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Donk67 last won the day on September 4 2022

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  1. I just dropped 14 baby Gigas to get past the baby stage.... Busy afternoon ahead! Kinda!
  2. Transfers without restrictions?? Are you sure?? So element is transferable too??😃
  3. If they stick to realism it'll be about the same size as a rex but not as bulky😐
  4. Why not just say a modified Giga? That's what it is🤔
  5. Transferring BP's and other stuff from unused bases from various servers that I want to hold on to, maybe trade at a later date, also building a small castle keep on my centre server just for giggles to house them.
  6. Popped my first Dinopithecus, well two actually, Lol 🤫
  7. Yeah man Thanks, it was the levels being too high, I had an inkling that's what it was but I did look under the floor too as this building is on Pillars also, Lol..😉👍
  8. Lost a bunch of eggs when hatching, they left no babies, just nothing!!!😬 Poooofffff gone!!!
  9. Looking like it's fixed, I haven't crashed out as yet; been on for over thirty minutes and no issues as yet!? even got the babies out of the cryo too.................?
  10. Wildcard has done another 21GB update I’m assuming it’s to fix the crashing on the official servers but it’s only made it worse I’m crashing even more now. It’s a joke honestly, I’m trying to imprint my gigas but it’s not going to good for ?????

    1. Donk67


      I've got babies in the cryo, waiting to raise them too, I heard from one of the guys on my server that a further update to correct things is coming today...... I'll check this evening to see if things have improved, as of that latest 21GB update you mentioned, I'm  crashing out every ten minutes..... Not good!

      Hang in there, hopefully they sort that fix out today!? ?

  11. Just managing to stay on long enough to refresh things on official, not getting too adventurous atm... I heard monday is D-day, so hold on to your hats... This from another player in game!? Ten minutes then i'm disconnecting... Oh what joy! Lol....
  12. Unfortunately this happens with every major event update, for the last five years..... It ain't going to change now.. Whenever something is fixed, something is broken, it's just the way it is with this game; always has been ,always will be. if you stay for the long haul you are a survivor.......... That's ARK! good luck!
  13. Please just fix the game so I'm not disconnecting every ten minutes on official, so I can enjoy the event! Thanks....
  14. New flyer has to be the largest of the Species otherwise I'm not interested, so I'm looking forward to taming the Coloborhynchus
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