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zeroBurnAcidCool last won the day on November 19 2018

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  1. If this is unofficial great, if this is official, you capped yet? LUL
  2. Someone loan me their T1 information for a few minutes me love you long time?!
  3. Posted 22 hours ago ? Pre-came ? giggity. Or just unhidden from public until now?
  4. More here folks: 1st time using this gallery thing.
  5. zeroBurnAcidCool

    iron rex & pyramid

    more here: https://survivetheark.com/index.php?/forums/topic/364518-iron-rex/&tab=comments#comment-2105538
  6. Hello, @Cad Love the work, ran into what i think is a small issue. TLDR, small gripe to select remaining best male in the library list with alt color if needed? so instead of green orange or yellow or sky blue? something to indicate worthy male. ran into something else about the top stats organization: shouldn't that be the rex ratio's? yes we can change things ourselves but some people might be breeding bad batches otherwise. ^ By this list you can see Females are the only selected breed worth while to use, shouldn't 1 male be considered in the library list? Before i got 1 tame that altered the entire list, i was killing off whatever became obsolete but that would leave me with no males to breed with. (Decided to go with one of the suggested males in the breeding plan.) However the issue i bring up is if i didn't check that these were all female i would have no males and be stuck (till i managed to find one suitable enough) as many of the ladies obtained some amazing stat points this is nearly impossible. (I tried the only 2 points left are the dreaded HP and DMG (mut/bonus/tames) that almost never come around.(I'd need above 47...GL me.) Just a thoughtful critique if it counts at all, I could just be careful luckily i caught it, anywho feel free to ignore if its not worth the time to address. Edit: Just want to add i could be totally wrong and i am fine with that learning whats what with breeding...
  7. HA i got this thread mixed up with another about favorite tames, ops, was early and just woke up. But yea based on the image alone i know i don't like them and i called in the corrupted set and seen that in the game and dislike that so 2 strikes means i won' t like whatever these things will look like, that is all i am saying. The img was a mistake meant for another thread.
  8. single player? they used to be guess they noticed i tamed a few and pulled the fun plug Edit:Added pic: its dead eye at the back, only pic i got
  9. So you just totally ignored the obelisks, implants and thought this was not going to be a robotic -sci-fi game somehow? The piece in the arm was the FIRST thing you saw starting the game it was always sci-fi.... Edit: Cant delete so i'll add i dislike the look of the corrupted things, i saw the nearly full corrupted set already and i was like nope doesn't look good to me, idk what could've been done, kind of reminds me a very little bit of venom type of style going on, but it just looks very busy. I do not know what exactly would've been better about it, it just seems off to me and i really, really, hope these corrupted rex's(dinos) aren't the would be top species ever.
  10. 1 person since JUNE 19 has like this post. Did a staff member like this? Doesn't tell you anything does it, its great new dlc, no room for any of this on your servers, perhaps this is why there is only ONE person that like the post.
  11. Solving meat issues: (some what) Okay so someone said something worth while about the meat run issues, eat the ocean. (That is great but I've only ever been in the ocean max of 2 days out of my 3000+ hours since early beta/alpha) I'd make a new effort however the ocean land is taken or pillared so if i went to the ocean to tame i'd have to leave them somewhere to not be eat. Great we got meat, probably not much but its something, spawn more fish ^ near the beach areas would be great for land owners with no sea base. Edit here: Add more meat barring animals, the pig (forget the name) spawn a lot more of these for land meat, instead of bronto's (less lag). Berry issues:(idea) 5+ floors of garden plots, the issue is can't build on top of each-other which means more of the map will be taken up, my idea would be to make an all glass garden with more than 1 floor that actually works to increase berry production, the ability to use my Stego (A Tame) to harvest my berry garden would be great and quick. ^There is the food solved, you have to allow for the ability to use the garden panels pass through as if they are not being blocked. ^ less building space, lag issue solved for the most part. Land claiming: (idea)(expandable fence)(much like how the dino's grow now) A Dome cage fence structure (see image) people like to show off their tames this gives them that opportunity and the world becomes their floor so less structures better base building(for structures and not dinos), same fence can be used to breed, fence can get bigger or is 1 size that would fit the size of an allowed amount of space to be taken up by any tribe.(WC's, decision on length, width) Only certain objects can be built within the cage, ACs come to mind and troughs since these are needed to feed and breed. Perhaps some turret options for pvp, pve on top if creatures break a section off and enter the area. (...Issues are your spawn of wilds usually even enter bases...so that would be a YOU issue...) Once the fence is placed to put tames in you can no longer build outside (a wide are of your choosing, WC.) Maybe add an option to put a fence on a fence for more room if they hit their limits or reach a neighboring building (vicinity). Tame cap is obvious, you know what you have to do. Additional idea, since you are launching these new server ideas implement ^ these changes into a server cluster see how it goes if people love the idea stick it into officials and S+. THEN anyone claiming more land adding pillars outside of their areas can be reported and banned where needed. What bothers me about sharing the ideas i have is i am not getting paid for this and you profit from it. makes sense? but i see that people at the company are having troubles and these are my attempts at alleviating these troubles so i can enjoy a game i payed for and planned to play indefinitely. Thots?
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