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  1. eh, not surprised, literally every dlc gets delayed by about 2 months, why expect something different?
  2. Neat, hopefully the Fed tek suit can be used even on the current one as a sudo upgrade by making it not cost element. also breedable basilisks would be nice.
  3. OK, i normally defend the game when people call it halo but those are literally just two halo rings combined together, I mean, i dont dislike it, looks pretty cool and looks like a neat dlc.
  4. I wonder if the chibis are breedable, doubt there is an ice titan chibi but a magmasaur is not to bad at all.
  5. honestly ya, well mainly his left side were the eye is at around the same height as his bulbous nose anyway.
  6. i honestly like the turtle... except its face, that bulbous nose and the human teeth makes its face look like that one guy from the goonies.
  7. please fix titans starving on singleplayer and titans losing the alpha/beta/gamma prefix apon logging off and logging back on in singleplayer. also making it to where having a titan tamed makes you not need its trophy to summon the king titan would greatly help it because its mention in the explorer notes about killing or taming the titans to fight him twice AND was mentioned in streams AND having to kill your own titans, summon new ones and kill them for their trophies, then summon them again to use them against the king titan, and then doing all that 3 times over for each level of king titan is extremely tedious, especially since you need to redo it from the start if you lose to any of the kings titans you fight. doing this would make it more lore friendly and less horribly tedious to the nth degree.
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