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Everything posted by NoobSupreme

  1. im beginning to believe this as i have yet to see any new reports today. they did release that server patch. Perhaps they are just being silen so that they dont haev to deal with restoring characters. Smart move on their end!
  2. Hold on so if i take a video evidence of my character then they will give it back when i lose it?
  3. Not worried about the game, they got the plan going for that. With all the poop that’s being added when it does come out of early access and is up to the playability that Ase was in about a year or so we are going to see a resurge, as well as when PCs get cheaper so that people who can’t get money can play Asa as well.
  4. welcome to ark buddy boy. Only about 3 years until its playable. I would never leave the game not for everything, but that doesnt make me immune to critizing how terribly ran this game is. Just take a look, we got master zing pong who ones snail games. Chinese cant manage poop. They need to fire him or sell the company.
  5. "Hey Survivors, we're temporarily taking down Official Network while we investigate reports of lost items. We'll keep you updated!" oh no i lost an inven of cryos 😱 how about we focus on the fact that the feature u hyped up is UNUSABLE. because if you transfer there is a very high likelyhood you will lose EVERYTHING not just your inventory lmfao. CHARACTERS NOT ITEMS @Dollie ur on the right path tho! just a bit off just but its the thought that counts right!
  6. bro how tf did u get past lvl 131? Holy poop.
  7. Hense why I made this post before even attempting transfer lmfao
  8. @Dollie@GP character deletion is worse in Asa can we get a patched rolled out, the majority of non megas aren’t transferring. This is gonna kill the game asap cause nobody but 30 mans on smalls are willing to transfer for risk of losing characters.
  9. Been having reports of tribes having characters lost on transferring, can anyone confirm these claims?
  10. It’s ur pc not the servers. I’m running 100 ping without crashes in weeks on 9266
  11. What, it’s perfectly playable. 100 ping without a serv crash in weeks on 9266
  12. idk i am good at C++ which i read is the language ue5 uses. downloaded the dev kit to make a mod and i cant even figure out where the source files are lmfao.
  13. Is that the thing that makes the aiming feel so ass in ark?
  14. Works fine for me. 50/70 server 30 ping no lag, server hasn’t restarted in forever and I’ve never seen it crash for like a month since the last wave of big performance patching
  15. As a level 131 character with all notes, chibi lvls bosses and ascensions on Asa I am not willing to transfer for the first week. This is mainly because of bad memories of the issues that lies with the transfer system on Ase. For example, if u transferred to a server and it rolled back you would lose your character with wildcard giving you a lvl 105 character with no tek and no notes or Chibis or anything. what we need is a system that you don’t need to worry about that. Perhaps keep a backup of characters on upload available if the servers roll back always.
  16. Battleye is an anticheat solution that was “good” back when Ark originally released. I fail to see why we are still using it this late into the games life cycle. Cheaters run rampant because you are using an anticheat that is nearly a decade old. Not only that but you client side position, ammo, many many things that make cheating even more blatant. You send positions of Dino’s that are on the other side of the map so esp works better. What is all this for? ini commands run rampant among pvp and ruin the fun of being a bob and trying to hide. It’s like your company wants to kill ark. why won’t you just move to eac and start handling cheating. this is honestly unacceptable how this game is run, if it was any other game I wouldn’t play.
  17. Hey i just fixed by resetting all my settings by deleting the file, the setting responsible was PC-ONLY ONLINE MULTIPLAYER
  18. DILO, restarted pc game and verified integrity, DILO is going on? Im launching with battleye, plz someone help fix.
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