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Everything posted by eESTlane

  1. congradz. as a fan of the game, i wish you guys and girls a successful release
  2. oh look, more TEK content. f u WC. that youtube promo video is so crammed full of poop it reeks of diaper wearing audience. surely there has to be more? "am i ready for it or not, i guess time will tell."
  3. i'm making assumptions here but i'm 99% of the time right so... are all the whiners from pve where competitiveness had a smaller impact ie hacking and duping does NOT concern others? because you know i love me some pve tears
  4. lets get one thing clear, you haven't helped build this game if you've never submitted a ticket, made a complaint or a suggestion. that is the only feedback WC needed. everything else is just plain PLAYING.
  5. i laugh at the legacy servers. no customer support means you can cheat/hack/dupe without repercussions making it...well, extending the current standard. eventually you'll just get so abused that you'll quit. so gg to anyone that stays there. if i recall, they'll re-evaluate the server popularity regularly to cut away more excess fat so yeah, basically an extended wipe but still silent enough to cover the cries. looking at the lists in general and having played different settings i think i can pinpoint your flaws there, WC. like Scorched is too poop to live in daily, especially now that you've made same content free on Ragnarok. Center had no real support and was months behind on content and patching. still has it flaws but if patched out in time, i believe it'll be the number 1 server to start on for mega tribes (#dat_metal_son). though some of the servers may just have been alpha properties. anyways, whatever. if WC can't see the problem then i guess there is non. still, can't wait for the release and the updates it brings with. hope to have a fresh start and meet people who bring about joy to spend time playing this game. not looking back.
  6. i was half way writing a fanfic through the eye of a player but decided to abandon that. was trying to point out that WC still haven't given us a story or a protagonist. i would have tilted the camera to the right, while ascending in the spectrum of lights, to reveal "bubbles" in the far distance. that would have given hint to other experiments, other maps and dlc's. like the Truman Show, only that death wouldn't be an escape. that all the memories you have are only within these borders. the only real proof of outside world or knowledge as such comes from the ruins of what appear to be a lost civilization. you called them the ascendant ones (mentioned several times in these pieces of journals) and after the resurrection, you realized you had turned to one of them yourselves. you are with the power now and hold the secret. so what you're gonna do now? smth like that. ascension isn't really the end of the story. just think about it. what really ended? WC better hire some who has an imagination, preferably soon. can't wait for the announcement. hope it's significant.
  7. highly unlikely. not the place to flash your underwear. these events are for promotions only, to advertise themselves on an open market. i would assume it's an announcement of beta and maybe timeline for official release (presumably christmas). 90% sure of that. there's also a 20% chance this will be another unfinished dlc launch. rumor has it waterworld is next. and a slight possibility of official mod program intentions with 15% odds. 0% them mentioning wipes, even with my personal opinion of 60% having them, wipes i mean. you wouldn't want to scare your customers. just throw a last minute apology "we had to do it because of our screw-ups" (paraphrasing). trust me. i'm legit. my math is impeccable
  8. not an emote guy but this is special occasions. LOVE YA and STAY STRONG
  9. trailer looks yummy but one thing it can never demonstrate is balance. i'll keep watching the progression from the sidelines. hope this game turns out well so i'd get the bug again. until then, stay well yours truly, mr evil finger
  10. pvp meta is still within 10 dinos. this game will get dull pretty quick once you've released all the dinos. so you might want to leave a few post-release and start concentrating on polishing this turd. balancing in itself is worth a few months with the bugs creeping in every line of code you tough.
  11. eESTlane


  12. eESTlane

    master race

    From the album: eESTlane

  13. SE disadvantage is lack of rain or water source which is needed for plant-x, and thunderstorms stopping running turrets 24/7. Also, adobe is equivalent to wooden structures and have to be used because of heat insulation. In that sense SE needs help. Other maps have no such distractions. I think it's time to un-nerf the tamed golems maybe and make them susceptible to headshots the second time around. Giga needs a similar balance, in the sense that wild stats have to be lowered so tamed ones wouldn't need a nerf. Post-tame nerf in stats is just stupid. I also dont like infinite bp uses. Why store ram/apprent when you've got jm already? With cluster, it's even more a problem. The system is not new and has been tested with fishing rods. Needs to be applied to all bps now, I think. 5 crafts per bps!!! Also, 12h transfer block seems low. Make it 3 days or smth. Anyways, good luck pvp guys. I'll cross my fingers on the pve side
  14. Field day for every 12 year old playing this game. Jetpack looks ridiculous and if it farts longer than 15sec it'll be stupid (I foresee looting caves with that COD rip-off ) If pew-pew lazors are anything like fire arrows, they'll make land dinos even more useless. Probably stupid expensive so only 1% of the peepz on officials will be able to afford it. But pvp alphas who do, will become even more so - DANGEROUS. This game is so out of balance even now that I fear devs are out of sync with reality when "this" finally hits the patches.
  15. I hear the cheers of COD players.
  16. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267227358859565961/862C2B5A6E32918B86260B36D90DAD1121899448/ Freshly tamed 150 wolf on 2x weekend. Perfect. Except this tool and many others online give mismatched info. Dododex for example gives the outcome @ 31, 28, 31, 31, 34, 47, 18. Another avid tool user claims stats to be @ 36, 28, 31, 26, 34, 38, 28. Which is right? Is it a nerf vs update discrepancy? Or a false use? Should I "upgrade"?
  17. Points are valid but only a handful. If only we could upload our most beloved creatures/items for the migration
  18. I guess the sheer size of Valhalla is what may have put people off. Feels like The Center is a compromise but I'd still take it over the tiny Island we've had for almost a year now. Hopefully the mods will keep new players interested, and not be over thrown by the constant grindfest. Anyways, with the Mod contest going on, I guess I figured they'd put some of the cool attributes into play. Easier to platform proof these ready made community add-ons that have been already tested and have a feedback, than to risk it with a new idea and start developing it from scratch. +1 for anything that spices things up.
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