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Everything posted by EvilChaosDX

  1. Hmm? You think they're done with the game all of a sudden?
  2. I'm guessing you've not bothered to read that this thread is about SOTF not survival evolved. Completely different things. I know it's not on playstation and you have Sony to thank for that.
  3. Your statement makes no sense. How have you been "waiting longer"? Surely we've all been waiting the same amount of time.
  4. EvilChaosDX

    The Titanic

    Thanks for posting this! But aren't tranqs a form of narcotic? What I get from the dossier is that it can probably only be used once it's out cold. But only time will tell! Look forward to this giant.
  5. EvilChaosDX

    Surf's Up!!!

    Completely agree. Who on earth thought of this terrible design? Please tell me there's a reason because this just isn't pretty.
  6. EvilChaosDX

    The Titanic

    Not sure to be honest, check out its dossier in the announcement section. 2nd page in. Sorry can't post link as this website/forum is bugged.
  7. EvilChaosDX

    The Titanic

    Pretty sure you can't tranq it. I believe they mentioned it will need some massive head trauma or something like that.
  8. No only one the xbox one and ps4. But ps4 has to wait for full release. The xbox one isn't powerful enough as it is.
  9. I know it's difficult for you guys being so busy developing the game and all but would of liked to of seen more Q+A's. Shame my question wasn't on there as I'd really like to know if we'll ever be able to play split screen on my own dedicated server. Feeling slightly limited again Oh well I guess.. keep up the good work and no haven't had any time to explore the caves yet as us xbox folk are waiting patiently (well some of us) look forward to trying to explore without being slaughtered.
  10. U+1F43E? Look like that to anyone? Long shot I know...
  11. I wonder who will be first to work it out. If any can would be somewhat impressive.
  12. See all you guys think it's code. I think Jat has finally lost it and become one of the creatures on ark and this is the only way he now knows how to communicate. Come back to us Jat!
  13. In the next patch. Check patch notes more often sometimes has a lot of detail. (ETA 7th April)
  14. Even though I can't say anything rude to you I would as you don't have a clue. Not important? How can a group of players that made the company an absolute ton of money not be important? Stop being so self entitled and be glad the game works at all! As we've all agreed that it may not even turn on!
  15. I have no official idea but I could imagine it had something to do with porting it over quickly, paying for the release and would take time to get through Microsofts QA process. Full release I believe we'll start seeing these things. But until then we can just enjoy the game we've got.
  16. Really? Why is that his mistake? Maybe like myself people with xbox's have friends round and play multiplayer games together.
  17. I know it's a bit painful, but you've got it on pc anyways right?
  18. Can't wait. Hurry up Looks great
  19. You'll both have to play inverted or normal unfortunately. I'm assuming you play on inverted though.
  20. Well no. That clearly states that it's on their test server. If you're bored move to a different server with an alpha tribe or two on it and then try building back to the top. Or is that boring as well?
  21. I found this announcement very very under whelming. You hear about a huge announcement to then find out its not even relevant to the platform you play on. Or is it even relevant to the actual game. Would have been happier with a digest.
  22. Wow great prizes to come for great work! I'd love to see some of your guys creations on xbox.
  23. I don't know what it is. All I know is I want one! Or a small army of them
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