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  1. This community crunch is all about raptors being so deadly... no they are not deadly! we wanna respawn as low food and water and next to a bed so we run at them and feed ourselves to them lol they are therefore Greedy not Deadly
  2. WildCard Message. Hi All! We really hope you enjoyed the broken Managarmr and the new map with huge potential so far besides the Game Braking Titans. We decided to not improve the map and balance everything out but instead destroy it and open it up to all the hidden mega tribes to transfer and destroy every base and kill off all the bloodlines you may have gained through breeding' and then they lock the servers down and kill ark once and for all. It was a easy decision for us at WildCard to be lazy and ruin our first bit of good work so please keep playing? and please don't quit! we have loads of game destroying and time wasting ideas to throw at you all yet. Love WildCard
  3. Na, you my friend are wrong The problem is there is away to play this map, and they have been balancing dino's to not be able to over power or under power the intended mechanics of the map, OSD's and Element veins etc.. by allowing tranfers there will be waves of unbalanced dino's coming in that can abuse the mechanics we have adapted to with the tools and dino's given. A wyverns can solo everything and kill anything on this map, a rock drake will slaughter everything, same as reapers etc.... They are basically opening the map that works to a unbalanced mess of over bred and over powered dino's hoards which will finish this map! Brains cells are being lacked this day......
  4. Maybe closed maps could be a new feature, EU-CLOSEDMAP-EXTINCTION-PVP.smalltribes I can see this being a very fun game mode, you build a community on PVP outta mutual respect, sometimes server rules that everyone can abide by! and then if any noobs join and build and troll you can attack them. thats fun.. But when unknown trolls invade a server when you are offline bringing Giga's and Titans, Wyverns etc.. you are rendered defensless.. Ark devs. Realise this please! People cannot be on the game 24/7 even if it is PVP and raids are always going to happen, you missed the primary aspect of PVP when implicating server transfer! a blind move and quite irresponsible... PvP IS PLAYER VS PLAYER! by doing what you do...-_- it is PvB! player vs Base! People raid when you are offline! as in they are living and breathing in the real world. why cant you respect that?? the second we go off it makes the server population low and raiders see this and destroy months of work, built communities and years sometimes of breeding lines! You need to get together and say "PvP! what is PvP and how can we implement it in to Ark fairly and evenly for our community?" The answer is not always be online, worry like hell all day every day and log on preying you have not been blown up just because you went to work or saw your girlfriend..... Think about it.
  5. If you knock out the santa gacha and feed him owl pellets he poo's out gifts like crazy
  6. buff santas gacha helpers. gives nothing mannnn ? had a few dumb hats and they only spawn in one place on extinction, happens to be the other side of the map
  7. The Nintendo Switch is not like a Xbox or Ps4 or pro or X variant guys, you including myself are used to higher end quality graphics but the switch is advertising a level of graphics and RAM as a spec, ARK has used obviously all this and that is the end result. ARK is not exactly a block buster title costing £59.99 so IMO buy it if you want to play ark but if you want more... well MORE then dont buy it for this console. simple. When i played ark for the first time on xbox it was shocking! a truly horrific nitemare but i was still hooked and enjoying it, each patch was a blessing and improvements were slowly being made. fair play tho WildCard, dunno how you made it even partially run on a Nintendo with Sega Mega-drive specs. Keep up the struggle
  8. I just read the description of Atlas on steam. I am confident in saying I will quit ARK completely when this comes out for around 2 days. Ark is like smoking and I am a smoker. Anyway. Cant wait to see whats next for this game. I am loving the work you guys stick in the game and so for a change judging by the moaners above... Well done wild card. great job team so far
  9. Atlas i thought was ark 2 lol same character models, wall models, trees and graphics in general just better ships than a raft :'D Il buy it only because ARK is so good and if the devs are there I will follow ps... Do you still get to tame things tho?
  10. so... kibble... I have become lost now, can someone explain this? Argy kibble was fine, you telling me I now need to create improved kibble from argy eggs? is basic argy kibble gonna remain the same effectiveness as kibble now and Extraordinary kibble is super effective in comparison>?? eg.... 13 argy kibble = 98% effective = standard 2 argy kibble = 100% effective =extraordinary
  11. I love extinction, island and centre sucks.. but scorched, AB and Extinct are amazing maps, proud to be a day one players, i put more hours in ARK than i have anything in my life, part from work, i hate work and sleep. it interferes with ARK LIFE. Few patches here n there and we are go! woop love you wildcard
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