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Pro Tips for PS4 Survivors!


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Alright, haven't seen one of these started by the community so here it goes!

This should be a thread that allows the community of dedicated survivors to help our new comers for the PS4.

  • Before posting about a bug you find, try searching for it, it helps eliminate clutter and allows for the dev team to quickly track an issue or possible fixes.
    • The search function is very easy to use and works very well.
  • The Wiki is full of useful information, some of it is a little outdated, but mostly all of its up to par.
  • Share your adventures! Let the community and the dev's know how much your enjoying this game or what really frustrates you about it!

Pro (In-Game) Tips:

Simple Startup - Stay near the beach

  • Pick up rocks, punch trees, build a pickaxe, use the pickaxe on rocks and tree's till you level up.
  • Learn Hatchet, and Spear first
    • You need the Hatchet for wood and hide and the Spear to keep those pesky Dilo's and bugs off of you.
      • Use Hatchets on all dead bodies right from the beginning. (until you get a carnivore, you can never have enough Hide and Chitin/Keratin)
      • Make 5-7 spears at a time, because they will break, over and over again. I recommend 5, they stack out at 10 and can get very heavy.
  • Learn Structure Pieces (Foundations, Walls, Door Frames, Doors, and Ceilings)
    • Build Thatch Foundations until your able to learn Wood ones.
      • Building Thatch foundations will provide for quick and easy EXP while your working your way to wood.
      • Place Thatch Foundations down, and replace them over and over again when you become to heavy to move.
        • This will keep server clutter down, and be a quick way to demo and return some of your materials back to make more.
          • NEVER BUILD A THATCH HOUSE AND EXPECT TO LIVE IN IT LONG... Wood is the best for starting a base.


  • Armor
    • When your ready to finally adventure off to find your perfect place to build, your going to need protection from the environment, and the wild's.
      • Cloth armor is better then nothing and is required to learn Hide Armor, which you will use until you can craft a smithy and make Chitin or Flak.


  • Taming
    • Its best to get a 4x4 or 3x4 base started before you try any taming.
      • Dodo's and Dilo's are easy tames, but will require a lot of berry picking to keep them asleep and get them tamed.
        • Tame a Parasaur first, IMO this is one of the best choices you can make early game. The Parasaur can pick berries way more efficiently than you can and will hold them fresh for much longer, they can carry lots of weight (in comparison to you) and with points put primarily into speed can outrun raptors. Learn this saddle ASAP and get you one, you wont regret it.


  • Character Stats
    • This one is tricky, as everyone has what they believe is the "BEST" way to build there characters stats...
      • I prefer to start with Health>Carry Weight>Melee
        • Health - Because you can take a lot more punishment before your searching for a body/bag. (500+)
        • Carry Weight - Because you cant quickly progress if you cant carry all the materials, tools, and armor needed to craft in bulk. (200 - 250)
        • Melee - This will only go so far, because soon you will be riding on a mighty dino that will be doing most if not ALL of the combat you encounter, but at early levels this helps. (125-150)


  • Useful Early-Game Engrams.
    • Hide Sleeping Bags
      • These are needed to craft beds, which can give you a place to respawn, if your on a dangerous tame or early game and lacking the materials for a bed
    • Bola's
      • Use these to easily immobilize an enemy to easily kill or run away from, these only work on small creatures (wolves, sabres, scorpions, dilo's, raptors and other small creatures that want to make you their next meal)
        • Standing behind an enemy that's wrapped in a bola gives you 30 seconds of free melee swings without taking damage from that enemy.
    • Wooden Spike Wall's
      • Are some easy early game defenses to set up to keep your dino's and your house safe from wilds or other players.
        • A wild dino sees your juicy tames, and charges, running smack into a spiked wall, takes major damage, starts biting the wall, and takes even more damage, until it turns and runs.
        • A player comes riding up to your base on a dino that can chew through wood, and sees your spiked walls, will most likely turn and find easier prey.
    • Mortar And Pestle - Narcotics
      • A must have for taming
        • Pro-Tip: Any meat you collect and don't want to cook, separate into stacks of 1 and let them all spoil at once in your inventory, instead of one at a time in a stack of 20. This will allow for quick narcotic crafting.


I highly encourage anyone else with Helpful tips and hints to do so.

Please keep in mind, that just because its not your way doesn't mean its the wrong way, and keep arguing/flaming/trolling out of this thread.

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I like to find a stuck trike, many times you can tame a low level on for berry harvesting and provides for some good protection from raptors etc....also I like to build up higher not on the beach but somewhere near it.  Seems less raptors etc.  One of my fav areas is above the cove at Stonehenge area south central easy spawn.

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5 minutes ago, ehuhoser said:

I like to find a stuck trike, many times you can tame a low level on for berry harvesting and provides for some good protection from raptors etc....also I like to build up higher not on the beach but somewhere near it.  Seems less raptors etc.  One of my fav areas is above the cove at Stonehenge area south central easy spawn.

I agree 100%

If you can tame a trike do so, but the saddle comes at lvl 20... and it takes A LOT of berries to tame it and to keep it down... even at low levels

I would suggest a Parasaur first (its saddle unlocks at 10), once you get to lvl 20, you should have no problem harvesting the berries for a higher level one that can actually help you fight...

Too many times have I went for a quick and easy low level tame, spending hours doing so, only to watch it get tangled up in a small pack of raptors, or scorpions, or snakes and loose it in seconds...


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1 minute ago, ehuhoser said:

yeah not saying the Para is not a good starter, hell we all tamed one back in the day :), but I tend to hold out longer to get the saddle, and with higher rates now on officials it makes it easier to level as well.

The speed on a Para is good as well.

Yeah, after I've gotten the Trike saddle unlocked and a trike tamed, my old berry pickin Parasaur becomes my speedy mount, from the start all levels I put into it go into speed. they are very quick lol

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6 hours ago, ehuhoser said:

...also I like to build up higher not on the beach but somewhere near it.  Seems less raptors etc.  One of my fav areas is above the cove at Stonehenge area south central easy spawn.

That is great advice, but only after you've already leveled up a bit, and gotten a handle on the game, some armor and weapons/tools.

Stay on the beach! Lol...

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This basics works for all platforms.


Ark Walk through for first time players. All systems.

First of all, get familiar with how the game mechanics work in single player, keyboard, mouse, game controller. Or, expect to suffer abuse and be killed a lot while you are trying to figure things out playing on a public server.

Of the three maps, The Island is the easiest with the Scorched Earth mod the hardest. Location East Zone One or South Zone One are the best on The Island. North Tropical the best on The Center. South Zone One on Scorched Earth. On The Island and The Center, you may spawn by dilos which you can outrun. Berries and water are plentiful. It is recommended that you don't play Scorched Earth for now due to the brutal conditions you will face as a new player in that map.

All first time players will have a chance to create their character to design and shape as they wish. Regardless of how they craft them, all characters start with the same stats in the game.

Gameplay. Constant running will make you tired as well as use up food and water faster. Cold will use up food faster, heat will use up water faster. If you spawn near a dilo or raptor, run. Get behind something or run by some herbivore which it may take an interest in, allowing you to escape.

If you get killed, you will be reborn naked, but will retain your crafting skills. You can reclaim your stuff from your body if you can do so safely. If you have been eaten, a bag will be left with your stuff. You have five minutes to reclaim it or it will be lost forever.


To start out in the game once you have spawned in;

  1. Grab a rock, punch a tree or driftwood with your fist to get at least 1 wood and 10 thatch. Punching will cause you to lose health but there is no other choice until you can craft tools.

  2. Go into crafting and craft the pick. Place it in hot bar 1.

  3. Go hit a boulder with the pick to get flint. Go hit a tree to get more wood and thatch. Pick some bushes to get some fiber.

  4. As you will now have leveled up, apply the level to health or weight. Select the hatchet and spears from the Engrams list and craft a hatchet. Place it in hot bar 2.

  5. Chop a tree to get mostly wood. Use the pick for thatch and flint. Craft at least three spears and place them in hot bar 3. You now have some means for defense against the spitters and compys. As spitters will flare their hood before spitting on you, jump to the side to dodge the blinding spit. If you are attacked by a compy gang, go backwards to keep them in front of you aiming the spear low to kill them all, then harvest with the hatchet.

  6. New 12/23/16, Place berries in hot bar 9 and 0. Why? To prevent more important items being stolen from you by the Pegomastax which will sneak up and take things. Stolen berries may passive tame one for you.

  7. Craft a torch and place it in hot bar 6. You can still pick stones and bushes while using a torch.

  8. Go kill some Dodos for their meat and hide. Gather more stone, wood, thatch, and fiber. Eat berries for food but save the Narcos for taming as they will put you to sleep. Likewise, the Stimms will give you energy but make you very thirsty. You may want to place stimms in the hot bar to ward off the poison effect should you be bitten by a Troodon.

  9. At the next levelup, get the campfire, shirt and pants, craft the clothes and put them on. Find a sheltered spot where your back is protected from surprise attacks and place the campfire down. Place wood and the meat in it and light the fire. Stock the fire with at least 100 wood. Use the fire and or torch to stay warm.

  10. A Waterskin will store water for your use when you are away from a water source, but they leak. You can refill them by standing in water and use item, or place in the hot bar and press that number. They can also be refilled when it rains.

  11. You may also use the spear for fishing. Just be aware of sharks, mantas, and predator fish.

  12. As it is likely getting dark by now, use the torch for light and warmth as you go gathering more materials for a shelter. You should have a levelup soon to get thatch foundation and walls. A shelter will give additional protection from excessive heat or cold and the dangerous Troodon.

  13. On Level 5, get the slingshot and storage box. Place extra items in it so you are not being overburdened.

  14. Get a sleeping bag but don't craft it for now. You need the engram for the Simple Bed which you will craft and place in your shelter. This will give you a place to be reborn if your character gets killed. Sleeping bags are portable but they are a one time use item. You will soon have plenty from the supply drops you can access in the game.

  15. There are going to be many more items then you will ever have engram points for selecting. Spend them on items that are most useful. At this stage of the game, mortise and pestle, narc, spark powder, gunpowder, standing torch, bow arrow, and the raft are top priority followed by the tranc arrows. Get the Bola. It is most useful for stopping an attacking raptor or for immobilizing a creature from a Parasaur size and smaller.

  16. The raft will allow for safe transport for resources and safer locations. You can place structures on them and ferry your tames to safer locations. Just watch out for swimming sarcos, alligators, which can attack your tames on the raft.

  17. Your first pets for tames can be some dodos for an egg farm, spitters that you knock out with the slingshot and use as guard dogs or hunting, a parasaur for transport, and later, a Trike for berry harvesting. Get low level ones for now, they are easier to tame. Your first flying transport a pteradon. Wait until you can craft saddles for them before attempting a tame.


You are now well on your way to being a survivor of the Ark. Play cautiously and watch your six. And, always prepared for the unexpected.

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My biggest tip to anybody.

DO NOT GET ATTACHED. When I say this. I mean don't expect your thatch hut and level 30 parasaur to be there when you log on tomorrow. Once you can make stone structures, And only then, is it okay to become a little attached. The only success I've ever had (small tribe usually around 5 players). Grind til stone tier as quick as possible, then find the deepest darkest spot in the woods you can find. When I see deep and dark I mean deep and dark. It should even be hard for you to find your way back some of the time.

STAY LOWKEY  don't speak on tribechat. Don't kill other players. You don't want anyone to know you exist  

DO NOT chop down any trees or rocks within a large radius. It's the only way to hide your base from prying eyes. Only once you have a solid base with species x turrets and a wall around it can you really protect tames and resources 

After successfully building a good safe structure and a place for tames you can actually enjoy the game 

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Thats some good PvP advice,

Plant X is available at lvl 35 (the large crop plots required) which is mid-game, and the way they have plant x's set up its really important to get a dung beetle if you want to efficiently raise and upkeep the plants.

And its truth that you really can't get too attached to anything on a pvp server... either your an eyesore to the Alphas, or a griefer has just transfered with 100 rockets and MC Rocket Launchers and are bored with endgame... your now a prime target.

And an actual "safe" place for dino's on a PvP server is in a enclosed garage, covered in Auto turrets... 

Remember no matter how big and "protected" your base is, no base is 100% unraidable.


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On ‎2‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 2:43 PM, Samammo said:

Another good point my friend said is to get to a wood house as fast as possible. Make a small house from thatch, then try and get a wooden house as quickly as possible

Making a thatch requires wood.... wood that could be used to make wooden foundations and walls... which will keep you and your small dinos safe for a much longer period.

If someone runs up to your thatch on a PvP server, they can use a hatchet to tear down a wall without ever having to repair the hatchet before the walls bursts....

Take your time, build about 4 - 5 wooden foundations, and make a bed, find you a cozy and well resourced spot and lay down your foundations, preferably against a rock wall or cliff edge.


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