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Jaywall last won the day on August 9 2016

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  1. Whatever happened to adding mods to console. We've only gotten one and it was a nice start, but.... Feels like we could be doing so much more.
  2. Interesting that they required it in order to get it on Sonys console, business is an odd thing isn't it. Sorry it caused you guys some backlash. But I'm glad you cleared things up
  3. I think you mean for others "not" to have it, and yes it does make it less fun. To get the Rex skin I had to complete every Dino dossier and I spent a good amount of time doing that, especially with a glitchy game it was very difficult but fun task and I accomplished it. Added more gameplay.
  4. I don't think the exclusive Rex skin was a good move either, pretty lame really, I honestly wish PC players had it, doesn't make my game any less fun if they do have access to it.
  5. We are the reason your game is even as ready as it is, because of our feedback. If you were truly a good community member, you'd see that while getting skins is cool, it's pretty lame that the people who've risen the game up don't get thin, maybe think about the whole community instead of just ps4 ??
  6. Lol I could barely afford an Xbox one living on my own when they first came out, but if you can conveniently Purchase and play ark on 3 systems then I see why you can't understand how this bothers some people. Doesn't make it a good move on wildcats part. "Hey ps4 players, sorry Sony won't let us give you the game yet, here's some exclusive skins we worked on that the Xbox and PC community paid for."
  7. No it really doesn't, because it's Sonys fault that you couldn't play, if you haven't played ark yet, most ps4 only users haven't helped contribute to ark at all. They are entitled to equal content as should the rest of us.
  8. We are the reason your game is even as ready as it is, because of our feedback. If you were truly a good community member, you'd see that while getting skins is cool, it's pretty lame that the people who've risen the game up don't get thin, maybe think about the whole community instead of just ps4 ??
  9. Also you guys teased this giga skin a while back, thanks for that though, ps4 only, good call Wildcard.
  10. Hey lets reward all the Xbox and PC players who helped make the game what it is, you know, all the people that bought scorched earth, lets reward then by giving PlayStation players exclusive cosmetics ? Jesus people just give Xbox PC and ps4 all the goodies so you don't piss people off is it really that hard.
  11. Nice! But seriously I saw like 20 questions asking if we could get a toggle button for first and third person on Xbox, we really need that please would make going through forests with large dinos much less blinding. All I see is leaves haha.
  12. Thanks mate, it wouldn't be so dissapointing if they just told us we weren't getting it. But on the day of to learn otherwise is simply disheartening, no matter how much understanding I have..
  13. Wait... Xbox is having the event delayed or just isn't getting it AT ALL?!
  14. @GamerPerfection will items and skins be admin spawn able after the event? In case we can't get everything while its out?
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