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Everything posted by Thomas180990

  1. We have been offline for 15 hours now server 343 pve official
  2. How do we transfer back off genesis say back onto abberation ? I am solo with only 1 character so would love to be able to have a run around , unlock some engrams and go back to my base ?
  3. So many complaints , you have all got a date to wait for which most of you wanted for the past few months . I have around 4k hours across 3 platforms and understand many of you do too . I share the same frustrations and inconvenience as you all but to keep kicking off and throwing all this negativity is pointless. Despite the shoddy and inconsistent development team ark is still the best game I have ever played , it could be better but we all want better with most things in life . Give it a rest people it's boring, if the game and developers frustrate you that much play something else , chill .
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