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  2. lessiniabatis sibyrhynchus alienacanthus materpiscis parexus gyracanthus bananogmius xenacanthus metopacanthus this thing looks like it has two mouths delphyodontos paraetmopterus maghriboselache rolfodon
  3. In clustered servers, if the server config is correct (big if), it will be moved in the cluster data directory (specified by -ClusterDirOverride option, see https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/Server_configuration).
  4. I recently got this game, but got overwhelmed by the sheer number of expansions and features. I'm also not able to adapt to the game fast. So, I'm trying to find a bunch of people to play together with! If you are interested, please feel free to add me at https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001869283 Let's have fun! If you are kind enough to guide me as a new player, I'm happy to play with you too!
  5. Today
  6. What's up with last major patch? SE weather effects are infrequent and short lived. Taming a phoenix is so aggravating now because if you're lucky to find one during a rare heat wave, you get it half way tamed, you need to stay online for 12+ hours of real life time for the next heat wave. Before the update you would see 2 or 3 heat waves per ark day, now it's like 1 heat wave every 2 or 3 ark days. If you set time of day to pass quickly, the heat wave is too short. There aren't any settings we can change to put the weather effects back to the way they were pre-patch?!
  7. apataelurus climacoceras gentryi climacoceras africanus nimbadon darwinius patagomaia the newly discovered largest mammal of the dinosaur age cynodictis
  8. Spinos also need their base HP buffed from 700 to 900. It does not make any sense for an apex predator that is larger than a Rex to be so much weaker than one! They should also have their hydration buff fixed; it currently does not detect water if you are too deep in the ocean. Also, Spinos need their Oxygen stat removed!
  9. Still causes massive stutters when it renders, I'm not sure why it's mentioned in patch notes about stutter with structures on it.. it stutters with no structures, even wild ones cause stutter.
  10. My suggestion to devs is to implement a paid subscription with phone notifications via sms
  11. platalearostrum hoekmani pebanista the giant river dolhpin aulophyseter
  12. struthiocephalus bienotherium Burnetia deuterosaurus proburnetia
  13. You need a unique SessionName for each server in the cluster.
  14. On the Ragnarok map in Ark: Survival Evolved, there are several optimal hot spots for hatching Wyvern eggs, which require high temperatures to incubate. The most convenient location is the Wyvern Trench (Dragonmalte Trench) in the northeast (around coordinates 25, 70), where the natural heat from the lava-filled surroundings makes it perfect for hatching. Another ideal spot is the volcano area in the north (around coordinates 20, 30), which provides consistently high temperatures but comes with the risk of dangerous creatures. The desert region in the southwest (around coordinates 80, 75) also offers the necessary heat in a more open and spacious environment. Additionally, hot springs near areas like Viking Bay (around coordinates 20, 30) can help maintain the required warmth for incubation. Supplementing these natural hot spots with campfires, torches, or air conditioners can ensure the eggs stay at the right temperature, making these locations excellent choices for successfully hatching Wyvern eggs.
  15. Hello, I am admin on 3 Playstation servers currently and i cant find a command to change the name of a tamed dino. Is there even a command to change the name??
  16. Ok, it is intended. Mating only if someone is nearby. /close
  17. Hi, all my wolves and megatheriums start mating / gestating after login on our dedicated server. Any ideas? Is this intended? We use the Dino Depot mod for storaging and pickup of babies. Is this the reason?
  18. Hello, Survivors ! This one is very simple, can we please cut off the asia cluster again like ASE, All they do is dupe and have some very comfortable gaming chairs, completly game destroying in my opinion. You get like 5 or 10 in your game server chat spamming to sell duped stuff every day. Duping is all they know how to do and they will never stop doing it, it's ruining main purpose off the game, farm craft and build your base. So cutting of the asians will not fully solve the problem but it sure will give a big impact. Wildcard should really get to the bottom of duping and sort it out once and for good, it has been 8 years now, lets put it to bed shall we ? Greetings NergalTM.
  19. Hello survivors, We all run into this massive issue of it being super hard to farm spino sails due to people building in the spawn rivers mostly on pve this is a issue . I think this is a high priority change this is going to be a massive problem on the center aswell. so my suggestions would be : 1: Block river building this is where important dinos spawn, and should not be build on. 2: Make baby dinos drop tributes like the megalania does when killed, they have leggs, hearts, sails too. 3: Spino babys would be nice so people have more chance to obtain more sails. 4: Don't make spinos only spawn in rivers. 5: Make them spawn regardless, people should expect them to spawn at your front door if you build in a river. Greetings Survivor NergalTM.
  20. NergalTM

    Ark 2

    Dont expect to see ark 2 for the next 3 years. XD
  21. I would like to see this cluster return also ! +1
  22. Does anyone know the blueprint for the gigantoraptor in order to be added into servers, thanks
  23. @StudioWildcard @Jatheish @Cedric Apparently ALL the new Patches of the main version drastically break the interfacing with the Mods, Nitrado goes into crisis with the private Servers that crash, the Server owners go into panic because from one day to the next SUDDENLY it no longer works the Server, the players of those Servers remain out of the game and disappointed (better to say: decidedly nervous) until they slowly change the game... and all this in INDEFINITE TIMES as it happened every time after the main Patches and we had to wait several days before WildCard (and consequently also the Modders) manages to resolve things. It has certainly been suggested many times: IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO USE A "TEST SERVER" before launching updates that always do more harm than good?!? PS: XBox customers currently cannot join certain Mods or Maps which work on PS5, but PS5 also crashes on some Mods where the PC received Friday's Quick Patch..
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