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Can you guys make it so that dungeons have obstacles that are actually POSSIBLE to dodge? I die 9/10 times to UNFAIR obstacles compared to actual enemies. The swinging scythes and icicles combo, and the wall! The stuff is not possible to dodge! It takes the fun out of the game. It should be about beating enemies, not about going through obstacles praying you don’t die. Parkour is fine, at least it’s POSSIBLE. The other obstacles are literally just random chance and it isn’t even fair. I get you guys want to make dungeons hard, but make them so that it is up to skill and not chance! 

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The wall trap has a very simple pattern. It is very easy to avoid. It isn’t random at all. It helps if you have increased your movement speed. I know speed is kinda inmaterial at the beginning of the game but you MUST be fast on your feet if you want to consistently beat the dungeons. I run with 180% movement speed and I usually drink a chili before fights to make me run even faster. The Ice dungeon axe/spike trap is a little aggravating, I agree. But easy to do once you figure out the patterns. There are tons of videos on how to survive that trap. Personally, I prefer zooming out to 3dr person and running against the wall where I can better see where I’m standing. There is a video on that as well somewhere. It works well for me. 

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