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Highlight stat mutuation qol


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How frustrating is it to look at your egg incubator and see that your baby dino has a stat mutation but then have to proceed to manually compare the stats to see which stat has received said mutation? I think it would be a fantastic QOL function to remedy this inconvenience by having the incubator itself identify the new mutation for you. 

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The problem is the mutation would then have to be tied to the stat and they aren’t.


once the stat is changed the mutation counter is completely separate from the stats themselves,  so there is no look back.


this is a problem that could be solved with mods.   They had over 5 years to make the change you are asking about.   It’s been asked for repeatedly over the last 5-6+ years.

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there's no problem in making this happen.  there are already mods that handle this, at least while still in an egg, or still gestating.  as such it wouldn't be difficult at all to add it to the base game, if they wanted to.  

part of me feels that with the release of ASA they may take several mods that are of a quality of life nature and incorporate them directly into the game.

another part of me feels they won't do that with any mods as their going to have officially approved mods and may leave those QoL changes there.

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The more you breed,  the more able you will be to figure out the mutations faster.

it’s not something that remains impossible to tell.  Plus we can export the Dino info on the pc version.  With that we can parse the information in ASB and tell right away what changed.  People can even take pictures from the other platforms and import the pictures to ASB and ASB can do the work to figure it out.


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OP, here is a simple trick to make spotting desired mutations easier - simply name your breeders after their key stats.  When you have a rex named 44 M showing up as the father, it is obvious that you are looking for a  46 melee egg. 

Now, it would be really nice to have a way of checking stat points on tames directly, especially when you are starting a breeding project.  Right now without mods you either have to use external calculators (like Ark Smart Breeder) or mate creatures a bunch and check eggs to work out the stats of your initial wild tames. (Well, single player you can use yellow admin gun, IIRC).  Maybe stat checking could be added to the magnifying glass, or a new item (microscope perhaps?) could be added.   

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@Dreadcthulhu - I think your suggestion is the most obvious solution with the least amount of effort needed from WC.   If not a magnifying glass modification, then just put the info window on the cryopods by giving a more detailed window option.


I used to just name them 44 35 20 20 40 54 23 , then that got confusing looking at 20 at once so i started going 44h35s20o20f40w54m23r ... then I ......

Edited by GrumpyBear
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