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Hey just wondering, seems no where on the internet I can get any information, currently Playing on a single server (un dedicated host) and whilst breeding Raptors/etc, I get a imprinting timer that always seems to be longer than the baby-adult of the said Dino I am currently growing. I stopped playing for a couple of months, then now this new kibble/etc has come around, I seem to only ever get a 1 hour+ timer (so far on raptor/sheep/Terrorbird), not wanting to breed something bigger as I only seem to get 1 "imprint" timer, and breeding my level 200+ Rex's almost seems like I prob wont get 1 or more inprinting timers like we use to. Any idea why it seems to only be 1 imprint timer now instead of the usual "longer growing time/more imprints"? Or am I missing something. Thank you.

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both are set at 1.0, maturing and cuddle/imprint. But still only ever get a 1 hour timer, just bred another Terrorbird, its at the moment about 92% matured and about 8-9 mins before wants care, so guessing its either going to be very close or I won't get a imprint, should I turn the imprint (cuddle timer) down, then I'll at least get 1 imprint, but then the 2nd I'm getting will be either as its maturing, or just after meaning I won't get a 2nd imprint so say I turn it to 0.5, ill only get say 50% imprint, or turn it to 0.9 and I should get 90-100%?

Currently 97.5% matured and 4 mins 20 secs or something to go... not looking good (0% imprinted so far, and still the first and only time it wants a cuddle will be in 4 mins (with both set at 1.0 setting /Maturing and Cuddle)

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Ok so I have had to turn maturing to 0.1, then imprint then turn it back up, was 98.5% with still a few mins until cuddle, but it is a imprinted 100% Terrorbird, makes me feel like its kind of a cheat since with Default settings I never seem to even get to be able to even care before its a adult, but at least I can imprint now. Kind of making me think something is not right with the game since my single player/LAN is (or was on default settings) and still not being able to imprint, so until I work out why, i'll have to slow down the maturing just to be able to get a imprint =/ Also Thanks Dauntingbeef08 for your help ?

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1 hour ago, Kardainz said:

Ok so I have had to turn maturing to 0.1, then imprint then turn it back up, was 98.5% with still a few mins until cuddle, but it is a imprinted 100% Terrorbird, makes me feel like its kind of a cheat since with Default settings I never seem to even get to be able to even care before its a adult, but at least I can imprint now. Kind of making me think something is not right with the game since my single player/LAN is (or was on default settings) and still not being able to imprint, so until I work out why, i'll have to slow down the maturing just to be able to get a imprint =/ Also Thanks Dauntingbeef08 for your help ?

Sounds like you arent on default settings or that raptor would take a day. Im guessing you have singleplayer settings enabled? Might want to look what that entails

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