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character transfer Some players cannot transfer across cluster, others can


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I just recently purchased a second server and clustered it together. The host is survival servers and thankfully they automate the entire setup so that part was easy breezy.  

However I am running into a problem where SOME users, including my other admin, do not see any servers in the list when they go to the obelisk and select the button in the upper right hand corner to transfer to another ark.

Now I have no issues at all, and some of my other players also have no issue.  They hit the obelisk, click the Transfer to antoher Ark button in the upper right, and the server join list pops up albiet with no real filtering options.  For me, I see my other server listed there.  For the few it doesnt work for however, there is nothing displayed.  The list pops up but then it says no servers found.  Its almost like its defaulting to the wrong filtering option, like say 'official' instead of unofficiaal or my survivors, but there is no drop down menu to change that like there is on the normal game menu when joining a server.

Has anyone found a fix for this?  I cannot figure it out and since its only SOME users but not others, I know the server side is configured properly.  

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Yes.  The cluster setup is pretty much automated by survivial servers.  The clustering works with no issue and ALMOST all users can transfer just fine. Its only a select few people that the server 'doesnt show up for' when they hit the transfer to another ark button.  


Its behaving EXACTLY the same as if you go to the normal join game option on the main menu, and change the drop down to something like 'my survivors' before you ever have any initial cahracters made.  Since nothing matches the filter, nothing shows.

Except when you are in game, and use the transfer to another ark menu in the obelisk, the 'join server' menu thatit brings up is ALMOST the same, except its missing the drop down that shows you 'official' 'unofficial' 'my survivors' 'faviorites' etc.

I really feel like on these specific peoples machines, its "defaulting" to some other list option that the cluster servers dont show in, or something similiar.  If it was like this for everyone I would think it was server side, but like I said, it works for ALMOST everyone, except a few.


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I had the same problem, being unable to see my other servers. Looks like it's caused by the filter you use in the main menu. After switching from "Favorites" view to "Unoffical" I'm suddenly able to see the other server in my cluster.

And now I'm unable to reproduce the "not working" situation. But i noticed that my server list is always switched to "unoffical" after viewing the list of servers in the cluster.

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Server is not passworded.  We screwed around with it for about an hour yesterday and did eventually manage to get him on, but we have no idea what changed that made it work.  I had him remove and re-add the servers to the steam server list, had him change his various filters on the normal load page. He couldn't direct connect even.  It was bizarre.  However one time he connected back to the old scorched server, which then made the game load up the scorched main menu vs the normal ark main menu, and since his character was at this point, on our new center server, it somehow brought the list back.


tl;dr, forcing the game to switch to the 'scorched earth' content so the main menu is the scorced one, made both servers show up correctly in the main menu so he cuold get back on the NON scorched server, and transfers seemed to work.  We'll see if it continues to act up or if now we have it fixed.


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Yeah we did that too.  None of those changed but it very much feels like somehow the game on his client side was 'stuck' in some filtering mode that wouldn't show the servers, but the UI didn't indicate at all it was stuck.  He keeps having problems to but after trying to connect back and forth from SE to normal ark servers always makes it show back up. so strange.

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