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EvilChaosDX last won the day on May 1 2016

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    Evil Chaos DX

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  1. Yes you did it all for free and im guessing for the community as you enjoy ark. Now you didn't win a "contest" and say to the people that love your mod that they won't get any more because wildcard don't support you like they do. It's just an opinion of mine which you can take however you like. But for the best of the people that have supported your good work (I've seen some great images!) Saying that you won't do any more because you "lost" is a massive kick in the teeth for them. Basically all I'm getting at is: please don't take it out on the people that love your hard work just because WC doesn't seem to as much. They may not comment about it, but they really do appreciate your time and effort that's gone into your mod(s) and makes the game better for how they like to play. Don't get me wrong if I had a pc this would definitely be a mod for me as the armour and styles look great! And fit the game perfectly.
  2. The markers will be around the entire area, not like individual trees and things. You need to relocate everything basically. So basically you're taking it out on your supporters? Not that I play pc or anything but I don't have much respect for someone that acts like that. Just my opinion though, so why should you care.
  3. I believe they are only supposed to be going onto the pc for Wednesday. Few comments above yours people have spoken about it. But always keep an eye on the first post of this thread to stay up to date Well done for being ahead of the pack!
  4. That a stupid question to ask then. The patch tells you what is expected and released, it is as simple as that. "This will come in an optional public beta update later this week!: - Epic 4K Texture Deployment (all textures at source resolution)! Better texture pool utilization at all Texture setting levels" I know what I'm talking about, but do you know how to read?
  5. Check the pc patch notes that will tell you what to expect.
  6. That is true, I believe I read it in a digest a while ago. We just don't have them yet
  7. Now I just feel silly Cheers for the answer though
  8. I'm a little bit confused by the borders. Surely anything outside the red is safe, so what is the need of the green borders? Wouldn't they be directly attached to the red borders? Which they don't seem to be in your images. Anyone able to clear this up?
  9. It was announced for summer time around August. Out of interest why do you care about the servers if you play on a dedicated/ non dedicated?
  10. They've told you that there is a risk of rocks, trees etc spawning on top of your dinos or base and that if this does happen it will destroy them. Move valuables away for the update.
  11. It doesn't take too long to make a bed though.
  12. I'm pretty sure the person you've quoted had posted that before it was even confirmed that the hidden lake wasn't going to get changed. It was definitely before the new map was posted.
  13. Oh.. they only have to move if they're in the redwood forest area, everywhere else (biome change wise) is optional with a slight risk. A lot of people won't have to move at all. I know what you mean, we can only wait and see what the devs do at full release time.
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