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Need Help/suggestion on unlocking tek engrams in official


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I am playing with my friend in xbox official and we are 2 man tribe and only play mostly on weekend and just spend few hrs during weekdays(not hardcore gamer). We want to unlock tek engrams but don't have that many dinos to do it alone. What is the best way to unlock the tek engrams considering the amount of time we can spend in this game. I have never seen any message from any of players in our servers asking if anyone is joining with them for Boss fight.

Appreciate your suggestions.

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Considering the amount of time you spend on the game, breeding is not an option. And if you cannot find other friendly tribes to let you join boss fights, just tame high level rexes on 2x weekends. 

15 rexes with 20k Hp and 450 melee can take on gamma brood and gamma ape pretty easy with decent saddle, oh and tame one yuty too. One friend ride on yuty and one on rex. 

Alternatively you can ask on server to sell rexes and saddles to you.

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You are going to have to raise a boss team in my opinion.  Rexes are an easy raise, and with cryopods, you should be able to have a pretty solid team in a couple weeks.  You need to buy some Boss Rex eggs from someone on your server, and hope for a breeding pair, or buy a breeding pair which would be more expensive, but time saving.  Do your homework though, and don't buy some garbage.  You don't need the best of the best stats to beat these fights either.  You can buy crazy high stat eggs, but remember, people have been beating these boss fights for a long time before these new stat lines were developed, so maybe bargain shop and get an 18k HP 550+ Melee pair.  Some people will even sell you their entire old boss teams after they move on to a new line.   Paying for fights will get you the engrams, but what will you do then?  You need to be able to consistently farm element in order to use most of them.  

The only other thing I would recommend is to get yourself a really good blueprint for a Rex saddle.  This is definitely easier said than done, but we (my 2 man tribe) ran the swamp cave for about a month and finally got a 107 asc saddle bp.  With my tribemates crafting character, we regularly max it out to 124.  I'd say you will be fine with anything 85 or above.  Once we got all of our engrams unlocked, we pretty much solely farmed the Alpha Ape fight for element on Island, and we can do that about 4 times in a row before we have to heal our Rexes up.  Again, we started with garbage dinosaurs man, but we never lost a single Rex in an Alpha Ape or Alpha Brood fight, and that was with Journeyman saddles on.  Boss fights aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be, so just get yourself some dinos & decent saddles, and get in there.  You will (probably) be fine.

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Time management. Not having time is an excuse, theres two of you. You will either need to coordinate breeding, take a loss on some imprints or do it half-arsed. Beta brood is easy, use megatherium. A lot more forgiving for breeding.


I did all bosses except alpha dragon on official, solo. I only had limited time so I planned my big raises for weekends when I could dedicate the time, this was way before cryopods, ezmode imprint timers etc. Good luck dudes :) 

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