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slejo last won the day on August 19 2023

slejo had the most liked content!

About slejo

  • Birthday 05/02/1979

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slejo's Feedback

  1. Badikovec left Positive feedback for a topic   

    30780hp,431% tusos, 355% RED giga eggs + new 365% RED giga eggs
    Fast and easy trade, looking forward to trade again :)

    slejo was Trading

  2. kathid4444 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    NOT TRADING ATM (365% md Giga, Snow Owl, Manas, Rex, Wyverns, (Tek-)Quetz, etc)
    easy to trade with, nice & friendly :) would of course trade again!

    slejo was Trading

  3. Iluvatar left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Very good dealer, very fast and helpfully

    slejo was The Seller

  4. Maedean Shepard left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Maedean's Shop ^_^ (CLOSED-FIND ME ON DISCORD)
    Another succesfull trade ;)

    slejo was Trading

  5. Maedean Shepard left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Maedean's Shop ^_^ (CLOSED-FIND ME ON DISCORD)
    Great initial contact, super follow up. Was on time, accommodating and friendly, hoping to trade again in the future :D

    slejo was Trading

  6. Jacira left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Jacira's eggsellent KIBBLE sale!
    Growing pains in terms of etiquette in trading but you have to start somewhere. Still, a very savvy buyer who does not need to have their hand held to get the sale completed. 9/10 would trade with again!

    slejo was The Seller

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