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Corrupted wyvern in extinction city


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This is an official cluster. Wildcard-WHAT DID YOU DO? Im not one to complain, all games have glitches and bugs but something is wrong!  So 5 hrs ago a 288 corrupted wyvern flew into the city, took 3 velonius, 2 owls and a 180 enforcer to take it down, thankfully it was stuck in a pillar. Ok, not too bad. 3 hrs ago, a 184 spawned in. Same area.added a turret.  Lost a velonius. Hurt badly. Still doable.  Not even 2 mins after killing it, a 308 corrupted wyvern spawned humid air right above out heads. 1800 rounds from a heavy turret, 200 rounds between an ascendant shotgun and sniper, lost an owl, lost the enforcer, 10 chain bolos, direct hits, no effect,and didn't do ANY damage to the thing? The respawn rate is absolutely insane right now in the wasteland. You didn't just make the map hard, this is impossible. FiX IT.  U don't have these kind of wyverns doing red drops in the wasteland. Something's wrong. It's almost like the spawn limit for server became non existent.

Corrupted have been encroaching on the entryways, but they should not be allowed in the santuary. We are finding them in the center of both the snow biome and the desert biome. Again, you need to have a safe haven for players, especially if you are not going to allow transfers of tamed/imprinted dinos. Or your not going to be able to keep players.

Our group.has been playing this game since it came to ps4, and we love the concept and have dealt with alot of wipes from other tribes. Don't start wiping people with the wild dinos like this. We have a good group of people on this server playing cuz we love the game. All helping each other and working together. Don't ruin the game for us all. 


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This is the side-effect of someone opening a red/legendary orbital drop. They spawn corrupted wyverns and if they don't get killed or people fail the drop they start swarming and hunting for players. The downside of players doing content that affects the map. They aren't too difficult to kill but requires some creative dino usage.

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We killed a 288 in the city, 2 mins later 184 spawned right over our heads did not fly in, we hadn't even left the kill spot. Left, prepared, killed the 184, and right above our heads before we left the kill spot, the 308 spawned, did not fly in.

So I would love to believe that theory, but find it very unlikely. The gacha cave is dead, there is nothing in it, not even wild gachas. Same thing the the desert biome, there is less then a 1/4 of the animals there now compared to what was there in (What is now yesterday) morning. 

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I haven't seen a Wyvern spawn in the city ever. They don't have spawn points there. They can wander in from the wastelands when pulled, but just spawning inside the city? I really question that. heck any corrupted creature I've seen in the city usually ends up there because it's chasing something else that decided to retreat to the city, be it a player or a wild creature.

And as pointed out in other topics, build turrets, plant species X or put velosaurs on turret mode inside a leash and you will take out anything approach you in a matter of seconds. As for being ambushed by one, creating flying inside the city will pretty much stuck any follower in the buildings.

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Im kind of lost on where we are with latest patches etc. Do the corrupted still destroy bases with ORP?

If not, then I really dont see the issue here. Its called Extinction for a reason and people need to learn to build structures in defendable areas and start designing their bases with defence in mind.

The only issue I had was with them being able to destroy bases with ORP as that was basically meaning you couldnt be offline or too long periods of time. I play PvE on official but we still have turrets, plant x etc and have up until i write this, not lost anything to the corrupted.

Yes it sucks that when OSDs arent completed the corrupted that spawn with it will roam and that other tribes have purposely kited corrupted to peoples bases etc but if the base was designed and defended better, people wouldnt have these issues.

Either take them out or kite them away.

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9 hours ago, BabyGirlcsa said:

Don't start wiping people with the wild dinos like this. 


You clearly never read the explorer notes. This was fore-shadowed in the notes.


Helena 27 Scorched earth

Wali has been much quieter since we found Rockwell. I guess she's just letting us catch up. However, she did say something interesting when we were recounting Nerva's ambitions for the Island.

"This place would never allow anyone to master it," she said, and when I asked her to explain, she told me that the great city to the southeast was destroyed by the obelisk itself.

Now it's just conjecture, but it's interesting to think about. Could the curators of these stations be monitoring human behavior and clipping its wings should the survivors ever band together and fly too close to the sun? If each station represents a different group in a larger experiment, "resetting" human progress would make a lot of sense.

It's a bit grim though, isn't it? Yikes

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I play ps4 on server 994 and this has made the game unplayable. Yes I agree that people should build their bases with defense in mind but this is too much. Our neighbors have been playing non stop since release, they had level 250plus Velos, set up as turrets.... lots of them. Fifteen to twenty. Didn’t even last the first of the five wyverns we have had to deal with today alone. Our other neighbors were just wiped completely out and they were a bunch of kids. It was the saddest thing I’ve ever seen! These guys and us are all putting in hard work just to have it destroyed in front of us. With wildcards track record... I doubt this will ever be fixed. I am never buying another product from wildcard and I regret giving ark a second chance with extinction the devs should be ashamed.

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