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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Greetings Survivors! The first version of the Official SurviveTheArk Community App is now live on the Google Play Store! (iOS Version coming very soon) The app was created to bring our community members an easy to use interface to interact with our forum right on your mobile device... but wait there's more... anyone that is playing ARK on an Official PC server with a Steam account linked to our community forum will also enjoy in-game Trip Wire and Baby Hatching Push Notifications! So that means that you don't even have to be in-game to get notified when your base is being raided or your new creatures have broken from their eggs! HOW TO LINK YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT: It's super simple, just go to your Account Settings Page and then click on the "Steam" button to sync your account. The Push Notification feature is only available to regular members. Those in the "Early Bird" forum group will need to use the forum a little before automatically being bumped into the regular "Member" forum group. BUT WAIT THERE'S EVEN MORE..... NITRADO: I've been working with Nitrado and this week they are going to implement the feature on all of their ARK Private Dedicated Servers! So those of you that have your own Nitrado servers just need to follow the steps above and you too will enjoy these awesome notifications right on your mobile devices! This is just the first step into bringing you guys some awesome new ways to enjoy ARK and rest assured that we are working on many more! -Chris (Wildcard Casanova)
    5 points
  2. @Jen Any update on the xbox play anywhere status?
    1 point
  3. Fix the game first pls before you expand lol
    1 point
  4. Why come out with an expansion when bugs and glitches still aren't fixed on the center island and Ragnarok isn't even fully released?
    1 point
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