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  1. new user- first post- I don't believe you at all. Most of us aren't hateful or ungrateful and where is the tons of free content? ohhh you mean the reskinned repurposed dinos we've gotten over the years and a few skins? Oh wait you mean the free maps? that other people made as mods and were able to become official? .. yeah they didn't make them they just appropriated them. You do not speak for me, or many that I know. You sound like a poorly written form letter for a paid advertisement. Have a great day 😁
  2. For the HOPE of a greater experience? we all know how this will go though. They are EXPERIMENTING with ASA to TRY and work out the kinks for Ark2. they literally said this. SO it's one GIGANTIC experiment and you hope it will be a greater experience? You really don't know Snail or WC very well at all to think that.
  3. Sadly since they won't be updating SE after June, the save file won't do us very much good. how often do things break in Ark? (often) and with no updates the private servers won't last very long. We have had one in the past. Plus, not even going to mention single player since it just doesn't have the same vibe or other people. As much as I will miss our dinos.. the save file is more like a snapshot of what was. And will never be again.
  4. None of us have heard a single peep from the officials behind this. I doubt your plea will yield any better results than the rest of us. Can dream though.
  5. well that's awesome if there is only 1 other family member. won't help the rest of us tho and the initial OP did say they had 3 people. so.. like I said. Not that it matters this is all going to 💩 anyway.
  6. what good would that do if they want to play say.. together? which my family does. Family sharing doesn't cover that.
  7. this is so much more than just a delay--- closing ark official for a new improved version they're charging us for. we all expected ark 2 delay it's WC. But the rest is BS.
  8. I was going to just like this post, however it seems I have reached my max on that for the day. This is quite a nice idea. If indeed this dumpster fire of an announcement is in fact true,an Evo like this would be a good idea for those that stick around that long.
  9. I agree! I've been looking at the announcement since it dropped, and hoping against hope there was a very bad, poor taste april fool in there but it is just all so so wrong, I can't find anything to joke about in it. We all knew ark 2 would be delayed since it's WC they don't know how to drop anything on time. The rest is just 💩. New shiny servers and massive improvements -- great and it's 50$ plus 40$ for the dlc's AGAIN prettier but the same content. 4 people in my extended family/household play ark at this moment. There is NO WAY-- we are paying again for the same maps etc all over again just nope. I'll bandage my 18k hours and go on my way to another game. I'll miss my dinos and all of the work we put into years of our lives.. ( not interested in single player ). But we will not be among those that just gobble it up and forget all that has happened.
  10. here we go AGAIN! Gen2 959 was dead. new server came up after a bit. and what? it's doing the same exact crappy performance it was. stuttering, and crashing every few minutes so what was the point? We literally can't even stay in long enough to fill the troughs or anything this is so stupid. (report the server, report the server, does NO good at all, at this point they KNOW it sucks. 💩 Just fire the techs and get more rodents to power the wheels even a dead one at this point can't be worse.
  11. Our main Gen2 server has been stuttering and crashing daily, 8+ times a day for a long time. Now it says it's DEAD. There isn't a replacement server listed and nothing in the way of a notice when or why etc.. ( nothing new there with WC But COME ON! missed the event pretty much completely because of this. And now no idea when the server will even be back! *edit* new 959 has been populated finally.
  12. NA Island 341 has been down for 40+ hours! in the middle of the LAST Easter event you're running. And I see so very many other servers on here people are reporting down for days and WC is silent and no fixes. Wait... that's the norm. WC doesn't give a 💩 about us after we give them our money. So again NO I WON'T BUY ARK2. why tf would I? Absolutely horrible response time to issues beyond the community's ability to fix ourselves. Just deplorable behavior from a game company. I love the game in so many ways but I really hate how the company handles support. To be clear I don't expect any resolution except eventually you guys will buy new rodents to run the wheels. or potatoes to generate a little juice. But for the love of all things Ark, pls do it soon., ffs.
  13. another dino that has a weapon which is totally useless in pve normally besides the niche applications. didn't play lost isle and at this rate won't play fjordur either. First map I didn't experience firsthand, on release since we started. 💩
  14. It's def not just you, I have randomly gotten this since the event, it randomly pops up crashes my game and goes away again for a week or two.( all files verified and up to date. it's not that)
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