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events How do you want the events "delivered"?


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I've seen a lot of complaining on the forums about how single player is being forgotten about when it comes to the events, but also some that say the didn't want the event anyways. So, I'm trying to focus this into a constructive post hoping to get many good suggestions and that the devs watch it and take inspiration.

So: how would you want the devs to release holiday events? As patches everybody gets? Like they do now where SP and non dedicated servers can't get them? Just with a command line argument/checkbox? Some other great way I haven't thought of?

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I'm on PC and Steam and I would love it if they could use the interface already in place for opting in to beta builds. Or actually - I would prefer if the events were always in place and could be activated only with the start up command line argument: like now, where you first have to update to beta branch and then start the server with -holidayevent, but without the update part. It would allow server owners to choose what events to run and when (in case australian server owners wanted the christmas event during their winter or a server owner wanted to run a valentine's day event to honour server members getting married, use your fantasies :) )

This wouldn't help single player or non dedicated though, but maybe a checkbox for them?

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The best scenario in my opinion would be to include all the events directly into the base game (both, client and server side) and enable them automatically based on the calendar or dynamically based on the config of the server players are joining. That way there would be no need to push client updates/switch branch and everyone could simply enable/disable them whenever they wants.

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9 minutes ago, invincibleqc said:

The best scenario in my opinion would be to include all the events directly into the base game (both, client and server side) and enable them automatically based on the calendar or dynamically based on the config of the server players are joining. That way there would be no need to push client updates/switch branch and everyone could simply enable/disable them whenever they wants.

Yes, that's the way I'm leaning as well. Of course, that introduces the question of changing events... but I see two different solutions to that:

  1. The latest version of an event is the one being used; or
  2. The events have version names, e.g. -holidayevent2017

Both have merits and problems, but I'm thinking, the way events are now they seem to be mostly relying on settings, so they could be saved as .ini files to be loaded upon requests and override other settings and that shouldn't take up too much space meaning option 2 is viable.

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