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slejo last won the day on January 24

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About slejo

  • Birthday 05/02/1979

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  1. If you played on an official server, you might understand what I mean. Why fix bugs a week before the end of the game? On February 7, Extinction will be dead... (after agony that will be last 2-3 weeks)
  2. Too late patch: 1 - Gene scanner tracker don't include corrupted creatures - you fixed it a week before transfers open - why not in first week of game - we dont need now taming. OP dinos will soon come. Noone tame anything 2 - Tek Giga clonnable - again. We were struggling X1 to raise it. And you fixing clonning a week before 600 based damage Gigas will come. So tek gigas are useless now. 3 - Fixed vehicles - again a week before game over And many big updates for a week before game over. Where is the logic, WC?
  3. Speeding up transfers for official servers is killing the game and fun. In my opinion, a new map should not be opened for less than half a year. Because opening transfers kills the challenge, after 2-3 weeks the maps will be empty. Boring, boring, boring. Or maybe it's a deliberate move? Directing people to a paid map and liberating the servers?
  4. Yea i remember in ASE how annoying was still playing titan music in snow/desert biome. Even when titan was killed or tamed, the music was playing on and on.. Of course this bug, (like the thousands of other ones) was copied to ASA. This music still annoy people.
  5. I will never spend a penny on Ark again. I spent way too much money and time into this game. Not breeding this weekend is just too much. You don't respect us - players, or our time.
  6. Im sorry for PVP players. Their grindy game life becomes even grindier one. I know it, because i was there. Never again.
  7. Do something with these 15 minutes until the Official Servers update/patch. Instead, have such operations PLANNED at least an hour in advance (and preferably more). Maybe think about the players who started a bossfight and see the message 15 MINUTES TO MAINTANANCE... then they lose all their best gear - several days of gathering stuff to this bossrun. Or someone taming a dino. Or someone is just walking through the volcano to Tek Cave. Have you ever thought how a player might feel in such a moment???
  8. What's going on here, is this some Ark multiverse? Sorry to say this, but it's not the game I loved. Besides, you totally went too far with the price.
  9. With a pistol into Deathworm? Do you even play this game from time to time?
  10. Non accessible in Poland / Europe. There is so much talk in Ark about tolerance and good space for everyone, but I feel discriminated against by WildCard Studio because of my nationality and place of residence. Hypocrites!
  11. We know, that every postpone makes Nitrado more money. Thats all the point of postpone is.
  12. You need to put as much effort to rebuild transfer system as in making new cosmetics. It will save your time and ours
  13. Please don't forget what anniversary we are celebrating during Winter Holiday. So then.. Merry Christmas!
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