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[Developers] Loss of Character on Transfer - Code solution


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[Developers] Loss of Character on Transfer - Code solution

This is to the developers as a solution to a long standing problem with character loss. I lost my character twice yesterday upon transferring to a new map.

I transfer to destination, choose my spawn location, hear the armor unequip/equip sound, even see the world briefly, and get disconnected. Login and no character.

Upon creating a new character, my body is sleeping on the ground, tribe member can access loot, etc. The character is clearly "detached" from my gamer tag.

This indicates that either there is no Map<GamerTagID, SpecimenID> being maintained, which really there should be, or else the value for this map is not being inserted until the END of the transfer process.

a solution would be to ensure that mapping is inserted before the character is removed from the cloud. (worse case scenario with this approach is if the transfer fails, you simply have a dud entry in the map for a gamertag that doesn't have a character there, which isn't a big deal)

It also might be worth storing a double link if not already occurring, so that if no character is found, scan all active characters and look for the reverse link.

Character loss is a devastating experience in this game, please help improve and resolve the easy ones to avoid this massive headache. This should be such a trivial problem to fix if it is simply changing order of the association mapping insertion.

I'm on Xbox but this problem is likely shared to all platforms.


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