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  • Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers & More!


    Saddle up Survivors, as we’ve got a couple of important updates we’d like to inform you all of.

    First of all, before we get into the nitty gritty of all the details of the upcoming changes, allow us to say this. Over the past few days, there have been a lot of hot-topics of discussion around the community. Some of these topics have not had an immediate response from the development team, this is not because we are choosing to ignore, but because we want to have time to deliberate and consider our options before responding, or taking action. We try to read all the feedback you provide, whether it’s positive, negative, or indifferent and take action where we deem it viable. ARK was launched into Early Access with the idea of creating a game together, and we are still sticking to that plan, every single day. Sometimes decisions are needed to be made that require a bit of thinking time, but we’ll make those choices. Other times, we’re going to do things you don’t quite agree with, or you’re going to suggest things that we don’t quite see as a viable option for the game - but we will take into consideration what you’re saying, and make compromises or reevaluate our plans where necessary. Today’s announcement will help shed some light on our thoughts, as well as the route we plan to take going forward.

    Evolution Event: Cross ARK Transfers!


    As of Friday the 18th of November at 12PM ET we are going to be activating the following evolution event:

    2x Harvesting Rates
    2x Taming Rates
    2x EXP Rates

    This will run until Monday the 21st of November 12PM ET.

    We’ll also be introducing a new permanent change will be coming to your CrossARK Clusters: 

    Complete transfer of Items, Tames and Survivors through all MAPS on the Official ARK Network (separated by game mode).

    Please note that this will not affect Player Dedicated Servers. This is just an Official Server change

    Previously, you were only able to transfer Survivors TO Scorched Earth servers, and everything FROM a Scorched Earth server. Now, you’ll be able to have absolute rights when transferring and can go from Island to Island, Center to Center, Scorched Earth to Scorched Earth, Island to Scorched Earth, Center to Scorched Earth, and Island to Center without any limitations, and the reverse of course. Please remember that these transfers are still based on the cluster (mode) you play on; PvE can only go to PvE, Hardcore can only go to Hardcore, Primitive can only go to Primitive etc.

    When we first announced the ARK Transfer system with the Launch of Scorched Earth, we stated that it was something critical we wanted to experiment with in Early Access and to see how the game would progress once we introduced that new gameplay mechanic. Following what we’ve seen, and based on the feedback we have received, we would rather allow more freedom, where acceptable of course, than impose further limits.

    Alongside this change, we are now going to introduce a new mechanic:

    Once a Tame has been uploaded and downloaded onto an ARK, it will suffer a 12-hour cooldown until it can be transferred again. Transferred tames will also display on the HUD from which server they were last uploaded from (if you’re on a different Tribe, you will only see this indicator when the Tame is dead).

    We want to provide the opportunity for tribes to scout each other across the ARK, as well as limit, -- to an extent -- tribes from storming in and then storming out immediately with their tames. By enabling the complete CrossARK transfers, it should also provide the chance for existing players to scope out new servers of the same type, meet up with friends, and find new opportunities or adventure, with no PvP server being unassailable or off-limits.

    With all big changes, we understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I’m sure I’ve said that before, though keep in mind these changes may not be final. We want to see how things play out, whether this was the right move, how we can further improve the system. Something we’re considering down the line is introducing more limitations on what can be transferred, such as only Baby Tames or Eggs can be transferred, perhaps we limit Scorched Earth transfers to Scorched Earth base/raw materials only. Your feedback following today’s change will be critical as it enables us to continually develop and expand the game, as well as provide the opportunity to explore further options. 

    Update number two..

    Stance on Exploiting


    Let’s be clear about this, no one likes cheaters. We don’t like cheaters, you don’t like cheaters, your friends don’t like cheaters, cheaters don’t even like each other. We want to do everything we can to ensure that the ARK is a fair place for everyone to play with one another. It is why we worked to get a strong BattlEye system for ARK which is constantly receiving updates and will continue to do so because we want to stomp out cheats.

    However, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to say that we have been lenient when taking action against people who are exploiting game bugs. Previously, we have felt that the bugs are on us and we have to do our best to resolve them and fix them, so we try not to punish survivors in this instance and make changes that will benefit the community as a whole, in the long-term, even if in the moment it seems a bit unfair. We’re going to change that up a little bit. Going forward, we will be taking a stricter approach when it comes to exploiting game bugs. If there is malicious intent, we will take action, be it destroying your tribe, structures, tames, and where necessary straight up removing you from the ARK and adding you to the global ban list and requesting a VAC ban. Consider this your warning to those of who you would rather exploit than report. Cases such as duping, or building under the map for instance, will result in such actions. Of course, it’ll be case by case, accidents happen, sometimes you’re curious - but it is pretty clear when there is indeed malicious intent and that’s where we’ll be taking action.

    ..but wait, there’s more!

    Primitive Servers

    Primitive Servers were something we introduced fairly on to the game at the request of the community, they hadn’t really been part of our game plan but it was clear that a lot of you wanted to experience this. Every now and then we introduce updates to the game which impact Primitive in a not so great way, primarily because that particular game mode isn’t quite set up to deal with the vast changes of the ARK. We’re going to make some adjustments to alleviate some of the current problems that exist and we’ll try and pay better attention going forward. Similarly to all changes, nothing is ever final and a lot of it is experimenting. A big concern that has been brought up is the power of some particular Scorched Earth dinos. Going way back when we introduced the Giga to the game, we made some changes to weaken it’s damage specifically on Primitive servers. We found that worked pretty well, so we’ll be taking a similar approach now.

    Tamed Wyverns will deal 70% less damage and take 70% more damage.
    Tamed Rock Golems will deal 70% less damage and take 20x more damage.
    Alpha Wyverns will deal 67% less damage and take 67% more damage.

    These changes are only going to be made effective on Primitive servers, and again we’ll be seeing how things go. For now, the other dinos (other than the Giga, Ptero and Argent) remain unaffected. For a complete and more filling Primitive experience, we really recommend you guys try out Primitive+ - which has some pretty cool updates on the way, stay tuned for tomorrow’s Crunch. ;)

    So there’s quite a lot to take in, and you may not completely agree with all our changes, be it Primitive, Cross ARK transfers, or even a heavy-handed approach to exploiters, but we’ll see how things go and will make more adjustments if necessary!


    Now for some great news. Very excited to share this! Lately, the team has been working pretty hard on tracking down this darn Dino Spawning in Bases issue that has been plaguing us for such a long time. and we think we’ve cracked it! Here’s a heat map of Dino Spawns that have taken place on an Official Server, indicating new wild spawn distance from bases & tames:


    Blue = Dino Spawns
    Red = Buildings
    Green = Tames

    Pretty nice eh? ;)

    (The Areas where it still appears to overlap are underground Cave spawns!)

    So as always folks, thank you again for your commitment and passion that you show towards the ARK. We really value each of you and are grateful to have such an active community. Your feedback has proven to be an absolute game changer, ARK itself has evolved so much from where it originally was, a lot of plans have changed and the scope of the game has gotten a lot bigger than what we first intended it would be thanks to being able to work with you. Hopefully, this is another step forward towards making the ARK as great as we know it can be!

    All the best,


    Wildcard Jat and the ARK: Survival Evolved Team


    Edited by Jat

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    Well its certainly not a good pvp server when there is no pvp

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    I am a week one player, on a day one server, and still play nearly every day.  We are proud of our server where, like others, the top tribes have negotiated a peace and work together to keep our server a place where beginning tribes can flourish without being wiped as soon as they pose a potential threat.  This change, I fear, will make a year's worth of work easily ruinable.  If huge raiding tribes can descend on any server, establish an impregnable base within the first hour, and wipe all extant tribes, why bother to play at all?  Yes, it is PvP and we have survived that environment for a year whilst building bases and defensive strategies that are based on threats from our server.  How can any tribe, or even solo server, compete fairly with multi-server mega tribes who thrive on kicking down sandcastles and decapitating snowmen?

    Wildcard, you folks have created a truly unique game that will certainly go down in gaming history.  Please monitor this transition closely.  If your intent is to remove all stability from PvP servers and turn that half of the game into a bloody, never-ending free-for-all please communicate that openly.  I don't want to waste another 1000 hours only to have my efforts ruined and heartbroken by vindictive griefers writ large.

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    48 minutes ago, Paul080576 said:

    I don't play PVP, but couldn't you just play on an Extinction server so it would get wiped all the time?  Wouldn't that solve your issues? 

    a) No-one plays extinction, so there's no PVP there.

    b) There's no oceanic extinction as far as I'm aware.

    c) Unofficial servers are more or less extinction but they do it better, and they are more varied (This is what I primarily do now).

    d) The 1 month wipe cycle is too short.  I'm not suggesting that the official servers should be wiped monthly, nothing of a sort.  But I do think that 6-12 months is more than enough time to enjoy the early and mid-game, get to max level, claim the server and say mission accomplished.

    e) Me going and playing extinction doesn't solve the problem that Wildcard just endorsed cheaters and gave us a meaningless platitude of "We'll really ban them next time, we promise" while allowing them to maintain their server dominance where their sole objective is tear harvesting.  Not fun competitive PVP.

    f) If I was playing extinction and we were 2 weeks through the wipe cycle and tribes were duping/cheating I'd still expect them to get banned and/or the server to be wiped.

    Does that about answer it for you?

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    43 minutes ago, Sh4rk said:

    Sounds like you werent playing on a real pvp server and wouldn't last on one anyway, no offense. I just find it odd that people want to play on pvp and not worry about getting raided/wiped. Just play PVE, problem solved, and you dont have to build ridiculous amounts of base defenses. 

    I've never seen being wiped/raided as being an issue until recently it had happened to my base, only to show me absolutely nothing in the tribe logs to give me some sense of direction as to who to retaliate against. I'm going to throw myself into the category of people that you're addressing when you tell them to "just go play PvE" and my response to you would be: No. I don't want to play PvE just to avoid toxic players who have the sole intentions of bringing wyverns over to the Island servers and wiping EVERYONE and getting away with it. I want to be able to enjoy PvP with other Tribes, while still being able to have that thrill of going at war with some other not so friendly tribes that I'd eventually meet. What they are doing isn't PvP, it's exploiting the once broken system and griefing everyone that they can stumble upon just for gits and shiggles.

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    Why anyone would go to a pvp server to play in peace makes no sense to me. Im glad the pvp scene will be shaken up, and glad alpha tribes are getting scared, it needed to happen. This will make for some nice cross server espionage and possibly get people to band together to fight the multiserver tribes who are dominating. Imo, that is far more interesting than "keeping the peace" and turning pvp into glorified pve.

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    5 minutes ago, Sh4rk said:

    Why anyone would go to a pvp server to play in peace makes no sense to me. Im glad the pvp scene will be shaken up, and glad alpha tribes are getting scared, it needed to happen. This will make for some nice cross server espionage and possibly get people to band together to fight the multiserver tribes who are dominating. Imo, that is far more interesting than "keeping the peace" and turning pvp into glorified pve.

    While that sounds lovely the reality will be that VDD will come raid your base at 4am from under the ground and because you weren't there to film it in triplicate WC will just give them a pat on the back.

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    9 minutes ago, Smash said:

    While that sounds lovely the reality will be that VDD will come raid your base at 4am from under the ground and because you weren't there to film it in triplicate WC will just give them a pat on the back.

    Not worried. I have plenty of fun living as a lone rogue on pvp, staying low and undetected, with no base or just poop shacks here and there. I dont need a hundred dinos and a massive base to have fun. I can get wiped and move on with no regrets.


    I mean nobody any disrespect but I think people are too attached to "tame dinos, build big base" as the way to play. The moment you do this you are a target, where in my situation, I might be a target but I will never truly be found. Maybe they will find a stash, and thats fine because I dont keep all my eggs in one basket :) Im just trying to say there are more ways to play than the traditional path.

    Edited by Sh4rk

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    8 minutes ago, Sh4rk said:

    Not worried. I have plenty of fun living as a lone rogue on pvp, staying low and undetected, with no base or just poop shacks here and there. I dont need a hundred dinos and a massive base to have fun. I can get wiped and move on with no regrets.


    I mean nobody any disrespect but I think people are too attached to "tame dinos, build big base" as the way to play. The moment you do this you are a target, where in my situation, I might be a target but I will never truly be found. Maybe they will find a stash, and thats fine because I dont keep all my eggs in one basket :) Im just trying to say there are more ways to play than the traditional path.

    I wouldn't say people are too "attached" to taming dinos and building big bases, when that seems to be the main objective of this game.. I mean, working together and using tames to your advantage seems to be a key concept of the box art imo but hey, that's just me.

    And not saying your play style is incorrect either, I've met a few like you and actually befriended them after caging them :)

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    I think every server should be a cluster server, with the island, center, and scorched earth with a 100 player cap. And  you can transfer anything you want but only within your cluster. If you wish to transfer to a different cluster you can only transfer your player. Just my two cents either way I love the game and spend more time than I care to admit, keep up the good work and thank you for being more informative with the community!

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    If a large group of players get together to beat VDD and similar multi-server tribes, I could hop on that bandwagon. Otherwise I'll be blissfully causing trouble on a smaller scale from server to server :) 


    Edit: As a side note, I think this change opens the door for more gameplay than people think initially, such as cross server commerce and large scale battles unlike the offline raiding you usually see, or the "drop dinos to soak turret damage while shooting rockets" tactic. Sure this poses a threat to the alpha tribes that are used to regulating one server, but it really brings a new and exciting meta to Ark if you think outside the box. This game, like any other early access title, is meant to and will change. Players will adapt and VDD is on top of things, deservingly if cheating/exploiting wasn't the case. If WC cracks down on it like they say they will, then those who are against VDD and the like, have no less power than those within their ranks. Its time Ark reaches the next level and I feel this is it. It will certainly create some interesting and passionate stories!


    Food for thought :)

    Edited by Sh4rk

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    I thinks it's a little unfair that now im stuck in pvp clusters with my highest level character and stuck with the looming threat of all my hard work being burned down by some guy who bought the dlc and has a dragon which happened recently. Even worse is I joined ark before they had those filters that tell you what's a pvp server and what isn't, so I had no idea going into it that it was pvp. But now I wanna move to pve but me and my tribe are stuck with people we have no chance of standing against if they turn on us

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    Scorched Earth, since it's behind a paywall, should not be able to be transferred to or from. It creates an unfair advantage over people who do not have the SE DLC. I think transferring between all Official non-SE servers is amazing though, thank you for that! :)

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    so seems people are saying alrdy  that some official servers have be wiped to dust, except for the attacks? can anyone confirm ? 

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    3 minutes ago, BountyHunter4Hire said:

    some official servers have be wiped to dust,

    it's happened to two on our primitave server chain


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    This is the worst thing that you coulda ever down. If you wanted to wipe server why not just wipe every server not people will only server hope just to wipe people

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    Why all of this for? People and the devs seem to forget that the game is scheduled to be released next month in December after it's summer release with no release date was already delayed and still we have no release date for next month. Not only that we still have no optimization for either the PC or Xbox versions. Hell, the Xbox version still needs major graphical upgrades to. It's miles behind the PC version. Please for those of us who purchased your game in order to support the development of it for the love of god optimize it already. We are going on two years now since the game was released in it's preview status which it still currently is in as we speak. What's the hold up? You guys are adding all these different things to the game that take away from the core developement of the game itself  but won't optimize the game. It's backwards. Most if not all studios put out a game first and if there are any optimization issues or glitches that need to be worked out they fix them then come out with paid or free content. I really believe that by you guys providing all these free and paid content so early before the game even releases along with these events that you hold every month for a game that hasn't even been fully released yet is just smoke and mirrors for yet another delay because you refuse to work on the core game itself. It will hurt the games longevity in the long run. you'll only have yourselves to blame once the number of people actually playing your game drops significantly which is already starting to happen by the way, you'll see. I'm sure most people would agree that paid and free content is supposed to help a games popularity and longevity not kill it before it even releases . Good luck Wild Card. Hope you guys really know what your doing.

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    A couple questions:

    1. when Xbox play anywhere comes out will we be able to run Xbox servers from our PCs?

    2. also will we need a second Xbox account and have to buy the game again if we want to run a server and play on it?

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    this is so stupidly annoying! why allow transfer of incredibly over powered creatures to a game where theres little to no defense against them? 

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    I believe that the naysayers always tell loudest. I think that experimenting is a great idea. That is why they say it is still in development. I like that they don't just listen to all the negative. This is a game and a fun game at that, otherwise why would anyone even care?

    " Instead of pointing out all the problems, find solutions"

             - Henry Ford

    I also never agree to just banning something because it is easier. Why not allow these changes, and come up with a way where everyone can have there cake and eat it too? ??

    Kudos to Jat and the wild card team. It really takes courage to try something new especially when there are so many critics and haters out there. You guys have a hard job and it seems it like everyone hates you at times for things that are opinion as much as fact. I have noticed how hard you guys are picked on no matter what you say to explain your very reasonable and grateful logic. Please don't let the negative pull you guys down. Those people are the reason I stick to my single player game, or only share with friends and family. I quickly learned that there are to many of them for my admitted way shorter tolerance level then yours. But I really enjoy spending some time after a long hard day at work just playing in the beautiful world you guys have created. I love having the ability to do almost anything, build anything, and just play with my Dino's and wyverns. 

    From your legion of admirers may we not always remain secret. Love you guys and your amazing hard work. 


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    This is what's been happening to many Island and Centre tribes for quite some time already . I expect some growing pains , but I think that if we give it some time and more benevolent alphas start communicating with each other , we'll see organised retaliation soon 

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    3 hours ago, chaosguy67 said:

    Wiped by a transfer tribe overnight..

    Silly question, but can I ask what the difference was between being wiped by a transfer tribe over one on your server? Just curious.

    Outside of that, there just needs to be more strategy involved in PvP. It's extremely time consuming to build up and very fast to fall down. I think the transfers are just going to add additional fuel to a fire that's already burning away. There's some major balance issues in ARK that need addressing before release.

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    12 hours ago, kareempiez said:

    I bought this game a couple weeks ago and have been playing the hell out of it just to get started.  I've had multiple bases destroyed on multiple servers.  I see a mixture of three things happening with this whole transfer concept.  1 there will be multi-server alpha tribes making it even harder to find a decent place to start.  2 alphas will start warring with alphas and leave the little guy alone. 3, entire servers will join together to keep the multi-server alpha tribes out. 


    It seems to me that things would be a lot more fair if there was a cap put onto the number of survivors in a tribe.  It's damn near impossible to do PVP as a single player that is just starting.


    three of my friends and I bought the game at the same time, wanting to start a tribe together.  Things went well for about a week until the larger tribes noticed we were on the server and destroyed everything(walls, foundations, etc).  To make a long story short, one person is playing PVE which to me is like playing a game on easy settings.  One person has quit completely.  One person joined a bigger tribe of other friends (still only 6 people), so he is using guns and rocket launchers and all the other advanced stuff without ever having to work through the basic stuff.  And here I am, alone, trying to upgrade stats and bases, slowly harvesting inventory, getting raided, and just trying to experience the game.  The only thing I'm finding annoying is that I feel like very few people do what I do.  They instead do PVE or join an already advanced tribe.  Where's the fun or competition in either of those options? 

    That what literary happend to me you cant even make a decent base while those alpha tribes come and raid you or kill u for no reason!

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