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1st Alpha Deathworm killed...


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Really, first Deathworm... didn't realize it was an alpha till it was all over.

My son and I were on a chiton run in the desert... destroying everything chitonous with out Murdersloths. Anyway, we found the beast, and decided to test out its damage. After taking a couple of hits, we figured we'd go for it.

My Sloth(Lena Dunham) was the lead attacker, and it had about 5000+ HP. After the kill, it has 1100ish. Fun fight, and only afterward did I realize it was an alpha. Our sloths gains 7 level or so, and get got the horns, skins, and trophy. I kept thinking I would hold off on the hunt for them until I got a Rock Elemental ... but the Sloths were excellent. My son's didn't even get too much damage.


I put the levels into more HP...cuz she is my precious.

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