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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Why aren’t we getting breeding events it is the absolute least you can do to marginally make up for the horrendous Gen 2 servers that WE PAID FOR!!!
    2 points
  2. Welcome to another edition of the Community Crunch! This week we rolled out the optimized Dedicated Storage change to PlayStation. We're working on rolling those changes out to XBOX next week. Take a look at some community content from this week as we prep for a action-packed end of the year! An ARK Evolution Event is active until Monday the 27th with the following EVO perks on all Official Servers! 3X Taming 3X Harvesting 3X XP Creator: UpFromTheDepths Check out a teaser for the upcoming episode to the Paleo ARK series! Creator: Syntac Would you try and fight The Overseer with an Deinonychus? Well, Syntac did! Find out if he succeeds! Primal Fear by GustavoGarcez "Kiara" The Shadowmane by Irinaal9 Giganotosaurus by @N_Life93 Battle For The Highlands by Kitty#7656 Jerboa by LunarSiren#8178 @sis_6193 Rasvim1313#2269 tilou Who the hell#1082 @sam_stimo Have a great weekend! Studio Wildcard Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark Discord: discord.com/invite/playark Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110 Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    1 point
  3. Trust me. It aint any better on officials...
    1 point
  4. Yes wow so much content to take in, gosh willikers there's so much I might never Finnish reading the article. Flaking dumb. You might has well.have copy and pasted your last community crunch
    1 point
  5. So no breeding again. looks like I’ll be playing Conan or GTA 5
    1 point
  6. My Wife says Thankyou, No Breeding bonus means I won't be playing and she will see me
    1 point
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