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  1. Bar has become so low at this point that the only thing more farcical in terms of week-after-week nonsense are episodes Star Wars, The Acolyte.
  2. Delay= gee. shock. horror. surprise. /sarcasm Frontier pack's features to try to really push to be sold no matter what= gee. shock. horror. surprise. /sarcasm
  3. They're not going to give you those numbers prior to launch, especially on the forums here. Devs are also not going to divulge their metric for deciding on such servers/server numbers either. They've never done so in the 8 year history of Ark. Back in 2015 this was a seen complaint on the forums with regards to "no place to put a campfire" but most of those people didnt at first understand they had plenty of choices that they just werent making use of. Yes, there are less than 400 official servers, but there are over 30,000 unofficial servers where this is a non issue. Even on Ark Survival Evolved when official servers were active, most played unofficials. You're learning just one of the reasons why. There's no need to feel that officials are the only options to play. So either you're going to just need to wait to compete with console players on those new servers or play on the 75 times as many servers available otherwise.
  4. All the conjectures and rumors you claim, mainly being you trying to inflate the importance of your asks, and other silly things aside throughout this thread, let's just cut to the chase: Volunteer moderators are not going to be able nor willing to impart any info, clarity etc to you regarding of the things you're specifically asking for that amount to you wanting just really a release date. Its not their purview. All you've managed to do double down on your rant thus far by going off on a tangent debating minutia on console numbers with them and others. Devs will use official channels to promote info concerning release etc. Otherwise, you can go to the discord and rant there until Dollie or similar drops you some little grain of ambiguity to have the discord go into a 2 hour slow-mode pixel crack fiending frenzy. But what this all boils down to is you're having a clash of what you're begging for and that of what's the reality going on. Sorry. I get that you're impatient and perhaps finding it difficult will yourself to do so. But you're just going to have to wait to see.
  5. That's already sort of a metric that the battlemetrics website tracks. You can see how often a server is down, player access(when up but issue for players to get in, and more).
  6. Its not up to Wildcard and this topic has been beaten to a mushy pulp. Xbox and PS4 and Steam platform owners (ie Microsoft, Sony and Valve respectively) have made the decision to not work together. Devs have stated that its possible have all of them crossplay and have set up this internally but their hands are tied until such time as those companies say yes. Thus complain to them not Wildcard.
  7. No difference this time. People were charged for the last season pass with general release times(like this time) and delays happened both with Aberration and Extinction. Again traditionally there are 2 delays each time and this time is no different.... As for cheated, that's just plain silly/entitlement ranting. You're still getting the content its just delayed. If they were to not give the dlc and just took the money, -that- could constitute the meaning of "cheated out of their money". That's not what's happening here. I'm sure you'll be teeth gnashing once its released too and then again when there are delays next winter for part 2 and the eventual disgruntlement of things upon release. I get it, you like to complain but its just really inane.
  8. No need to explicitly tell you. With the legacy closures coming at the end of January(ie freeing up server space for genesis map needs), the lack of any more discussions concerning genesis(ie all dark on communication of such), its pretty easy to see we're in store for the traditional 2nd delay historically that we get on each dlc(sans SE). Not really a bad thing to be honest. Once you're accustomed to this and how the first week or two plays out when released with issues and such, hype and impatience really aren't warranted.
  9. Reporters don't run the presses, car dealers don't make the cars, and your starbucks cashier doesn't harvest the beans. Like many companies, job responsibilities are allocated to different folks. And as a light jab to Cedric, you'd not want him being responsible for fixes anyway. Trust me.
  10. Sorry can you cite where the game name is Dino's R Us? Pretty sure the game's name is Ark Survival Evolved and from its very inception has been a Science Fiction game. I get your wants are that the game was exclusively dinos without boss fights with a dragon, obelisks, etc but your wants do not match the reality of what the game was/is/will be. Best of luck to you.
  11. Scrap it. Replace it with Survival Plus on the normal game Architecture(since the conversion architecture is a mess that most deign to not use). Hire Survival Plus mod maker to maintain and oversee it.
  12. Support is lacking, kited, vapid in assistance and will be for the foreseeable future. This is unfortunately the reality of it(out side of those who will throw out anecdotal examples they experience on rare occasion to the contrary.) Given the majority of players opt to play on unofficial servers and away from official/legacies due to a lack of (and intentional with legacy I might add) support, You may want to consider then making such a non issue and making different play choices.
  13. Unless you plan to hardcode some sort of engagement raid protection system(and given the state of the game that sounds like it would throw servers into even more instability), there's no way to proactively enforce this what so ever and seems extremely short sighted. I'm wondering how you would even enforce the breeding restrictions mentioned, especially since its easy enough to muddy that across servers and mask that through all manner of shenanigans. Either you're going to have to implement more hardcoded solutions or modify this rule change yet again.
  14. Correct. That's not in contention, the volume of participants on that platform using such versus that of the other mediums, I'm saying there seems to be a counter intuitive notion of limiting how they're handled/approached in comparison to the other for simply being a perceived catch all on red and here. Ironically though steam gets xbox and ps4 folks coming on there too asking questions at times though and Ive often told them to visit here in steam. But I'm again saying that statistically the evidence is compelling that the steam forums have a high volume of interactions of players on it with Ark, perhaps statistically more so than I would argue the volume of the 3 platforms combined here but at the very least the pc ones here. Saying then that the devs cannot maintain some form of consistent implementation of bettering the situation with the forums on Steam even with more volunteer mods is a shame. I know addressing this is an exercise in futility but I just wanted to have some form of it being mentioned given the context of what the crunch was speaking to.
  15. Correct, it is one part but with 5 million units or so sold to date on that platform and the daily activity on its forums for Ark being arguably as or more active than the official forums, here, (I've not monitored reddit's activity to state otherwise). I understand the statements of foucs on reddit and the official forums but its somewhat counterintuitive knowing how steam makes for quicker facilitation of dissemination of information by just under half the player base of the game. Also, I know members of the team have expressed as well open disdain for the steam forums too in the past but again its just a shame that resources cannot be put forward on the platform more to have both proactive and reactive responses to issues and interactions. While you cite the dev team being small(70's if I remember right), that doesn't require precluding more volunteer mods answering to Eli, you, etc or even some non dev team related payment resource that could be allotted for more liasons for steam either. GP Deb David are the only volunteer mods typically witnessed sporadically on steam ark forums and I think you can agree you could well enact more and quite easily. So again its just disappointing I genuinely think more could be done and not require full time devs at WA/FL/UK paygrades to do it. There are not too many things I am overly critical of the team for but the reticence to facilitate more on the steam platform in these regards is one of them.
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