Ocean Combat and make it much more diverse and fun for a lot of players, and would also double as a way to actively (and fairly) attack players on Ocean Platforms as well. IskOsc ideas from the Fjördur Submission!! "Wild: Livyatan Oceanusrex is the largest and most powerful aquatic animal I've ever seen on the ARK, even slightly beating the leedsichthys in sheer size and power! Because of this, they're the absolute top predator in the ocean, hunting everything from plesiosaurs to mosasaurs to even tusotuthis, which happens to be their favorite food! There's a reason they're called the King of The Ocean! Like any whale, these creatures have echolocation abilities, however livyatans use their extremely loud sounds not only as a way to navigate and communicate, but also as a stunning and deafening area attack, which it primarily uses to stop incomming attacks and creatures attempting to flee, so escaping it won't work either! Domesticated: Although tough to do, it is indeed possible to gain the trust of a livyatan. If you do manage to, then you have one of the strongest mounts possible! Not only is it strong, but it can use its echolocation as both a way to scan the area for nearby hostiles and as a supersonic attack, stunning and weakening creatures nearby. Being the natural predator of the tusotuthis, it's evolved to do especially well against them, killing them easier than almost any other creature." General description: As mentioned in the dossier, the livyatan is the new strongest water creature in ark, being strong enough to take down anything in its path in a fair 1v1. It's basically the giga of the ocean, having the same spawn rate and stuff, perhaps having a bit lower stats but making up for it with more stamina and its echolocation, which it uses both like a parasaur does and as a sonic blast that stuns, deals damage to and weakens nearby creatures. Being the king of the ocean, it will attack absolutely anything that's not either smaller than a basilosaurus or an alpha named alpha tusotuthis. Yes, they will fight and stand their ground, even sometimes killing wild alpha tusotuthis. Abilities: lmb: Bite - A basic bite, its main way to kill. rmb: Sonic Blast - The livyatan lets out a huge sound blast, stunning any enemy creatures as well as dealing damage and increasing the amount of damage they take for a short while. c; Sonar - Like the parasaurs. Turret Mode: The same as the parasaur. You can change it to other tribes/attacking creatures only, and in doing so will also change the manual sonar to do the same. Passive: Squid hunter - Livyatan deals more damage to tusotuthis and their alpha variant, as well as taking reduced damage from them and being unable to be blinded by their ink. (Credits to the image from a Steam community post https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570562747, this dossier was made by the_british_kiwi) Edited June 7 by Abaddon23
  6. Zygophyseter: New the crafting skill of 100%!!! We get a creature for the land part and we get one for the air, what ist missing? Yes the sea, so we need a creature for the sea Discriptionof Zygophyseter from Wikipedia: Zygophyseter varolai is an extinct sperm whale that lived during the Tortonian age of the Late Miocene 11.2 to 7.6 million years ago. It is known from a single specimen from the Pietra Leccese Formation in Italy. It was a member of a stem group of fossil macroraptorial sperm whales (often shortened to "raptorial") also including Brygmophyseter, Acrophyseter, and Livyatan. It probably grew to be around 6.5 to 7 meters (21 to 23 ft) in length and shared some characteristics with other raptorials, such as large teeth with tooth enamel that were functional in both the upper and lower jaws which the modern sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) lacks. It also had a beak, the ability to echolocate prey, and could have probably swum faster than the modern-day sperm whale which can reach 4 kilometers per hour (2.5 mph). These were probably used in the capture of large prey, such as large fish, seals, and whales. In fact, its common name, the killer sperm whale, refers to its feeding habits that would have had a resemblance to the modern-day killer whale (Orcinus orca). Taming: He swim in a pack with babys, you must tame the baby of the group. You put Basilo Blubber of the "0" in the inventory and feed the baby the Blubber. The archaeologists have find new discoveries about the Zygophyseter: He is the the killer whale of the old times, his passive is predator of the sea: If he swims around in 3 groups, other water animals dont attack him except Tuso and Mosa. And he make 1,5x more damage vs a Tuso. His other passive is intilligent predator: If he eats jellyfish or eels he can make shocking bite attacks on others, but he is immune to it. Sea view: his rider sees everything clear and bright in the deap sea. left klick: bite with passive (intilligent predator) right klick: headbutt -> he can make his opponent drowsi x- klick: flippers blow -> beats with his fin and can hit rider down c- klick: call buffs Call buffs: you have many call buffs with the Zygo and can swap the calls with the R like the new Tek-bow. But every call have a cooldown. And you can call only one buff. echo sounder: can uncover all livings being like the Para, you can also see how far away the animal or person is. heal call: can only be used with Zygo groups, you can heal all group member. damage call: all buffed animal get a damage buff. attackspeed call: all buffed animal get a attackspeed buff. tank call: all buffed animal get a tank buff, he get a fewer damage from opponents. slow call: all debuffed opponents are slower down. confusion call: all debuffed opponents are confused and swim awy. Their saddle is similar to the Roll Rat saddle, where the dome-shield is furled up until the player mounts Enhydriodon. Then, it unfolds and completely encases the player, protecting it from firearms, creatures that dismount the player (Cnidaria, Microraptor, Kaprosuchus, etc.) Underwater, the dome makes it so that the player will not lose oxygen while mounted, but will not replenish oxygen should the player dismount underwater, similar to the Andrewsarchus minigun saddle. His smart aura gives you (when you are in the water with him) 100% crafting skill efficiency,for a certain time!!! He is stronger in a pack, he needs his family and they can kill everyone together in the sea! Size: He can farm white and black perl, crystal and obsidian with his good denture For many Ideas feel free and write your ideas under the post I hope you like this creature and vote him up for the better sea in ARK
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