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Low to mid tier tames with basic abilities are great additions to the game too (such as maewing, stego, deinonychus, thyla, dire wolf, ravager, etc). It doesn't have to have insane abilities to be good and more importantly: useful. With that being said I realize a new creature will need a little something to be popular with the community, so here is my suggestion with what I think are good but not over the top traits that this suggestion could have. 
I think a Ceratosaurus with the following traits would a great addition to the game:
-It would of course have a regular bite attack
-Like Iguanadon, it would be able to run without draining stamina.
-Have a ram stun attack like Triceratops. The headbutt wouldn't need to have such a long wind up like the Triceratops and would also deal torpor, a decent amount. This ability should have a short cool down and would drain stamina.
-If a tamed Cerato lands the charge attack, for 30 seconds, deal increased damage. This would not stack, and could not reset the timer even if you were to land another during that time. 30 seconds at a time, essentially.
-Allow weapons to be used on the back. 
The main importance of this creature is that it would fill the niche roll that the Carno is meant to fill, but does not due to lack of utility. So make the saddle unlockable around the same level as the Carno. If the Cerato were to have a small vertical hop and a decent base weight stat, as well as be a relatively quick swimmer, there wouldn't be another dinosaur like it as far as transport and utility goes. I believe even late-game players would still enjoy and use a creature like this (though they may not need it anymore) due to it's superiority as a quick and diverse land mount. One comparison is the Thyla. Once you're late game, you don't really need to use the Thyla anymore, but because it is fun, quick, and easy to get around on, many late-game players still use the Thyla for basic transport for things like choring or seeking out new tames. 
As far as spawning goes, I think of the Therizino. Reason being, IRL due to Cerato not being the apex predator of the late N. American Jurassic and it being smaller than the Allosaurus and Torvosaurus, it is thought perhaps they didn't directly compete with the larger carnivores in the open plains hunting large prey often, but instead stuck to the foliage to avoid the larger carnivores and hunt smaller prey. When I think about Therizinos spawning (as far as official maps go), I think about the jungles on The Island or the jungle above Viking Bay on Rag. This densely packed foliage leads to the infamous surprise attack from the tickle chicken. I believe the Cerato would suit a similar spawn mechanic perfectly while also suiting biomes such as the redwoods and swamp, mirroring therizino spawns further. Solo spawn.
With taming, due to its own ability to deal torpor, it requires a proportionally large amount of tranq arrows or darts to knock out for its size. No head shots. 
Design wise, I believe the design in this popular dossier nails the look of the Ark dino design and would go in the game seamlessly. So creds to that guy. However, disregard this dossier's description. 
I know nothing about this suggestion is insane, but that's the point, it's not meant to be over the top. I know a lot of people who aren't into this game because of the dinos don't want another theropod. However, after the Yuty was added, the Cerato was the most requested dino for a long time. So I think it has a shot and deserves it. I believe this creature would prove to be useful, unlike the carno, and would be an early to mid-game tame comparable to thylas and baryonyx, which everyone loves.
Thank you.


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The Ceratosaurus would be a medium sized carnivore and would be a little bit taller then a carno. The Ceratosaurus can be found around the top of the map. Taming a Ceratosaurus can be a bit tricky tho. The way to tame a Ceratosaurus is to find one and get it to chase you on foot (no riding of creatures) let it chase you till it’s starts to tire and stops and pants for a few seconds. Run up to it while it is in this state and feed it rotten meat, that being its favorite food not counting any kibble and this will come back soon. The Ceratosaurus will then start chasing again and you must repeat the steps till done. Its taming effectiveness is effected by you ignoring and not getting to the Ceratosaurus in time before it becomes Aggro again. Now after taming it, there a few things it can do to help you. The first thing Ceratosaurus is able to do is have an infectious bite that can have a creatures sick or do more damage. The bite will not work tho if there is no rotten meat in its inventory tho. The Ceratosaurus second ability is a a thrashing charge. If you hold the left mouse button, instead of a normal bite it will go into a charge and rampage and start biting everything and destroying rocks, trees, and other things in its path. The creatures stam will drain fast but it will give you constant damage if hitting a target. It’s last ability is it’s sniff. When pressing c the cerato will sniff and then will show markers around your screen. The sniff can help you smell bombs, max level Dino’s, dead bodies, and rare resources. The controls for cerato are left mouse-bite, hold left mouse-thrashing charge, right mouse-Tail swipe, c-sniff. Now that we’re done with abilities let’s get into the saddle. The saddle would have a big axe like structure on the nose of the cerato so it can harvest wood and stone when in thrash. The saddle would also have you in a big metal cage and would prevent flyers grabbing you off your saddle, micro raptor and purlovia can’t throw you off your saddle, theri can’t damage you from your saddle anymore. Ceratosaurus overall would be a amazing introduction on ragnarok in my opinion and I hope you like my idea so good bye. (Never finished my drawing do it’s not done if you noticed)



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Nothing OP here. Low to mid tier tames with basic abilities are great additions to the game too (such as maewing, stego, deinonychus, thyla, dire wolf, ravager, etc). It doesn't have to have insane abilities to be good and more importantly: useful. With that being said I realize a new creature will need a little something to be popular with the community, so here is my suggestion with what I think are good, but not over the top, traits that this suggestion could have. 




I think a Ceratosaurus with the following traits would a great addition to the game:


-It would of course have a regular bite attack.


-Like Iguanadon, it would be able to run without draining stamina.


-Have a ram stun attack like Triceratops. The headbutt wouldn't need to have such a long wind up like the Triceratops and would also primarily deal torpor, a decent amount. This ability should have a short cool down and would drain stamina.


-If a tamed Cerato lands the charge attack, for 30 seconds, deal increased damage (dino and rider). This would not stack, and could not reset the timer even if you were to land another during that time. 30 seconds at a time after cool down, essentially.


-Allow weapons to be used on the back. 




The main importance of this creature is that it would fill the niche roll that the Carno is meant to fill, but because it useless, does not. So make the saddle unlockable around the same level as the Carno. It should also be around the same size as the Carno, maybe a tad smaller. If the Cerato were to have a small vertical hop and a decent base weight stat, as well as be a decent swimmer (some paleontologist argue fish were on their menu), there wouldn't be another dinosaur like it as far as transport and utility goes. I believe even late-game players would still enjoy and use a creature like this (though they may not need it anymore) due to it's superiority as a quick and diverse land mount. One comparison is the Thyla. Once you're late game, you don't really need to use the Thyla anymore, but because it is fun, quick, and easy to get around on, many late-game players still use the Thyla for basic transport for things like choring or seeking out new tames. 


As far as spawning goes, I think of the Therizino. Reason being, IRL due to Cerato not being the apex predator of the late N. American Jurassic and it being smaller than the Allosaurus and Torvosaurus, it is thought perhaps they didn't directly compete with the larger carnivores in the open plains hunting large prey often, but instead stuck to the foliage to avoid the larger carnivores and hunt smaller prey. When I think about Therizinos spawning, I think about the jungles on The Island or the jungle above Viking Bay on Rag. This densely packed foliage leads to the infamous surprise attack from the tickle chicken. I believe the Cerato would suit a similar spawn mechanic perfectly while also suiting biomes such as the redwoods and swamp, mirroring therizino spawns further. Solo spawn.


With taming, due to its own ability to deal torpor, it requires a proportionally large amount of tranq arrows or darts to knock out for its size. No head shots. 


Design wise, I believe the design in this popular dossier nails the look of the Ark dino design and would go in the game seamlessly. So creds to the original creator. However, disregard this dossier's description. 



I know nothing about this suggestion is insane, but that's the point, it's not meant to be over the top. I know a lot of people who aren't into this game because of the dinos don't want another theropod. However, after the Yuty was added, the Cerato was the most requested dino for a long time in years past, especially when the focus was still primarily on dinosaurs. So I think it has a shot and deserves it. I believe this creature would prove to be useful and would be an early to mid-game tame comparable to thylas and baryonyx, which everyone adores.


Thank you.


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download.jpg.33e95fc248b558eeb29e637af07bbb8e.jpgArk already suggested this creature and no one picked it because, well, a giant bat you can ride.

Credits to PhlippinPhil

But that doesn't matter! because i feel like the Ceratosaurs didn't get enough love and attention, and i feel like Ceratosaurs would of been an amazing mount and even known Ceratosaurus is small, but ark made the giga way to big. so why not add Ceratosaurus.


Credits to Kaprodonychus on steam

Ceratosaurus means 'Horned Lizard' The Dinosaur was given its name because it had a row of sharp horns on its head and a row of small bony pieces running along its back. Ceratosaurus was a carnivorous theropod dinosaur in the Late Jurassic period. The genus was first described in 1884 by American paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh based on a nearly complete skeleton discovered in Garden Park, Colorado, in rocks belonging to the Morrison Formation. 


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