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ASA Gamma Broodmother questions...

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Hello all,

I really hate posting questions like this, but with the ASA version and variants of server types vs single player, information has been all over the place.

I am on Single Player ASA with no mods with default Ark settings, and want to fight the Gamma Broodmother.  I have the three artifacts for the fight.

When I watch videos or read on the forum about the fight, the information seems to be varying.

Do I really need level 200+ Megatheriums/Rexes to fight this boss?

My current highest level Dino is only level 72.  Most of my strongest dinos are in the 55-70 range.  The amount of time to level up these dinos that high seems astounding to me as I am 72 hours in so far.

I have Rexes, Carnos, Allos, Yutys, a Daeodon, and some pretty tanky Trikes currently.

Any insight, advice, tips, or first-hand experience would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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You don't need 200+ rexes for the gamma broodmother, but you do need better dinos than you have.

I could write paragraphs about the subject, but the basics are simple: tame 135+ megatheriums or rexes (whichever one you have a better saddle blueprint for), breed an army and put them in a cryofridge for a couple weeks to level up. Put the resulting points into health/damage and go try the fight.

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34 minutes ago, zero064 said:

You don't need 200+ rexes for the gamma broodmother, but you do need better dinos than you have.

I could write paragraphs about the subject, but the basics are simple: tame 135+ megatheriums or rexes (whichever one you have a better saddle blueprint for), breed an army and put them in a cryofridge for a couple weeks to level up. Put the resulting points into health/damage and go try the fight.

Hey, thanks for your response.  When you say a couple weeks, what are we talking about here?  In game weeks?   As in like ~21 in game hours or..?  Also is the cryofridge the best way to level up dinos?  I've been keeping all my water creatures in my fridge and I do notice whenever I let them out they have leveled up.

Also another random question.  I saw another post about removing some of the restrictions on cryopods.  I tried inserting these changes into the .ini file and yeah.. when I load the game it just changes the .ini file back to the way it was.  I'm on PC gamepass.  Kind of annoying having to carry a generator and cryofridge with me everywhere lol.

Thanks again!

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9 hours ago, RedResurrection said:

Hey, thanks for your response.  When you say a couple weeks, what are we talking about here?  In game weeks?   As in like ~21 in game hours or..?  Also is the cryofridge the best way to level up dinos?  I've been keeping all my water creatures in my fridge and I do notice whenever I let them out they have leveled up.

Also another random question.  I saw another post about removing some of the restrictions on cryopods.  I tried inserting these changes into the .ini file and yeah.. when I load the game it just changes the .ini file back to the way it was.  I'm on PC gamepass.  Kind of annoying having to carry a generator and cryofridge with me everywhere lol.

Thanks again!

It's two real-world weeks when you're playing on a server. I'm not sure how single player handles it -- you might have to leave the game running for the equivalent of two weeks. The ini changes might be just for servers as well. I'm not sure how the game handles that in single player.

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13 hours ago, zero064 said:

It's two real-world weeks when you're playing on a server. I'm not sure how single player handles it -- you might have to leave the game running for the equivalent of two weeks. The ini changes might be just for servers as well. I'm not sure how the game handles that in single player.

So, I ended up playing with the default difficulty settings.  Like the easy medium hard under the "choose difficulty" button.  Hilarious to me that when you hit "restore defaults" its the exact same settings as hard except the actual "difficulty level (if not maximum)" slider.  Explains why the game was so frickin hard at first lol.  I'm gonna keep everything at hard since that's what I'm used to currently except I'm going to raise the difficulty slider to 0.6 - which is what medium has it at - and do a wild dino wipe and see what level the wild dinos are.  Probably why all my dinos seems so low in comparison to the bosses.  Seems like they expect you to be playing on hard before you do the bosses.  Kinda cool that they let you have so much control over the world without any mods.

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On 5/7/2024 at 6:28 AM, RedResurrection said:

So, I ended up playing with the default difficulty settings.  Like the easy medium hard under the "choose difficulty" button.  Hilarious to me that when you hit "restore defaults" its the exact same settings as hard except the actual "difficulty level (if not maximum)" slider.  Explains why the game was so frickin hard at first lol.  I'm gonna keep everything at hard since that's what I'm used to currently except I'm going to raise the difficulty slider to 0.6 - which is what medium has it at - and do a wild dino wipe and see what level the wild dinos are.  Probably why all my dinos seems so low in comparison to the bosses.  Seems like they expect you to be playing on hard before you do the bosses.  Kinda cool that they let you have so much control over the world without any mods.

keep in mind that the difficulty of the Bosses will also change in proportion to the difficulty level chosen. With a low difficulty level you would find Dino Wild of a lower level but at the same time the Bosses are balanced (they will have less resistance to damage taken and will inflict less damage).

If at your "easy" level you can get Dino Max level 35, it doesn't mean that it is impossible to beat the Boss, in fact it's the opposite. Imagine two examples: a Dino Max Level 35 will be tamed at level 52 and if you add just 52 points it will have doubled its level and even more its Stats (the points inserted PostTame increase the Stats more than the Wild levels), a second Dino Max Level 150 tamed at level 224 to which you add all 88 points will only have 30% more levels (although the added levels receive higher percentages starting from higher base numbers), if we assume that the Boss in the first case is rebalanced to 35% of its resistance and damage dealt and in the second case is rebalanced to 150% then the difference in the increase in Dino PostTame levels will have greater influence in the first case than in the second case; this example is just a reference to understand the concept, it is not the completely correct calculation.. but if you perform the two Tests against the Boss you will notice that the proportion of damage inflicted and suffered by your Max level 35 dinos with all the posttame points added will be greater than the proportion using Dino Max level 150.

In summary the generic rule is: tame a Dino max level couple (35 on easy, 150 on difficult), give birth to 20 children who with 100% Imprinting will get a slight increase in Stats, make sure that both Males and Females are present in the fight to get the pair bonus and equip them all with the most powerful saddles possible (very important) obtainable from the Drops, try to get a Yutiranno with a good saddle to use his Cry of Courage ( which significantly increases the damage resistance of your Dinos), if the Dinos are Herbivores put some "Sweet Vegetable Cakes" in their inventory that will heal them while they fight, equip themselves with appropriate clothes and bring some Healing Drinks with you... you're ready to the battle!!

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8 hours ago, CervantesMor said:

keep in mind that the difficulty of the Bosses will also change in proportion to the difficulty level chosen. With a low difficulty level you would find Dino Wild of a lower level but at the same time the Bosses are balanced (they will have less resistance to damage taken and will inflict less damage).

If at your "easy" level you can get Dino Max level 35, it doesn't mean that it is impossible to beat the Boss, in fact it's the opposite. Imagine two examples: a Dino Max Level 35 will be tamed at level 52 and if you add just 52 points it will have doubled its level and even more its Stats (the points inserted PostTame increase the Stats more than the Wild levels), a second Dino Max Level 150 tamed at level 224 to which you add all 88 points will only have 30% more levels (although the added levels receive higher percentages starting from higher base numbers), if we assume that the Boss in the first case is rebalanced to 35% of its resistance and damage dealt and in the second case is rebalanced to 150% then the difference in the increase in Dino PostTame levels will have greater influence in the first case than in the second case; this example is just a reference to understand the concept, it is not the completely correct calculation.. but if you perform the two Tests against the Boss you will notice that the proportion of damage inflicted and suffered by your Max level 35 dinos with all the posttame points added will be greater than the proportion using Dino Max level 150.

In summary the generic rule is: tame a Dino max level couple (35 on easy, 150 on difficult), give birth to 20 children who with 100% Imprinting will get a slight increase in Stats, make sure that both Males and Females are present in the fight to get the pair bonus and equip them all with the most powerful saddles possible (very important) obtainable from the Drops, try to get a Yutiranno with a good saddle to use his Cry of Courage ( which significantly increases the damage resistance of your Dinos), if the Dinos are Herbivores put some "Sweet Vegetable Cakes" in their inventory that will heal them while they fight, equip themselves with appropriate clothes and bring some Healing Drinks with you... you're ready to the battle!!

Ah, this makes sense.  So what I can do is keep leveling my current dinos to higher levels on the higher dino difficulties, as I noticed my dinos are definitely leveling faster fighting the higher level dinos.  Then once they are high enough level start breeding my best pair and raise those babies to higher level and then, lower the difficulty back down and do a wild dino wipe, then fight the boss?

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1 hour ago, RedResurrection said:

Ah, this makes sense.  So what I can do is keep leveling my current dinos to higher levels on the higher dino difficulties, as I noticed my dinos are definitely leveling faster fighting the higher level dinos.  Then once they are high enough level start breeding my best pair and raise those babies to higher level and then, lower the difficulty back down and do a wild dino wipe, then fight the boss?

hmmm... the strategy may be good but... the breeding you have to do first. Only the original points obtained by the Dino as soon as you tamed it will be passed on to breeding, all the points you add subsequently will not be passed on to your children. So if your Megatherio couple has 1000 life (without any added points) and then you add 50 points to them and make it reach 2000 (<-- example number only) and then you mate them, the children will be born with 1000 of life (which is the original stat as soon as Tamed), this applies to all stats. So the ideal is to find a male and one (or some) females who have respectively optimal Attack and Damage, mate them until a male and a female are born who have inherited all the best statistics of the first two, from this second couple (both should have both better health and damage than the first two, never use this pair and always keep it available to restart pairings when you need it) start having lots of children who will be the ones you will have to level up. 

Note: if among the children you notice that the health or damage is a little higher than the parents it means that it has obtained a useful mutation, if it is male then use it in the next matings, if it is female add it next to the mother and have her mate too because the children could (perhaps) also inherit this mutation, repeat the process every time you see the health or damage a little higher than the parents.

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6 hours ago, CervantesMor said:

hmmm... the strategy may be good but... the breeding you have to do first. Only the original points obtained by the Dino as soon as you tamed it will be passed on to breeding, all the points you add subsequently will not be passed on to your children. So if your Megatherio couple has 1000 life (without any added points) and then you add 50 points to them and make it reach 2000 (<-- example number only) and then you mate them, the children will be born with 1000 of life (which is the original stat as soon as Tamed), this applies to all stats. So the ideal is to find a male and one (or some) females who have respectively optimal Attack and Damage, mate them until a male and a female are born who have inherited all the best statistics of the first two, from this second couple (both should have both better health and damage than the first two, never use this pair and always keep it available to restart pairings when you need it) start having lots of children who will be the ones you will have to level up. 

Note: if among the children you notice that the health or damage is a little higher than the parents it means that it has obtained a useful mutation, if it is male then use it in the next matings, if it is female add it next to the mother and have her mate too because the children could (perhaps) also inherit this mutation, repeat the process every time you see the health or damage a little higher than the parents.

ahhh, okay I understand now!  Thank you for all your assistance!  You've been very helpful :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/8/2024 at 10:23 AM, RedResurrection said:

Ah, this makes sense.  So what I can do is keep leveling my current dinos to higher levels on the higher dino difficulties, as I noticed my dinos are definitely leveling faster fighting the higher level dinos.  Then once they are high enough level start breeding my best pair and raise those babies to higher level and then, lower the difficulty back down and do a wild dino wipe, then fight the boss?

If u keep playing on the higher difficulty just stop using ur old dinos they Will never catch up to the new ones. U can only lvl up 75 times after tame.

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On 5/6/2024 at 7:02 AM, RedResurrection said:

Hello all,

I really hate posting questions like this, but with the ASA version and variants of server types vs single player, information has been all over the place.

I am on Single Player ASA with no mods with default Ark settings, and want to fight the Gamma Broodmother.  I have the three artifacts for the fight.

When I watch videos or read on the forum about the fight, the information seems to be varying.

Do I really need level 200+ Megatheriums/Rexes to fight this boss?

My current highest level Dino is only level 72.  Most of my strongest dinos are in the 55-70 range.  The amount of time to level up these dinos that high seems astounding to me as I am 72 hours in so far.

I have Rexes, Carnos, Allos, Yutys, a Daeodon, and some pretty tanky Trikes currently.

Any insight, advice, tips, or first-hand experience would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Well ill gues it depends on the difficulty you play, what also determine the max level dinos you can find.
My max level is 150 and i recently did the alpha broodmother. i had 2 150 Megatherium (level 224 after taming) that ive used to breed my army. i went in with 16 Megatherium, all around level 250-260 after leveling them up, an daedon and yutu . I lost 5 or 6 megaterium and the daedon in the fight. and most of my dinos were close to death. On Gamma the fight should be more easy.
For bosses the most important stats are good health and damage.

The most common problem anyway is to find high level dinos, it took me hours of killing to find a good High level.
It seems like Wildcard messed arount with the spawn. even level 150 is max most dinos i found are in the 10-50 range and only very very few over 100 let alone 140-150.
Even with a mod that increase the chance off high level its still extrem hard to find 150.
And if you increased your difficult to hard and 150 is your max level, you shouldnt even try to do the Gamma Broodmother with your level 70, she wil anihilate you and your dinos.

In ASE weeven did the bosses with just tamed dinos since breeding was not a thing back then, but it was much more easy to find high level dinos in ASE then it is in ASA.


Edited by MADxHAWK
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