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with the pc patches in order they....

  • fixed the teleport locations so you would teleport to the right spot.
  • applied another patch that undid the fix.
  • applied yet another patch that redid what the previous did.
  • added more teleportation spots to several of the different zones that were having issues.

couldn't say about the latest pc patch though, haven't done anything on genesis yet sense it came out.

On that note - there are always hidden changes and nerfs the players have to find out for themselves with the patches that come out, its a bit annoying when you know something works a specific way, and you go to do it again, and its been changed but nothing in the patch notes about it.  Or when your dino suddenly does less damage after a patch because it got a nerf applied that wasn't in the notes, and you end up getting wiped by something you could previously take out with that dino.  among other things.

to keep some humor about it for yourself, remember when you run across these changes and / or bugs - its wildcard - its not a bug, its a feature!


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