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  1. One thing I really like about this creature is that, when I imagine it on this map, it gives me a little bit of fear. I say that as a compliment, of course. I think it would be a perfect addition to any future map, such as Valguero or others that have an aberrant section. In addition to its other abilities, I would love to see this creature be able to fish. I know it may seem silly, but I think it would be a perfect replacement for the fishing rod and harpoon. This way, you could fish immediately without having to wait for the fish to bite in a mini-game. You would only have to aim and shoot to get loot and fish meat, just like with a rod. Additionally, depending on the level of the creature, the loot would improve as its level gets higher. I think this ability, plus all the ones it already has, would be an excuse for it to continue participating in other maps, and I would love to see it on this map or on future maps.
  2. It's too good, but it seems that the community wants, just wants claws and teeth. Vote for you, I'd love for you to win.
  3. I like Teraterpeton, although I'm not its biggest fan, I see its potential for this map and, in case it doesn't win, it could fit well in another one in the future.
  4. Quiero compartir mi opinión sobre esta nueva criatura que ha sido presentada. En primer lugar, debo admitir que su diseño es impresionante y único. Sin embargo, cuando considero los límites de la exageración en el diseño de las criaturas, me planteo si esta criatura encaja realmente en el contexto de este juego. Ark es conocido por su enfoque en la supervivencia y la interacción entre los jugadores y las criaturas. Si bien entiendo que las exageraciones pueden ser parte del encanto del juego, creo que debemos ser cautelosos al introducir criaturas que pueden romper la inmersión o la lógica interna del mundo de Ark. Dicho esto, no quiero restar mérito al trabajo y la creatividad que se han invertido en esta nueva criatura. Es evidente que se ha pensado mucho en su diseño y habilidades. Sin embargo, tal vez este tipo de criatura podría encontrar su lugar en otros juegos donde la exageración y la fantasía sean los protagonistas, y donde no haya restricciones en cuanto a la coherencia del mundo virtual. En resumen, considero que esta criatura es una idea interesante y visualmente impactante, pero tal vez no sea la mejor opción para este juego en particular. Aprecio el esfuerzo del equipo de desarrollo en expandir constantemente el mundo de Ark y explorar nuevas posibilidades. Tal vez en futuras actualizaciones, podamos ver criaturas que se ajusten mejor al espíritu de supervivencia y aventura que caracteriza a este juego.
  5. How about placing this amazing creature in later maps, specifically in zero-gravity areas like Genesis, where we can find the flying cetaceans themselves? Imagine this flying cephalopod with a luminous skin, perhaps floating and moving with a dark and terrifying calmness through space, as if it were a creature straight out of Lovecraft's mind. It could even engage in battles with the floating whales in a Moby sausage-style encounter. I believe this approach would maintain the main idea that this post is aiming for—a versatile four-wheel-drive octopus with abilities for all environments. It would stay within the theme of the area while also justifying its ability to survive for extended periods outside of water, propelled by jets of ink. Of course, this is just an opinion.
  6. I love how this creature design combines strength and elegance in a captivating way. Its imposing presence and distinctive style make it a perfect choice for exciting challenges in the game.
  7. When you don't read the creature's description and rely solely on its appearance, you might come to believe that it may not deserve to be on this map. However, once you read the description, it becomes your favorite. The only thing I would add is something similar to the following explanation: "The owl's auditory system involves its entire face; the facial disc distributes and amplifies sound, making these birds highly perceptive to sounds." However, this feature would only activate when you're riding it. This way, we could justify the inclusion of a creature finder without the need to install a mod.
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