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Everything posted by MirageUK

  1. now available to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17ez4UcGEb_2Z7jhR_V5WzFvL-_JqiQJS/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases Fixes Possible fix to read in files "in use by another process". More fixes for content failed to load (invalid reference for Painting Component that doesn't exist) @pleinx Support for FTP over TLS @sTv Removed dangerous "DestroyALL" command from wild command list. Added more appropraite "DestroyWildDinoClasses" to wild command list. Added "AddMutations" to tame command list. @Elgar
  2. For wild creature locations in-game we used to be able use multiple S+ Tek Transmitters with the dino scan feature on ASE. I don't believe it did anything but wilds though.
  3. Will be fixed in next release. I needed to call .AutoConnect() and not the manual .Connect() method. Once I changed this it successfully connected to the test server you provided.
  4. You tried just setting ASV to use FTP instead of SFTP? The ftp library I use apparently supports FTP over SSL/TLS and I can't see anything obvious I need to code for it to work but if you have a test server I can use I'll see what I can find.
  5. My ventures into trying to learn Unreal Engine didn't get very far so I can't currently see any possibility of creating this to work as an in-game MOD unfortunately.
  6. @ElgarIf you can link me a source with some info I'll get it added to ASV for you. ..edit.. Found it, added to Tamed copy/rcon command dropdown in next release of ASV. Will create a chained command for multiple mutations: AddMutations 0 1|AddMutations 1 2|AddMutations 3 1..... etc
  7. now available for download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KWn_wu9uMDbtw8UDFqTI7vFxyVvktwUw/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases/ Features New Svartalfheim map and co-ordinate calculations for ASA. @Gouje Fixes Tribe last active now also uses timestamp of the .arktribe file when calculating the last active date/time of each tribe. @MroczneZakamarki Fixed content failed to load when inventory components are referenced but no component can be found. @pleinx Added explicit locking hints to try and prevent "File in use by another process." when reading ASA game data. @Gouje, @Neazan Donations As usual donate if you like but don't ever feel you have to - ASV is and always will be free and open source: https://ko-fi.com/mirageuk
  8. Which version of Svartalfheim? I haven't purchased the premium version so have yet to do any mapping/verfication of that map.
  9. I might see if it allows me to copy the file when it's in use rather than trying to open it directly - if this works it could be a possible workaround/solution to the problem you are having. I mainly use it in FTP mode for our server so it always downloads a copy rather than accessing the files that the server might have in use.
  10. Should work with ASA save so long as you have access to the .ark save file, .arktribe and .arkprofile data.
  11. Nope, looks like the normal Rhynios are not spawning but have 237 smaller variants of the "Love Bug".
  12. now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14qeLszCBKII5e2iobTmaeJoo5ott38CB/view?usp=drive_link https://github.com/miragedmuk/ASV/releases Changes Fix to continue loading content if a player profile file does not contain the appropriate information to identify. @pleinx Fixed co-ordinates for The Island (ASA) since the latest update. Also fixed the map image to align to the new calculated co-ords. Added settings option for Ark Viewer to enable/disable auto-load of last saved map on startup. Work in progress Cryo tame saddle/costume data. Possibly add support for the "Premium" mod map Svartalfheim. It's not a map I'm likely to be playing for many months yet though so we'll see. Information Tree sap taps no longer appear to save an "inventory" unless that tap has been accessed and left with "some" items remaining. This means I can't list the inventory of these anymore as all there is available when fully emptied is "LastGaveSapTime" and another timer of when it was last "increased". Guessing the game uses these times to calculate the sap amount when the tap inventory is accessed in-game.
  13. Spent some time looking for flying beavers - unfortunately it seems only their homes float in the air. 50/50 bug strikes again.
  14. Seems the changed the co-ords in the latest patch too. To fix it for now edit your maps.json file - altering to use 6850 instead of 8000 for Lat/LonDiv { "MapName": "The Island (Ascended)", "Filename": "theisland_wp.ark", "ImageFile": "map_theisland_wp.jpg", "LatShift": 50.0, "LatDiv": 6850.0, "LonShift": 50.0, "LonDiv": 6850.0 } I will update it in the next release.
  15. available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r3pjA2LD-PD3FWfv6sJ_jWtOPZC_Zchx/view?usp=drive_link Fix Just a quick fix to read the save after latest update to Ark Ascended. Still working on why the inventories are not consistently being picked up but been busy playing again so not had much time but it is on my list.
  16. Returned to the death water cave this morning before work on my Rhynio to find it massively over-spawned again. Thankfully got out of the water rapid before they glitched and stopped me moving but decided to do a DestroyWildDinos and take advantage of the time I had with empty ponds to place down a few stone pillars. Fingers crossed this prevents so many spawning and we can do the cave genuinely. Although I can get in there on Rhynio and collect notes/some drops it's impossible to get to artifact with that last pond so full of nasties backed by alphas. Will see what it looks like this evening after work but out of curiosity I did GCM into the "hard" east cave and found it to be reasonable and more than likely do-able with Basilos and Megs. I think WC just got sick of people referring to the West as "easy underwater" - it definitely is not that anymore. ... edit ... Guess pillars did nothing to help. This is what awaits me this evening: .. 2 alpha sharks, a cave mosa and approx 130 sharks to back them all up.
  17. Had an adventure to the "easy" underwater cave. My friend and I both on imprinted decent level Basilos (1k melee, 35-45k hp). We were screwed by an overspawn - must have been hundreds of sharks in there, mate boosted and supported by a minimum of 4 alphas all in first open room. Both dead, basilos dead, gear lost!! ARK'd!!!!!
  18. Interstingly when I put your server save into single player - hunt for a bee hive in game visually then save - ASV actually then shows both wild Giant Queen Bee and the Bee Hives. They must not persist on multiplayer saves or it would seem ASV does pick them up?
  19. now available. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tj1oQrS3y_Ywi-tC6FsePV7Fcx-e9ctL/view?usp=drive_link Fixes DinoId was incorrectly parsed for ASA. Now matches in-game ID displayed on screen. Added "tamedServer" and "uploadedServer" to tames json export. @Vertyco Added "maturation" to tames json export. @pleinx Fixes for content failed to load. @Elgar & @pleinx Saddles were not listed in tame inventory when that tame did not have anything else in the inventory too. @Elgar @PyscoKillah - ASVBot.exe. Very basic. I'll try put together a "how to" at some point.
  20. Hivs / Wild bees - still been unable to find them in the save game data so not sure if/how they persist between restarts if they do. Oddly they do seem to appear on mod maps - ie. Svartalfheim
  21. Backup please @pleinx - Thats different error to what @Elgar is experiencing and I have a fix for.
  22. I'm always up for more data to investigate. Cryo'd creatures won't show any saddle data currently as I have still to parse it but I'm pretty sure non-podded creatures should be returned in the item search.
  23. Apologies guys I've not been well this week so haven't had chance to do any investigation or make any further updates. Feeling much better today so hopefully have time to get back on ASV this weekend. @PyscoKillah - I know FTP used the "name" but seems RCON uses IP address. Give that a go - works for my friends server who is also hosted with Nitrado.
  24. Sure - hopefully have some time shortly to investigate. Just a bit busy breeding in-game atm getting our sea cave mounts ready
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