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Server option to disable explorer notes



Server option to disable explorer notes

I don't know how popular an idea this would be, most people these days want tek on day 1,  even on official. But if you ask me, it would be nice to take a more casual stroll along the path to the endgame for once. Explorer notes to me feel cheaty, even though literally anyone can look up a video on the best routes and do a run themselves. It kinda defeats the point of having all those lower tier items and structures etc in the game if you can skip two thirds of the levels in a few minutes, even on vanilla rates. Well, an exception being if you play PVE and build using lower tier for aesthetic.

I notice the notes were left enabled in the Classic servers which recently reset, this is the main reason I didn't return to Ark to play on them. Classic servers seem to be just a gimmick and aren't even remotely true to the "classic" ark experience IMO. If they were, cryo pods would never have even been on the table. But I'm not here to bag on them. They're Wildcard's servers, they pay for the things, they can put what settings they like on them. But there we come to the problem, even if you pay for a private Ark server, you can't (to my knowledge) set explorer notes not to give XP.

The Island these days, on many clusters, is pretty much only used for levelling. Or at least that's the way it comes across. We all cut our teeth on this map, it would be great to be able to play it again and everyone have to actually work to level up. I think many people wouldn't know what to do with themselves. Some of the greatest raid videos I have seen are not the ones of mega tribes meat running a massive cave full of gigas, but the simpler things such as parachuting or barrel rolling into someone's base because they have hardly any defences up at that point. The game has become too generic, too stagnant. Everyone does explorer notes because everyone else does, this is the exact same reason everyone duped on legacy. Legitimate or not, it simply breaks the experience I feel many players out there seek.

So why not give private (unofficial) servers that people are paying for with their own hard earned money the freedom to disable them? Well, the XP component at least. Let them still count toward the achievements etc. If you like explorer notes, leave them enabled on your server or play on a server that has them on. Nobody is forcing you to do otherwise. But if you do that, to me, you might as well join a boosted server because it genuinely feels like 1000x XP rates compared to what used to be on official.

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5 minutes ago, crazfulla said:

Yeah I figured the special XP setting was probably to do with that. But to clarify, I'm looking to disable them entirely.

It seems the only way to avoid them is simply not to have an Island server lol. 

I wonder if you can admin gun them like you can certain other "permanent structures". 

I agree that there should be a server option or ini but if not, this could be a way to do it, even though it is manual to do it.

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