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Everything posted by Lostmymarbles

  1. notdollie said it would have been an additional 15 minute ( 35 minutes ago) on twitter for PC but that time has passed and gone still no love for PC
  2. you have been here 3 years you shouldnt be poopting on others Kharma has a saying "it will bite you in the ass if you dont watch what you are saying"
  3. been playing ark since 2016 June 1hr short of 4200 gaming hours in ark so i am clearly not new to the game i have been playing this game since SE came out so you must be new to this game to as you joined here or in ark as of sept 2015 so Rotate i am aloud to express my displeasure of how this current dlc is being handled information wise to its player base so suck it
  4. So another Delay for Genesis this seems to be a pattern Wild Card delay delay delay take peoples money delay delay delay the people who already paid for it should get some compensation for delays in saying it was to be in december now its end of Feburary instead #anotherfailedDLCrelease
  5. is Hl1a only available by buying Genesis seasons pass or the previous seasons pass????
  6. So you stated last monday a week ago that Raptor claws to be out this week 2018-12-14 but not seen at all on any server offical and unofficial at all so whats the hold up on this everyone i know of is looking forward to the event again this year after a hiatus last year ..... Any Comments on it Wild Card
  7. yes i am certain i was on the server when he was killed and it was 421 SE
  8. Tomorrow May 1st at approximately 10 am PST we will be launching a new set of servers on PC. These Fresh servers have downloads disabled but uploads enabled for a period of 60 days. After 60 days transfers will open and they will no longer be called Fresh servers. Players are invited to play and build up on these servers without the threat of existing alpha tribes. so much for that theory about downloads one of my tribe member was killed by a level 98 player when the server scorchedearth241 had only been out maybe 1-2hrs at the time so that is a fail on your part WildCard .... there is no way he could be 98 that fast in 1-2hrs so he had to have downloaded his toon from another server
  9. Its been over 1hr now WildCard when are the new servers coming online
  10. cant do any uploads or downloads for 60 days so we all start from level 0 like normal
  11. its the same for everyone Sunny Jim ... so suck it up buttercup
  12. with the new servers why only 1 scorched earth why not some more instead of over saturation of rag island centre and aberration ... show some love to the scorched earth players as well WildCard
  13. what do you have to do to acquire these there is nothing saying anything about it
  14. actually have not been able to do anyting for the past 27 hrs due to nitrado closing down my friend server and classifying it as Dead what a crock nitrado is dont use them as a server company they are a joke
  15. still would like what the full retail gets just because we bought early access doesnt mean we should be given the same stuff as those buying it now ??
  16. only those who preordered it us who were early access get squat for our loyalty
  17. At Least Open another Part of the Ragnarok map since it is delayed til August 29th .... most of US have either explored the entire part of the map that is open or are bored because there is nothing else to do this the next part is released if you want your player base to continue on Ragnarok .... give us another part of the map to explore ..... right now its boring cant really do much on the map on my pvpve server atm nothing is really happening limited locations to explore same with caves etc
  18. why would you release a half finished map for a DLC instead of a Full version its like only playing with half a deck of cards in a poker game
  19. had a titansaur on herb island and it decided to get stuck in my tribes bird holding area along with other dino's as well well it got pissed and started to destroy the buildind and dino's had to get my dragon to kill it off now i have to replace all the sheep and iguanadons and birds and my elevator and all the electrical in the building once again First time i have ever seen a Titansaur on Herb Island Ever since i started playing my my friends private server
  20. except for the flying nerf the only thing i see having issues with is the color choice for the UI ... the blue is really hard to see the numbers and such maybe make the lettering black with the blue background ... would make it easier to see ( i have trouble seeing the numbers and such due to my eyes being color sensitive ) just my 2 cents worth
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