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Posts posted by MirageUK

  1. My application doesn't really "control" your ARK server - it has some basic RCON commands to help do some things based on the data it can read and parse from the last save game file.

    The main purpose was to provide a visual representation of what was available in the save game data but it can also be used to export this data as json files for use in your own application but EVERYTHING is READ ONLY. 

    Assuming you're using the visual interface - ArkViewer.exe - what part of setting up the FTP server are you having problems with?

    On the Configuration / Settings Page:


    Tabs are the wrong way as the "Save" button is only enabled once you select your .gz or .ark save game from the server so to save RCON details I would enter them first:


    Then you just need to enter your FTP connection details, credentials etc. hit Connect and select your .ark or .gz file from the ftp server browser:


    If only using ASVExport.exe I'll have to look up the syntax again but I don't belive I built in FTP abilities to that app and it only works with locally available save game data.  If you wanted to you could probably write some script to download the latest files and then run ASVExport if this is what you require.

  2. 2 hours ago, artyadmin said:

    Good morning  MirageUK, I am a fan of your work, and I would like to implement it on my ASE server, but I can't understand how to achieve the connection, and I would really appreciate it if you could make a video explaining it or a guide, please. Sorry if it's too much work but you would really help me a lot.

    What "connection" are you referring to? - presumably FTP?

    .. and how are you wanting to use the app?  As the viewer or just to export data to json for use elsewhere?

    Just so I have some idea of what it is you're actually attempting to achieve and are currently struggling with.

  3. 6 hours ago, GodOfNoiseMods said:

    It looks like the "Mating" and "Wandering" are switched or is it just me ? :) 

    i have dung beatles on wander but in Ark Save Viewer it says its Mating 

    and the cretures that are on Mating Says they are Wandering 

    Nope - you're not alone.  I noticed it myself a few weeks ago and have a fix in the current development code. 

    Just struggling to work out the explorer note stuff before putting together a release.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Just a quick FYI - the next release comes with breaking changes for those that use the output of my json exports and may need to adjust any other programs / apps you use.

    Instead of the file just being a list of whatever you have chosen to export it will now be included as a "data" property of the newly added main object - which will contain the map name, in-game day and in-game time information. 

    After reviewing how I would handle this for @pleinx it made sense to include it in each output file so it's easy to identify the map the export came from in each case.


    	"map": "ScorchedEarth_WP",
    	"day": 307,
    	"time": "17:30",
    	"data": [
    			//...... normal / previous export list data  ......


    • Thanks 1
  5. 49 minutes ago, pleinx said:

    Thanks a lot 🙂 Sad but intressting where they store the other ingormation.
    Would be still create to have the have the current dayOfTime in some JSON

    Leave it with me.  Might be a couple days before I get a new release out as trying to cover everything you guys have raised or requested.

    • Already fixed the loads when .arkprofile doesn't contain all expected data.
    • Re-worked window minimum sizes and resizing to allow them to be seen better (hopefully) on scaled resolutions.
    • Loading of Oasisaur pool inventory resources.
    • Loading of Training Dummy equipped items.
    • Fixed player tab copy/console commands not populating with selected player data.

    Still investigating addition of your server day / time of day and the various "Implant Data" requested by @Altairhalo - Player engrams and emotes already displayed in the Player view - I just forgot about that myself :) 

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, pleinx said:

    I know, thats what i mentioned. You need to set the scale in your windows so something like 100-200% until you can see the "save" button. Or pressing TAB + TAB + ENTER (if you focused the window)

    I should really look into resolving this for you high resolution users with scaling.  I've never had capability of more than 1080 on any monitor I have owned so hard to test such things and work out how to fix it properly.

  7. 23 hours ago, Altairhalo said:

    I was able to get my test server to work but no other servers yet. BUt while i was in it i could not see the boss fights completed on the implant, or notes collected or any of that. 

    I can see some information in .arkprofile data that could be parsed and used for some of this:

    • PerMapExplorerNoteUnlocks
    • PerMapNamedExplorerNoteUnlocks
    • EmoteUnlocks
    • PlayerState_EngramBlueprints
    • NumChibiLevelUpsData
    • AscensionData (Boss Fights)

    Would have to work out how best to represent it on the UI and include in any json exports.

    ... edit ...

    @pleinx - Did some digging and this amused me... hacky "theDayNumberToMakeSerializationWork" - seems to be the actual day number we're looking for in your request.  Nothing on the server other than name and map name.


    • Like 1
  8. @HPTD1 - I've downloaded a copy of that profile - will investigate over the weekend. Thank you.

    @Elgar - Never really used the training dummy so not noticed. I'll check what's required to populate the equipped items this weekend.

    @Altairhalo - What implant data? Sorry if I missed something. Not been on all week so trying to catch up now.

    @BoRGaMeS - Thanks for reporting.  I'll check through the commands and get the ones that don't work fixed.

    @pleinx - Not sure how much of that information is available.  Certainly the in-game day, maybe time of day - not sure there will be anything about weather or server version though.  You could check by starting a sandstorm and immediately saving it then restarting the server to see if the sandstorm has persisted etc.

    If I've missed anything or anybody else please feel free to remind me :)

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, HPTD1 said:


    moin. yes, I'm loading the file via FTP. in old ASE I never had a problem with that so far.
    Testing it with and a local copy it worked.
    Is that a problem of the tool? its weird that after years the FTP connection now makes problems.

    Edit: the downloaded .ark file was the exact same byte size, but still failed to open
    Edit2: opening the .ark file that was copied by the FTP option via the "Savegame file" option works. so the downloaded file is not damaged/incomplete, the FTP option itself is somehow unable to read the downloaded file correctly. I'm also noticing that the FTP option downloads all .arkprofile and arktribe files as well and puts it in the same folder with the .ark file. Is there something weird with that?

    me and my co-admins use the tool independently, but not everyone has direct access to the server, so its necessary that each one of us can download the save files like the FTP option does.

    .arktribe / .arkprofile files have data in them not part of the main save.  Sounds like it might be struggling to read something there. 

    As you have already mentioned, FTP mode downloads .ark, .arktribe and .arkprofile data to be read in.  File mode only uses data already on disk - so if no .arktribe/.arkprofile it would only read .ark save.

    If you can provide the full folder that FTP mode downloads (.ark, .arktribe and .arkprofile) I can investigate further.  Once again thouigh it's that time of day I have to start the day job so won't be able to do anythning on this now til I finish at 16:30 BST.

  10. now available.


    • Fixed display of Mating / Wandering on tamed tab data.  This was incorrectly showing the value of the other - so Mating was displaying the value of Wandering and vice versa
    • Added Player and Item Id search options to Item Search tab.
    • Added Item Id to end of item search result data grid.
    • Fixed "AddMutations" console command.
    • Re-introduced "SpawnExactDino" console command.
    • Improved accuracy of lat/lon calculations for The Center (Ascended).
    • Like 3
  11. 4 hours ago, Elgar said:

    Hi Mirage,

    One of my players had an issue with a dino she lost. I instantly thought, "no worries, with ASV I will be able to spawn the exact same dino to replace it, even with its mutations". But I was surprised to discover that, in the "Tamed Creatures" tab, I don't get anymore the SpawnExactDino command in the drop-down list when I select a dino.

    Also, the AddMutations command is still there, but it does nothing, only AddMutations is copied to clipboard without any argument.

    Am I missing something ?

    Nope - but sounds like I did when I re-wrote the copy/rcon command stuff a couple builds ago.

    I'l investigate and hopefuly come up with a fix.



    Might take me a little longer - SpawnExactDino uses blueprintpath - and I've not updated or included the ASA versions in any creaturemap.json data yet.


    .. edit 2..

    Got the SpawnExactDino and AddMutation commands working again. Just working on some additional requested filters for the Item Search tab before I do a new release.

    • Thanks 1
  12. @HPTD1 - how are you attempting to load this data?

    Is it an FTP issue where you're not always getting the full file maybe?  

    When using your data provided but as a "Savegame File" everything appears to load without issue:



    I'm about to start work and won't be available again until at least 15:30 BST but feel free to add me on discord to chat further if needed.  cybermirageuk / 335840963257827329

  13.     {
          "MapName": "The Center (Ascended)",
          "Filename": "thecenter_wp.ark",
          "ImageFile": "map_grid.png",
          "LatShift": 32.5,
          "LatDiv": 10375,
          "LonShift": 50.5,
          "LonDiv": 10375

    Add to your maps.json to enable basic support for The Center.  I will put it into a release when a resource / explorer map is made available.

    Might need tweaking a little but it's close enough for now:


    ... and at 32.5 / 50.5 its a little ironic that the center of The Center.. is not THE CENTER of the map.

    • Thanks 2
  14. 17 hours ago, steakwhistle said:

    I'm wondering if i'm missing it, but do you know if ASV supports identifying Ocean Loot Crates / Deep Sea Loot crates as they exist within the save file?

    The dinoforecast went over so well, now im being asked about a daily report on the current loot spawns but i cant find that stat anywhere.

    Loot crates don't appear to persist with game save and are spawned at runtime only afaik (like Bee hives) - with the exception of artifact crates which do appear to be saved with the game data - possibly to stop people restarting to get more artifacts without having to leave a cave?

  15. now available.


    • Addition of input request screen for copy/rcon commands. @Elgar
    • Addition of output screen for RCON responses.
    • Made copy/rcon list json based for easier future extensibility / support.
    • Updated some of the 3rd party libraries to later versions.
    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  16. 15 minutes ago, Elgar said:

    Sorry, I didn't notice that SaveWorld was already there !

    About ListPlayers, I'm dumb, of course it would need a way to show the response. It may be difficult to implement, so don't worry. I thought about this command initially because, unfortunately, ASA doesn't allow to see players connected, either with Nitrado interface or with websites like BattleMetrics. In this respect, it is different from ASE which allowed to see connected players.

    A Broadcast and/or ServerChat command will be enough to send a "GET OUT !" message to all players on the server. 😄

    Leave it with me. I'll see what I can do after I finish work.

    I'll try and do the full implementation including user input and a response window but it'll take me a couple hours as I want to make it all json based so can easily amend or add to it later.


    Something like this for each tab:

        "name": "tamed",
        "commands": [
                "text": "",
                "params": [],
                "inputs": []

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, Elgar said:

    I see that if I select a player in ASV, there is the ServerChatToPlayer command in the drop-down list, and there is the green Play button for RCON, but I don't understand where I can enter the message, if I can.

    Most of the commands in the lists were originally added with the intention of being used as copy/paste and you fill out the appropriate details in-game using the copied command.

    I'll review how I can handle additional input requirements when using RCON play button for a new release.

    Out of interest are there any commands not yet included that you might want to add?

  18. 6 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:

    Another question:

    Would it be possible to edit the stat points / mutation counters of tamed dinos in the future?

    Or do you know a tool which already does this? Some kind of savegame editor to change melee from 38 to 40 for example?

    ASV will never be able to write back out to save game data and is purposefully read-only.  I don't want to be responsible for breaking peoples hard work and progression by potentially corrupting the saved data.

    You could use commands to spawn in the creature and stats you want but that can't be used to edit existing tames as far as I'm aware:  https://arkutils.netlify.app/tools/spawnexact

    • Like 1
  19. 19 minutes ago, Altairhalo said:

    Here is a folder of a map that does not work. i was unable to add the files here as i hit to many limits.

    Before I spend time investigating further - this isn't a "storage map" is it?  - where you have no wild spawns? 

    It loads without issue for me - showing tames, structures etc. but no wilds.

  20. 7 hours ago, Altairhalo said:

    When ever i try to load an Island map, it says that it fails to load, but it does seem to work for the Scorched Earth map.

    update the Test SE server i have up was fine and loaded in the ASV no issues, any The Island map has not worked, as well as the Scorched Earth main map on the cluster.

    Can't debug without a backup of your save.  It works fine for all my local saves.

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