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Wiped by cheaters


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Finally, after 3 months hidden at a total legit secret spot, cheaters came using ESP , aimbot, multi tribe in small tribe and all the cheat possible to wipe our spot.

My question is : why people still waste time to report cheaters on a specific server if its to let them play cheating at will during months even after reports over and over.

The result is simple, they spotted us thanks to ESP , thats a team of young kids cheating since months on Extinction 63 Eu smalltribes and who now enjoy the loot of legit players who could crush them in no time if they werent cheating

So the solution to counter that kind of people now is to go in the mesh? Mesh is cheating also , stop the game.? probably cuz if even at the spot we were ,cheaters can see us, what is the point to keep playing?to breed things during events so that they just have to come collect it?

Well thanks alot to the great techsupport who did absolutly nothing to prevent this , u lost several good clients and you kept a tribe of kids who spend 0 dollars on your game.

Ark 2 will be the same, nothing is done at all versus their great software to see everything in game, even using Ini seems to be ok for you according to all the videos we can see on youtube 


Qor , Nemesis

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Yup, WC openly stated they won't enforce INI which is ridiculous. Also cheating enforcement is pathetic, best case scenario maybe the person who cheated gets banned but wildcard lets people hide behind the excuse they didn't know their tribemate was cheating so they don't get devwiped. Meanwhile they are recruiting on discord for a new aimbotter or the old guy just uses a new account. Ark 2 will die within 2 weeks if they don't adopt more strict enforcement.

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ESP and Aim Bot is very difficult to "prove" ... If you guys went through 3 months of being Ok and then got messed up - Is it no just a case of "They found me" and came hard at you?

Multi tribe having a go at your lot all at once is a clear "broke" of the small tribes plan. But were I still on official I would have no clue on how to proceed that!

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Well considering the hours of play we have , i can assure u we can see people using ESP, Aimbots and all the crap of things people use on this game

imagine they said they have seen our base since long and they were thinking that we were in the mesh, so probably they used eye of sauron or whatever stupidity is now on the web

They dont even hide while attacking in multi tribe which means clearly they dont care at all if an admin see it (of course no admin/techsupport will waste his time to check)

i did ask to admins on my reports that they come at least check what is happening on this server, they just had to spend 1 hour maybe hidden and see the guys using duplication over and over on this server and the answer was : there is nothing we can do , thanks for contacting us, you can send a ticket to techsupport as its an issue of lag and crash server

Now what? not only we lost everything to those cheaters but now the most fun in the story, the cheaters got most of the top lines of the game for free and can sell some more things on their nice shop on discord where they sell for real money(shop that i reported as well but nothing has been done at all as this discord still exist)

really congratulation to techsupport, i should apply at wildcard studio , its fun to work and do nothing it seems

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